Discalimer: Refer to earlier chapters.

Puppy Love

Chapter 3

Front Page Missery

"Sorry professor but I'm really late to a dentention and Snape is going to kill me! I better come up with a really good excuse," she said as Lupin helped her up.Then he laughed. Catty loved it when he laughed, it made her feel like there was nothing wrong and everything was perfect. But that wasn't the case.

"Catty, I'd be happy to escort you to your detention," "Really? Thanks professor," "Catty please, call me Remus. I'm not that fond of 'professor'," Catty smiled.

As they walked to the dungeons they talked. Catty really felt that whenever they talked that the conversation actually went somewhere. "So, uhh.. we're suppose to get a full moon tommorow night. I love when a full moon comes. Everything seems to be covered in it's beauty," Catty said to Lupin. "Yes indeed, as long as I take my wolfsbane I can enjoy the moon as much as everyone else." Lupin replied with a chuckle.

" Prof...Remus, why did you want to come back and teach?" Lupin smiled, "I enjoyed our time together when you guys were in your 3rd year, in fact; I enjoyed it so much I decided to come back." "Cool," Catty said. Deep down, Catty was really glad that he came back. She remembered that in her 3rd year she had a little crush on Proffesor Lupin. Now that she was 16, she didn't know what could become of this little crush.

"By the way Catty, how's your family?" Catty suddenly forgot what she was thinking about and turned to look at Lupin. "My family? Oh, they're doing great. My mom came back from the hospital a few days ago. I didn't know how I lived without her, she's everything to me. But I only got to see her for like, a few hours...'cause I had to catch the train. " Lupin smiled, "Your dad?" Catty bit her lip, "He's great just...great."

Lupin nodded his head at that response. She always talks of her dad in that tone, I wonder if something is wrong. "Ahh, here we are, Serverus's room. Now goodluck with your detention. Don't get too bored." Catty smiled again, "Thanks pro...Remus." Catty opened the door.

"Miss Watson!!!" Oh oh. "Your late!!!" "Uhh," Catty looked back at Remus as he stepped in. "Sorry Serverus, I met Miss Watson in the hall, I started to talk to her, that's why she's so late, my apoligies." Catty looked back at Snape. He seemed as if he was going to explode. "Very well, Miss Watson you will have to clean all the cauldrons by hand, and when you're done with that you clean this whole dungeon 'till it sparkles so much that my eyes hurt from it's shine." Snape seemed ever so glad after giving her her assignment.

"Yes proffesor," She waved good-bye to Remus as she said in her mind, don't leave.


Cock-a-doodle-doo!!! Catty quickly turned off the alarm. "Sigh, my arms are killing me! I think they might fall off." Catty looked over at Hermione, who was snoring. Catty smirked. "Wake up!" she yelled as she threw a pillow at her. When the pillow hit her she bolted up so fast Catty didn't even see her rise.

Catty wiggled her fingers at Hermione as she jumped out of her bed laughing. Hermione chased after her with a pillow. When they finally got to breakfast her and Hermione were aking from all the pillows hitting them. Catty sat down in between Harry and Hermione. "Mornin' Harry," Harry rubbed his eyes, "Gooob Morming Cabby," Catty laughed, "You sound tired," "Yeah, that party last night lasted too long if you ask me," Ron replied. Hermione rolled her eyes, "You guys are so dumb," Catty smiled and grabbed a piece of toast.

Just then owls started to fly into the Great Hall. "Mail's here!" Hermione said as she looked around for her owl. Catty's owl dropped her issue of the Daily Prophet on her lap. "Thanks," She opened it up and read the front headline.

"Oh my god. You guys... I think I'm gonna have...have.... to catch up with you." And with that Catty thrw her toast on the table and ran out of the Great Hall. "What's her problem?" Ron asked.

"This," Hermione said as she pointed to the front page. Ron looked at Hermione and Harry picked up his head from the table.

A/N: Cliff hangers, don't you hate 'em? But maybe if I get some reveiws I'll tell ya what happens!