Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan and am not accociated with it in anyway. This is only for fun and produces no profit and is not intened to do such.
Gossamer Thread
by Daggerpoint
Peter had avoided the country manor since the morning he had left Wendy, at her request. He could not bear to see what her monster of a husband had done to her. Instead he frequented the Darling family windows, hoping to gain news of his love. There was precious little said about Wendy. The little he could glean from what was said, Peter found Wendy's husband had managed to seclude her from her family, and each time they had been able to see her she seemed to be a mere shadow of herself.
When he was unable to stand the gnawing at his heart as he listen to the stories of Wendy's captivity any longer, Peter Pan would return to Neverland. It however was not how it was meant to be. Parts of the land were always dark and stormy, more treacherous then they had every been, even in the years that Peter had separated himself from Wendy. This was not the only change that had occurred in Neverland. The pirates had died out or vanished, no one was quite sure which, but peace was reigned. Some things however did not change. The mermaids still swam. The Indians lived as they always had. The jungle flourished, and there were new Lost boys. But even this could not be identical to how it had been. Peter Pan still lead the Lost Boys on adventures, for children, just living is an adventure. However for ever adventure they had Peter spent a portion of time in Wendy's world and a portion of time on his own.
At times being around others became too much for him to bare, and then Peter retreated to a quiet grove near the sea, but soon even solitude became oppressive. Desperate he began to imagine, imagine having Wendy for his own, forever. This pretend held Peter's heart, and as he pretended he began to turn parts of his dream into reality. In the grove, Pan built a modest house, beautifully natural and modern as best as the two elements could mesh. This house Peter built for Wendy, taking great pains with all of the details. The living room and dinning room over looked the sea, the kitchen faced the glade as did a small guest chamber, and their bedroom however was far grander. Peter had built the house in three stories, the third being a square room similar to an oversized copula. This room was as Peter imagined the bed chamber for him and Wendy, and it over looked the entire clearing and the sea. This room received the most of Peter's attention. He had built exquisite furnishings for the bedroom, imagining Wendy's reaction to each, gentle curve or intricate carving.
Soon however Peter found he could no longer pretend that one day Wendy would be back. At this time Peter knew that he must return Wendy to Neverland. Despite all his efforts he knew that he was dieing with out her, and with him so was Neverland. Unable to resist, a year and a week since he had last seen her, Peter Pan set off to find his Wendy.
He had returned sooner then expected. Wendy sighed as she began applying make up to the few visible bruises Richard had left. His deal had fallen though, and he was in one of the foulest moods she had ever seen. She finished with the concealing make-up. He had probably made use of at least one brothel in the city. She felt no jealousy at the thought. Wendy couldn't help but feel sorry for which ever girl he had used. They after all would have to be similar. Both forced to accept the cruel man, most likely trapped in a life in which they did not live in, but merely survived. Her lips curved in a slight smile. Oh how Richard would beat her if he heard her thoughts. He wife, Lady Darle, comparing herself to a common whore. The smile faded just a soon as it appeared. That was all she was, to Richard, his personal whore. Wendy gave herself a last, quick glance in the mirror. Yes, none of the bruises showed. Yes, she was dressed completely. Most importantly, yes, her dress was appropriate. She stood smoothing the skirts. It was time to leave. Richard hated to be kept waiting, even if they were going to be "fashionably" late.
For the first time in over a year, Peter approached the manor that caged his Wendy. He dropped silently from the sky, coming to rest outside the window of the room that he had last seen Wendy in. It was well lit, a fire blazed away in the corner, Peter noted as he peeked in. But what really caught his attention was the cradle. He experimentally lifted the sash. It moved up easily, but the sound of the door opening caused him to shut it quietly and silently. A strange woman entered the room, and bustled over to the crib. He was about to leave when the woman started talking softly to herself. Peter froze; remaining by the window to listen.
"Yea' poor babe. Poor Darling child. Yer mums in for a world of hurt. Business was not good, not good at all." She picked up the child, rocking him as he had begun to fuss. "He always takes it out on the poor lass."
Peter felt his heart turn to ice. That monster was hurting his Wendy.
"It's that other man's fault." The woman paused to look at the now sleeping child in her arms. "Don't know how she did it but yer nothing like him. Such a sweet babe." Sighing she moved and placed the child back in the cradle. "'Tis that awful man Hook that turned the Master from cold to cruel."
She turned, and found herself looking down a sword, into the stormy ocean eyes of a young man. "You will tell me everything."