DISCLAIMER: J.K. Rowling has control of all her characters. Except Catty.

Puppy Love
Chapter 1

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Catty rolled in her sleep. Cock-a-doodle-doo! "No, five more minutes!" she said in her sleep. COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!! "Ahhhh!!!" she screamed as she fell of her bed.

"Ow! Okay, note to self-never buy a rooster alarm clock (with speacial crowing features) from a deaf merchant!" she told her self as she rubbed her head. As she got up she noticed that the room was empty. "Hermione? Ginny? Anyone?" No one was in the room. The girls dorms was completely empty.

"Great. Just great. Does this mean if late to class?" Catty told her self. She glanced at her clock. "9:45!?! Holy Merlin! Im late!" As Catty got ready she mumbled something about getting Hermione and Ginny back for not waking her up. She grabbed her bag and her favorite picture.

The picture was of her and Catty's parents, Matthew and Samantha Watson. The picture was Catty's dream. Her dream of a happy, beautiful, smiling family. Her dad was a handsome man. He had rich, dark chocolate brown hair-which Catty had inherited from him. Her mom on the other hand han long flowing blonde locks. They always seemed to shine in the sunlight. Although Catty didn't get her mom's hair, she got her eyes. Catty thanked god that she got her mom's eyes. They were emerald green and were always sparkling. This family may have seemed like the perfect family. But there was a darker side. Her dad wasn't always cheerful and nice. (Catty's dad in the picture hugs her and her mom.)

When Catty turned 15 she started hanging at friend's parties. Catty didn't smoke, she would never smoke. But her friends did. Whenever Catty got home her dad would smell the smoke fumes on Catty and accuse her of smoking. Of course Catty objected. But her dad thought otherwise. He would tell her that smoking is a watse and that all it does is kill, and Catty would tell him she knew that. Her dad would yell, "Don't back sass me!" Then he would hit her. He gave her like, 5 bruises. Catty rubbed a bruise on her arm, it hurt like hell. That bruise was from that one incident. Her mom would yell at him, telling him to stop. He would calm down and Catty would retreat to her room.

Catty just wished her dad was a normal, nice, and not an abusive father. Catty sighed and pocketed the photo. "Better get to class, crap! I got POTIONS!" and with that, Catty sprinted out of the Gryffindor common room.

A/N: Give it some time, the mushy love things and exciting stuff will soon come. The next chappie will be longer, I promise OK people, I need 3 reveiws to continue. Come on people! Step up!