Crystal: Konnichiwa! Welcome to my story, or an excuse for one! I apologize in advance for any OOCness or suckiness...I'm not the best writer ever. n.n;

Inuyasha: You better not screw me up...

Crystal: o.o Meep! (Hides.)

Prologue n. An introduction or introductory chapter, as to a novel.


"Let's go, Inuyasha," Kagome said softly, gazing at the purple jewel in her outstretched palm. The round of final good-byes had been spoken, and it was time for Kagome and Inuyasha to take their leave.

The hanyou sighed as she closed her hand over the Shikon no Tama, almost as if it signified closing her hand over his dream for the past centuries. But he was giving it up willingly, for something he wanted more – Kagome.

Kagome pulled herself over the edge of the well, stopping to give Inuyasha a prompting nod and an extended arm.

"I'm coming," he said, taking the offered hand, and sitting next to her on the rim of the old well. "Ready?" Kagome nodded. Together they jumped, dropping down the well with increasing speed. This is it. I'm going to become human.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion from there. A blue light appeared, ready to envelop them, ready to take them to Kagome's world. But instead, it slowly closed in and began to disappear, much to the Kagome and Inuyasha's dismay. The light soon vanished completely, just in time to let Kagome through. Inuyasha was then whipped back with a powerful force, crashing hard into the side of the well.

"Kagome..." was the last thing he was able to voice before his world faded to black.


Crystal: I know it's's supposed to be! It's a prologue! xD Anyway, I'll write more soon...if anyone wants me to. -.-;