To my wonderful reviewers! Yes, it has been awhile, hasn't it? I wanted to let you all know that I truly do appreciate everyone who took the time to read this and/or review. You are all magnificent, and I absolutely love the positive feedback I have received from this. To show my gratitude, I have decided to take the time to respond to your wonderful reviews!

Dawson Girl- Awesome story. I luv it. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you! Unfortunately, there are no more chapters, though I am glad that you enjoyed it.

Girls Lie Too- This is beautiful, it truely is. It brought tears to my eyes by the end of it, and it takes a truely gifted writer to bring tears to this girl's eyes. This showed a lot of feeling and emotion. You're right, the musicians of the Titanic are so often overlooked, so it was nice to find a little appreciation for them. I really hope you win your contest, you fully deserve to win first prize with flying colors! I can't tell you how happy I was reading your review! My intention was to strike that cord of emotions, and it flattered me to hear that I had succeeded. I have always been fascinated in the musician on the ocean liner, and what better way to show my admiration than to write a story about them? I got second place in the contest! I was quite happy about that- a little surprised as well. Thank you so much again!

FordTruckGirl4TA: Dear Lord. That was wonderful. . . just gorgeous. Beautifully writtenthe dialogue, the description, everything. It read well, flowed nicely, and it didn't feel rushed at all. Good luck with that contestyou would definitely have my vote! blushes and beams hugely I am so relieved to hear that it did flow well and wasn't rushed. I was a little worried that the lengthy descriptions would be too tedious and tiresome, but I'm glad to hear that wasn't the case! Thank you so much for your kind words and you vote! lol

Cheerfulwriter: This was really beautiful and moved me deeply. I am a violinist myself and found the story about the musicians of Titanic a subject that is very often overlooked. I hope you write more Titanic fan fiction in the near future. Once again, a beautiful work. Beautiful narrative.. :) You are a violinist? I have so much respect for you and them, because I know it must be a challenging and involved instrument to take up. I am not a musician at all and I was worried I would make some errors due to my lack of knowledge on the subject. I hope everything was portrayed correctly? I have actually been considering writing another Titanic piece, but my muse has not really decided to agree with me on this issue. Who knows? Perhaps I'll be inspired again. For now I have been working on a few non-fan fictional pieces, but really want to dabble back into the addicting world of FF. Damn that muse of mine, lol.

Rainey's Cuz: Hello:

OMG your story was so beautiful. It really was. I've never read a story where the protagonist dies or something this sad and yet, happy at the same time. Great job dark-of-stars (didn't want to put your real name on here) and I can't wait until you write another story!


Briea! I was so happy-surprised to get a review from you! Yes, it was sad. As Rainey says, depressing fics seem to be my specialty. She has the humor, I have the overall angst. Go figure. I'm glad it was still happy while being sad at the end. I really did want to create that sense of tragedy, yet at the same time, peace for the narrator at the end, and I'm glad that I succeeded in doing that. Thanks, again!

shiroryu of the moon: This was so beautiful

I swear, your way with words really makes it seem like the reader is on the Titanic, watching this musician as his sad tale unfolds. This story stays with you. It's haunting. But in a good way. I loved it and recommend it to anyway with a soul. Much love

Shiroryu of the Moon

Ah, here is my partner in crime. Thank you so much for reviewing, though it really should be me pouring out my admiration for you! Without you, I never would have gotten this done. Thank you so much for everything- believing in me, forcing me to finish this, encouraging me, reviewing, continuing to be a constant support… You are my absolute hero!

Elisa- Stik mourns: Greetings! Rarely do I read anything that has burrows in my mind and forbids me to forget. This story is one of those rarities. As a former musician, I was instantly intrigued by your premise of telling of a well documented historical event from a musician's prespective. It was very refreshing, and truth be told it was a lot more fascinating than many other fictional writings (sure beats the movie!). Reading through it, I didn't really see much in the way of spelling/grammatical errors, and I admire how you weren't afraid of making the story a little lengthy. You took your time in developing the story, and it paid off. I especially liked this line:

Yet, somehow, my false assurances did naught to ease the sinking feeling that I had.

That was amusing considering the event!

Overall, this is a splendid work that I will be recommending to everyone I know.


"A lot more fascinating than many other fictional writings (sure beats the movie)…" I think you give me far too much praise! lol Your words made me positively beam from ear to ear! I actually was petrified to make the story so long (I've never done well with the short narratives) because the contest I entered this for had a very strict 15-page limit. However, I knew that for this to be portrayed accurately and for the theme, events, and emotional value to be just right I had to cover all the areas necessary. (I had to shrink the font for it to fit the page limit, but it worked!) I really couldn't bear to cut anything. I did have to cut one scene, but that was due to the flow and not out of trying to shorten the work. I'm glad you caught the pun! Part of me groaned at it, but I just couldn't resist slipping it in. Thank you so much again!

Jo Raven: I liked it.

It was very,very,good and beautiful. Thank you! Beautiful seems to be a reoccurring word, and I am very flattered that it is considered such! Thanks so much!

Thanks again, everyone! And thanks to the lurkers out there who don't review but still take the time to read this! I'll update this page if I receive any more reviews. For now, however, I'm afraid I must be off before my ego completely inflates my head.