disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. In my own little world in my psyche, maybe. But not in real life.

A/N: Fear not, this is not discontinued! XD I am merely going to update this about once a month... Why? Because I'm not that into Naruto anymore, but I WILL keep writing this, even if it kills me! o.O;; Maybe not if it kills me, but you get the picture. I am dedicated to keep this going! I just hope I keep the characters IC...

Anyways, enjoy chapter 4! XD



Sakura trembled slightly under the harsh glare that she was receiving from a dark haired young man. She didn't think that he would get so upset over the little bit of information she had just told him.

"Sakura, why the fuck didn't you tell me about this once you came out of the Hokage's office!" Sasuke barked. "Do you know what my brother could be doing to Naruto right now! Who knows what the hell him and his screwed up organization want with him!" He had the biggest erge to put his hands to his head and start pulling his hair out. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because we knew you would act like this."

The young Uchiha spun around at the new voice he heard, and looked directly up into the stern face of Tsunade. The blonde woman looked a lot older compared to when Sasuke had met with her a few days ago. The usually soft set lines on her face were now digging right into her skin. Her eyes were red and slightly puffy, as if she had been crying.

"Hokage-sama..." Sasuke muttered. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper."

Tsunade frowned. "It's not me who you should be apologizing to." She walked past him, and Kakashi, who had been lingering back in the shadows, emerged and put his hand onto Sasuke's shoulder.

"Sasuke," he said. "We will find Naruto. We'll organize search teams to cover the whole country. We will find him."

The dark haired nin pushed the offending hand off his shoulder and his brow creased in anger. "I could go now. If I know my brother, he's already taken Naruto out of the country." Tsunade looked about ready to protest before Sasuke cut her off. "I want to be the one to do it. I want this to be the final battle with Itachi." He looked Tsunade straight in the eyes. "And... I love Naruto..."

Sakura gasped out loud. She had barely caught that last thing that Sasuke had said. She had always suspected that he had a thing for the blonde, but for him to flat out say that he loved him? It was a great thing.

"S...Sasuke-kun..." she mumbled.

Tsunade smirked; she could have guessed. It didn't take a mind reader to figure out that Sasuke had feelings for Naruto. But they had other things to worry about.

Kakashi had smiled knowingly. Sasuke is learning that hate isn't the only feeling that he can have.

Turning about slowly, Tsunade looked Sasuke straight in the face. "You love him?" she asked the teen. Sasuke straightened up and nodded. She smiled. "Then go bring him home."

Grim look upon his face, Sasuke took off running out of the room.


Tan skin was sprawled helplessly upon black satin sheets, many minor cuts and bruises forming. Uzumaki Naruto's bare chest heaved up and down as if breathing were a burden that he'd rather not have. He lay flat on his back, sheets barely managing to touch his slender legs. The black satin had been pushed downward in the most recent activities of the bed.

Blue eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, never blinking, never moving from one spot on the blank surface. Silent tears made their way down his face, slightly distorting the whisker-like markings on his cheeks.

No coherent thoughts traveled through Naruto's head for the longest time. He simply laid there, willing everything in his body to shut down and let him die. He had just been violated and ripped apart in the most inhuman way. Slowly, the blonde turned over to his side and curled up in on himself, still silently wishing that he could drop dead right there.

A light smirk covered the pale face of Itachi as he walked down one of the many long corridors in the Akatsuki headquarters. He was on his way to a meeting with the leader of the feared organization. As were, he assumed, all of the others.

He had barely finished with his little blonde kitsune when a tentive yet insistent banging had come to his door. The dark haired man gotten up, thoroughly angry by this point, and hauled the door open, demanding what the hell was so important. A small messenger woman had nearly squeaked at the empty, malicious tone in his voice, and had half hidden her face behind her small clipboard. She had fully squeaked as she got a good look at him; he stood there, pants, shirt and cloak abandoned on the floor behind him, a slight whimpering coming from the darkened room.

She had then shakily told him that there would be a meeting in the main room for all top Akatsuki members. Itachi had frowned and then slammed the door in her face, not even dignifying her with a response.

As he had gotten dressed, he gave his Naruto a small lick on the cheek, and the boy had nearly cried. Itachi had smirked at this; the boy had been so easy to break and subdue to his will. It seemed almost insane.

Or maybe it was just him. He had taken the one thing that could have broken him so brutally. Itachi had taken his very innocence.

The boy had bled as well. He couldn't wait long enough to prepare him, so he let the boy's blood become the lubrication. He had screamed for him to stop but that only served to excite the dark man more.

Itachi, now fully dressed, entered the large dark main hall and paused for a moment to see where everyone was. He found them all gathered to the front of the room, torches lighting along the sides of the chamber. Everyone was silent as he walked up to join the group, and continued to be silent as a tall, sinister looking man strode in from the very front.

The man was tall, almost abnormally so, and had long flame red hair. His eyes were barely any more than slits in his head, but through them you could see that his eyes held no remorse for any of the horrible things he had done to get to the place of power that he was in now. His hollow eyed scanned the small crowd before beginning to speak.

"I have called you all here today to welcome a new member."

A new member? Itachi considered the fact. It all depends if he's useful... This could be interesting.

The leader continued to speak. "He is ruthless and he is a killing machine. He may be a little young, but this should not hinder your respect for him. Come introduce yourself, boy." He motioned his hand to a dark corner behind him, from which a hooded figure emerged.

Itachi eyed the figure wearily; he didn't look all that big. Although neither was he, himself, the boy looked hardly taller than his little blonde kitsune. Although with that hood on, it was slightly hard to tell.

The boy made his way slowly to the front of the room, his hood brushing along his black sandaled feet. His head was bent forward, shadows covering his face. He stopped as he stood next to the leader and paused. He got a good look around at the whole group, movement hesitating at the raven haired man for a split second, before bringing both hands up to remove his hood.

No one in all of the nine people watching him moved as his face was revealed. Keeping his head still slightly bowed, blood red hair blocking his vision a bit, the boy looked at each one of them. Then he spoke, putting his head upright, making himself a little taller.

"I am... Gaara," he said. His cold green eyes were still skimming over all of the new faces, taking them all in and storing them to his memory. The 'ai' kanji on his forehead seemed to almost glow as he continued to speak. "Gaara of the Desert."


A small sigh came from the pale pink lips of Uchiha Itachi as he entered his chambers, rubbing at his temple slightly. He could feel a headache coming on.

Tonight he was supposed to test out the drug the good doctor had given him. If it didn't work as he said it would, he would have to go back and kill him, so no information of the failed experiment would leak out.

The dark haired man sat down on his bed and looked over to the snoozing naked Naruto, who was only slightly covered by the black sheets. Itachi's eyes lit up hungrily, and he extended his hand out to lightly stroke at his face, running the backs of his fingers down the smooth skin.

As quick as a whip, his hand suddenly turned itself around and slapped the boy across the face. The blonde woke with a start.

"What!" he cried, holding a hand to his burning cheek. He looked Itachi straight in the eyes, cowering in fear.

The Uchiha glowered at the look. His lips curled in a snarl. "Get up," he said threateningly. "And find your cloths. We're going out."

Naruto looked surprised. "O-out?" He continued to look dumbly at the dark man until Itachi got fed up and picked his pants up off the floor, throwing them and the unexpecting boy. Naruto slowly and tentively moved to the side of the bed, and stood up. He winced; it hurt to move. Wincing again, he lifted his leg to start putting his pants on.

All the while his blonde kitsune was dressing himself, Itachi had pulled a syringe out of one of the pockets in his cloak, and a bottle out of another. He filled up the syringe with the yellow liquid. He quickly pocketed the bottle again and turned to face Naruto. The boy was in the middle of trying to put his orange jacket on over his black t-shirt. Itachi walked over and put his hand over the blonde's.

"Don't wear the jacket. It'll be much harder to give you this." He held up the thin cylinder in the other hand.

Naruto's bottom lip trembled and his eyes widened. He was pulled against the dark man and he closed his eyes, wishing that it was all a dream, a terrible dream, and that he would wake up soon, and wake up to a smiling, loving Sasuke looking directly at him.

But, alas, it was not to be, for all Naruto felt was a slight prick in the side of his neck.

And then he felt nothing.


Breaths coming out in short, uneven jolts, Uchiha Sasuke paused for a moment to take a small rest. He was crouched on the ground, sweat glistening his skin. He could see the small clouds that his breathing produced.

But he couldn't stop now; he had been traveling all day long, and he was determined to keep going all through the night.

One of his eyes twitched with fatigue, but he wouldn't stop. He couldn't. He had to get his blonde love back, no matter what the cost. His eyes narrowed as he thought of what his bastard brother was doing to his precious person.

"I will kill you Itachi..." he mumbled. "I will not let you continue to make my life a living hell..."




A/N: Please R+R! It would be much appreciated, and I'll try to send you all Gaara plushies! (must note that I say try)

Heh heh...

Cookie? (hands out cookies)