Title: Remember Me
Written By: iluvaqt
Disclaimer: as per default chapter.
Deleted Scenes
Walking through the forest
Ø Banter cut because it detracted from the confrontational scene.
Jack pushed Sekhmet ahead, and she stumbled. He was about to help her up and then decided against it. He gave her a little more slack, and waited for Daniel to catch up.
"So, Dr. Jackson, how's your aim?"
"Sorry?" Daniel said as he jogged a little to catch up. Something along the way had momentarily distracted him and he'd fallen behind.
"Do you know how to use that thing?" Jack said indicating to the MP-5. "I'd hate to think I was on my own here."
"I have had some weapons training, Jack," Daniel said with a hint of annoyance.
"Good," Jack said coming over to him. "Then just remember to take the safety off." He pointed to the little catch.
"Right," Daniel muttered.
Ø These scenes were cut because in the second revision, Jack was badly injured in the escape and was kept in the Infirmary. It didn't fit the final plot.
Corridor outside the Infirmary
"Jack do you really think that's a good idea?" Kawalsky said putting a restraining hand on his arm.
"I just want to know she's okay," he said, trying to shake his friend off unsuccessfully. Jack gave him an exasperated look. "All right, why not?"
"Think about it, Jack. You're not supposed to be here. Twice, she's had to deal with the fact you were never coming back. Do really want her to go through that again?"
Jack thought about that for a moment, and stood back from the door. Without a word, he left them. Letting Daniel go in alone.
Kawalsky watched Jack disappear around the corner and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Jack."
Room P4F6-54, Personnel Quarters
Jack opened the door and closed it behind him, for a moment he stood there in the dark and just brooded over his delimma. He wasn't wanted here, and he had no idea how to get home. Call it an impossible situation.
Sob, sniff, snort
Despite being slightly surprised that his privacy had been invaded, Jack had to resist a chuckle. Someone was hiding out in his room and sulking. Switching on the lamp, he found the culprit.
"Katie?" he called gently. The little girl was curled on his bunk, her face buried in the pillow. He sat down on the end of the bed and touched her arm. "Katie?" he said again.
Without saying a word, Katie sat up and crawled into his lap. Jack didn't know what to say. He stiffened. Why was she so comfortable with him? Feeling her melt into his chest, his arms moved of their own accord and wound themselves around her small frame.
For a while he just held her as she sobbed into him. When she stopped, he looked down to find her staring up at him. Her eyes and cheeks were shiny and wet with tears. "Don't go, Daddy."
Jack felt tears spring into his eyes. That lump that he thought had disappeared returned with a vengeance. All he could too was hug her tighter to keep his composure from falling apart. Rocking her, he leaned his cheek into her hair. She smelled of apple blossom. Her soft curls tickled the rough skin of his cheek. A tear escaped the corner of his eye. What he wouldn't give to believe she could be his.
I don't know if I'm meant to be a part of this world, but I'd like to give it a go." Holding his hand out to Sam, he said, "Hi I'm General Jonathan O'Neill of the S.G.C, but you can call me Jack."Ø Deleted from the Infirmary scene. Jack admits he wants to stay.
Sam managed a small smile and brushed away her tears. "Dr. Samantha Carter of the S.G.A. All my friends call me, Sam."
"Sam. Hrmmm, I think I could work with that," Jack replied with an encouraging smile.
The Briefing Room, S.G.C.
Ø Deleted because a third reality-warp sequence wasn't needed.
Gilmor entered carrying a pile of briefs. "These are from…"
The room and everyone in it, seemed to morph and when the shift stopped, Daniel looked at Carter strangely.
"Is it just me, or did something weird just happen?" Daniel said with a raised eyebrow Teal'c looked at Gilmor, then at Daniel and said nothing.
"Colonel?" Daniel directed to the man seated next to him.
"If you're referring to the break the General's suddenly sprung on us, then by all means, I'm as surprised as you are." Colonel Kawalsky shrugged and shot a bemused look at his friend across the table. "Sam?" he queried.
Having the Kawalsky and Teal'c in the same reality wasn't the only thing that had changed. Sam had changed too. Her hair wasn't short. And instead of her usual military outfit, she was wearing a crème knit sweater and black skirt.
"I called spoke to him this morning, and he said he wasn't coming in," she replied without batting an eyelid at her friend's non-too-subtle hint.
"Oh come on," Kawalsky snorted. "He didn't give you just a little more than that?"
"Since when is the General's personal life, any of your- our concern?" Carter corrected. The blush of her cheeks told Kawalsky all he needed to know.
So they were taking a step in that direction. Good for them. He gave Sam a wolfish grin and turned his attention back to Gilmor. The young woman still had a lot of loosening up to do. The whole conversation, he assumed, had gone straight over her head.
"Ah-hrm…as I was saying," Gilmor continued. "Colonel Kawalsky is the ranking officer and will take command during General O'Neill's short leave of absence. And just for the record, Colonel, the Briefing Room isn't the forum for the General's private life. Now, if you'll excuse me, the floor's all yours."
As Gilmor left the room, Kawalsky rolled his eyes behind her back and mock saluted. Earning a snort from Daniel. Teal'c didn't respond in kind, but Kawalsky did notice the hint of a grin tugging at the corners of the Jaffa's mouth. Carter, on the other hand, just pushed up her sleeves and ignored them all. She didn't share in their fun at the younger woman's expense.
"So where were we? Oh, yes, mission to P3X-595. Daniel?"
"Thank you, Charlie. As you may remember, our last trip to Serapis…"
Jack's apartment, later in the day
Sam sat on the kitchen bench, watching Jack at work in the kitchen.
"They were asking about you at work," she said picking up a wedge of tomato and putting it in her mouth.
"What about?" Jack asked lightly.
"Where you were? If I'd seen you? Trying to get something juicy, I guess," she replied between chews. "Kawalsky's goes too far sometimes. I think it makes Teal'c uncomfortable. He's used to order and respect."
Jack stopped what he was doing and turned to her. "What did you say?"
"Which part? Kawalsky being…"
"Teal'c?" Jack asked with a frown.
"Oh, Kawalsky was giving Tara Gilmor a hard time, and I don't think Teal'c was too impressed."
"Right," Jack answered slightly confused.
If Teal'c was in this reality too, just where was he now? Last he recalled, Teal'c shot and killed his alternate reality self. And Tara Gilmor only joined the Stargate program after General Hammond was transferred to the Pentagon. That hadn't even happened in this reality, or was he just remembering wrong.
End of Deleted Scenes