Note: This follows the story of the second Tekken tournament. It promises to be rather long, complex and epic, and will introduce a huge cast of characters who have hidden agendas and complicated interactions. It should also link up pretty well to Tekken 3, and I might consider doing a sequel if I ever have the time.
Please note the characters are copyrighted to Namco, except for Akio Yumiko, who belongs to me and my sister.
This story was written and completed in 1999.


It was two years ago, in the summer of 199X.

In the centre of the city of Neo-Tokyo stood, as it still stands today, in the middle of the lights and the concrete, tall and grey and president over all the other skyscrapers about, the Mishima Building, the home of the vastly rich and powerful Mishima Conglomerate and its employees. Staid and business-like these people waded through the sprawling metropolis, clutching their briefcases, in a dark, ambiguous world of their own. Outsiders, bathed in the neon lights of the capital, stopped and stared at the black-suited men and women.

Yes, shadowy, no doubt; and yet, behind that dark facade rested something murkier still. For, on the other side of closed doors, in the tallest pinnacle of the Mishima Building sat an unknown number of men and women around a highly polished table, deep in conference.

These were the true members of the enigmatic financial group.

And at their head was a man named Heihachi Mishima.

It was at this time that Heihachi had heard of the King of Iron Fist Tournament, a competition that set the world's best fighters against each other. Although unlikely, for some unknown motive Heihachi decided to sponsor that year's annual contest.

And that was where it began.

From all corners of the globe the most outstanding fighters gathered in Neo-Tokyo's Mishima Building for the big event. Amongst their numbers were eight; eight fighters who were to become the worthy finalists of the world-renowned tournament. These were Paul Phoenix, Michelle Chang, Marshall Law, and Nina Williams; two mysterious contestants, King and Yoshimitsu, and the android Jack. And last of all was a young man, Kazuya Mishima, spurred on by a thirst for revenge, born out of a violent and twisted hatred for his tyrannical father…

These eight pitted themselves against the unknown as, one by one, conglomerate insiders were sent forward to eliminate them, and prevent them from reaching the ultimate goal of winning the tournament and earning the title of 'King of the Iron Fist'. But what awaited them at the end of the their battles was a mystery no one was certain of.

Time passed, and eventually those who had been sent to defeat them had defeated seven of these contestants. Only one of these was left standing, and this was Kazuya. He passed on to the last and final battle – and as fate had decided the last round was between him and his hated father, Heihachi.

The murky enmity that had sprung between them fired the battle with rage and blood, and at last, Kazuya emerged victorious. But the glorious 'King of the Iron Fist' meant nothing to him. In the aftermath of the tournament, he stole away to dispose of the lifeless body of his father. With an almost mechanical surge of something sinister and evil, the young man remorselessly threw Heihachi from a craggy cliff-face. And as he turned to leave the place behind, the red scar on his chest seemed to glint as red as blood in the faltering sunlight.

And so it was that Kazuya took his place at the head of that shadowy table and became the head of his father's empire. At first he listened to the words of those who sat about him, the very people who'd been sent to bring about his demise. And then he began to retreat more and more into the seclusion of his quarters, on the topmost level on the tallest of towers, and there he took counsel from a shadowy stranger.

Two years have passed, and now Kazuya hears rumours that Heihachi has risen from the grave. His mind inflamed by the words of his dark companion, and his heart ablaze with the old hate, Kazuya longs to destroy his father once and for all. The only solution was to lure him into a trap – just as Heihachi tired to lure Kazuya two years before – with a second Iron Fist Tournament.

…And thus begins the story of Tekken…