Locked Inside

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and NEVER EVER will, so you can't sue me!

A/N- Hi readers! I know I'm still in the middle of 'Never Let Him Lose' but right now my mind's kind of stuck on it. So I'm starting an ideal that I've had for quite some time. I hope you all like it! Please R&R!

Ch.1 Kagome's Key

Naraku had Kagome cornered between himself and Kanna. Kagome then decided it was really stupid to take midnight strolls with out protection.

The day had begun to be bad about an hour before sunset. And now look what it got her into!


"Kagome! Don't be stupid, get on my back so your stupid human body doesn't hurt it's self!" Inuyasha growled

"No, I can manage on my own thank you mister dog boy!" she replied tartly. Stomping past him to prove her point. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and snorted a quick "Feh!"

Kagome had started to feel a lot more exhausted then she would ever admit to Inuyasha.

"That insufferable egotistical jerk! I should have said the 'S' word." Kagome muttered darkly to her self. Not seeing an angry red faced Inuyasha come up behind her.

"What was that?" he yelled directly in her ear. She jumped at the sudden sound in her ear.

"Inuyasha... Why do you have to be such a jerk? Why can't you ever be nice? Jeez, I don't even know why I stay here, I could just go home and seal the well and never have to deal with you ever again!" Kagome had turned around yelling at him whilst poking him in the chest.

"This is your home! Don't you even think about returning to that place before we get the last three shards!" Inuyasha replied grasping her wrist tightly. She jarred her arms out of his grasp and swung her right arm out, slapping him across the cheek.

"Do you really hate me that much? I was just trying to help you so you wouldn't tier your self out completely! I try to be nice and you take it as an insult...If you can't thank of one single reason to stay here then by all means, leave." Inuyasha growled out looking at a tree on the side of the road, trying to hide the immense hurt in his eyes.

A little further back on the path Miroku, Sango, and Shippo stud there wide eyed. Kirara just walked along with out a care in the world. "I do believe Inuyasha has done it this time, Lady Kagome looks really angry." Miroku whispered. Sango nodded her head and whispered back "Yes, but I do believe Inuyasha has been wounded in this battle as well. Kagome does not see the love he holds for her, there for she says hurtful things."

Kagome had started walking again when Inuyasha suddenly picked her up from behind. He started to walk with her in his arms bridal style.

"I told you wench, get on my back. So when you refuse I just carry you by force." Inuyasha ground out through clenched teeth.

"Inuyasha put me down! I'm fine, and when you do put me down you're going to get nice and reacquainted with the ground!" Kagome hissed at him folding her arms.

"I'm never going to put you down now, not with a threat like that!" Inuyasha said grinning like there was no tomorrow. This continued for more than two hours. The sun had set and Kagome was still in Inuyasha's arms seething.

Soon after that Kagome got tiered of trying to get down and just relaxed in Inuyasha's arms. "When are we going to and take a break?" Miroku asked Inuyasha.

"I guess we can stop now, I'm fine but I can't carry three humans." Inuyasha stated and dropped Kagome flat on her butt.

"Oww! Inuyasha that hurt!" Kagome whimpered and stud up rubbing her abused behind. She walked to a spot underneath a big oak tree and sat her stuff down with a huff. Inuyasha smirked and then leaped into the looming tree above her.

They made camp and Kagome fixed a large helping of oden. They ate in relative silence as Kagome stared holes in Inuyasha's head. She was in the middle of her glaring when her bowl tipped and spilt her food all over her. She jumped up with a yelp and started to wipe herself off.

After the dinner stuff was put up and the fire was slightly smaller they went to bed. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo had fallen in to a deep slumber soon after they had lain down. Inuyasha was the next to slip into a restful slumber, with his ears erect to detect danger.

Kagome was the only one wide awake. She tossed and turned but sleep would not come. She sat up warily, trying to decide what she should do. She gently placed Shippo on her pillow and stood up. She saw Inuyasha's ears swivel forward at the noise so she tried to walk a little more carefully. Once she was a good bit of distance from their small camp she let out a long sigh.

She looked around and spotted a large rock; she went over to it and sat down. "Stupid Inuyasha, granted I like to be carried by him but I was fine." Kagome ranted to herself. "I have two reasons that I truly stay here. One Inuyasha himself; I mean I love him for crying out loud! Then there are the others. I have to stay and help put the jewel back together so we can defeat Naraku and they can get on with their lives. How dare he think I can just leave?" Kagome sat talking with the ever silent stars.

Kagome heard a rustle of a near by bush. "Do I need to SIT out here a little longer?" she asked herself expecting to hear a thump. When there was no other sound Kagome stood up looking about the clearing she was in, then Naraku stepped out from behind a large tree.

#End Flashback#

Kagome was sandwiched between Naraku and Kanna before she knew what had happened.

Naraku started to circle her looking her up and down lividly. "Now what should we do with you? Kanna...Do you have any ideals?" Naraku said stopping in front of Kagome. "Yes master Naraku." came Kanna's weak reply.

Kagome looked at them both with disgust. "Why hasn't Inuyasha smelt you yet?" Kagome asked more to herself than Naraku. "Well Kagura is a wind demon; please dear Kagome put two and two together." Naraku chuckled. Kagome grimaced as he called her 'dear Kagome'...Gosh how she hated him! Kanna then walked over to her 'master' and whispered something in his ear.

Naraku looked at Kagome and smiled. "Ah, yes that will do." He said placing Kanna in front of himself.

"What are you planning? I hope you don't plan to kill me and get away with it." Kagome spat at him through her fear. "Oh no! Something much worse, your death would not pain Inuyasha as long as your simple suffering will." Naraku hissed at her.

"Kanna is going to lock you up, so to speak," Naraku started explaining, "She is going to lock your soul inside your darkest part of your mind. It will be tormented until Inuyasha can figure out how to unlock you." "How will he do that? I mean am I going to be able to talk to him at all? What will happen to my body while this happens?" Kagome asked as she started to quiver.

"You will not be able to talk or move. It will seem as if you're in a coma. Inuyasha will have to admit his undying love for you himself and the spell will be broken. Once you go back to your camp you will fall unconscious, until then you will not be able to talk, so not to wake Inuyasha and warn him. Inuyasha will have dreams that will tell him what to do to wake you, but whether he understands or not is up to him" Naraku said as Kanna pulled out her bluish green glowing mirror. Kagome could feel pressure in her mind and she grabbed her head in her hands.

The last comprehendible thought that passed through her head as she made her way back to camp was, 'Inuyasha loves me?'


That's it for the first chapter. I don't know how far I'm going to go with this story but it's rated for later content. Please press the little pale bluish button at the bottom and review, that's all I'm asking for...Is it to much a request?

The Forgotten Child