Henry's Power
Chapter 11
As the digimon got closer to Henry, he knew that he couldn't run from it but he had an idea.
"Light Aura!" he yelled and a white aura surrounded him and when the digimon bit the barrier, it flew back and pushed his claws in the ground and stop itself from hitting the wall.
"Well, good for you light one. You were actually the second one to block that attack." the digimon said.
The digimon intruder looked like a yellow wolf with orange stripes and a very large jaw. Henry looked at it and said:
"Tell me, who are you and how come I'm the second light master in years to have blocked that?"
"Light master, my name is Garthmon. I'm one of the trial digimon that devours Chosen ones. You ended up to be the second Light master to have guarded my attacks because the past chosen ones where too confident and stupid to have known a sneak attacks. The other trial digimons don't like sneak attacks on the Chosen ones but I like it a lot. It helps them to concentrate for future purposes." Garthmon replied.
"That is true and you did catch me by surprise." Henry replied.
"If I'm not mistaken, you must be Henry Wong, the next chosen one with Terriermon as your partner. Am I correct?" Garthmon asked.
"And Azulongmon told you that, didn't he?" Henry said.
"Yes, now are you prepared for the worst Chosen one?" Garthmon said and crouched down, waiting to attack.
"I'm born ready." Henry replied and got ready to a fighting position.
Both of them charged at each other and were prepared for the next battle for the trial.
Real World
"Okay, you guys ready?" Rika asked them.
"We're ready, let's go and get Henry back." Takato yelled and raised his fist.
"Ok DarkTerriermon, do your stuff." Rinchei commanded.
DarkTerriermon raised his paw and a black portal appeared. They all entered it and they ended up back in the Dark Castle where Henry was first caught.
"Man, this place still gives me the creeps." Jaarin said.
"I know what you mean, but this is the quickest way we can get to the digital world without going through the portal and nearly breaking our backs like the first time we went here to save Calumon." Takato said.
"Breaking your backs?" asked Rinchei. "How?"
"Can we talk about this later? We have someone to save here!" yelled Rika.
"Oh right, let's get out of here." Takato said.
As they were walking, they notice that they weren't anymore dark digimon roaming around the castle. As they continue their walk out of the castle, they passed places they visited, the torture chamber and the fallen roof. Soon they found the way out and looked out to a place that shocked them.
"What happened here?" whispered Ryo.
The Sovereigns castles all were destroyed and the skies were filled with dark, stormy clouds.
"We have to hurry, if we don't find Henry soon, the dark digimons will find him first!" Rinchei said.
The tamers started to march towards the Sovereigns castles. When they got to the first one, which as Azulongmon's, they found the giant dragon meditating.
"Azulongmon, we need your help, wake up." Terriermon cried.
Azulongmon opened his eyes to see the tamers.
"Ah, it's a good thing you came; we are in need of your help. Somehow the dark digimon started to create chaos across the digital world; I just hope they don't get to Henry before he finishes the trial." Azulongmon said.
"Trial!" yelled the tamers at once.
"Yes, even the Light One did say to keep it a secret, I have to tell you tamers before they get to him." Azulongmon said. "He now is in another part of the digital world, a place where you can't go by foot. He is taking a trial to get rid of his light powers but right now, we need his light powers to defeat the dark digimon. Three of you will go and get the Light One back to the digital world and defeat the evil."
"Okay, so who wants to go?" Takato said.
"Of course Terriermon has to go but who else want to go while we distract the dark digimons?" Rinchei said.
They were silent for a minute then Jaarin said:
"I'll go, me and Gatomon knows more about the digital world more then you guys. We can biomerge and get to Henry."
The tamers thought of it for a while and finally decided to let Jaarin and Gatomon go with Terriermon. Azulongmon used his powers and a white robe appeared on Jaarin and he also created a portal. Both Gatomon and Terriermon jumped on Jaarin's shoulders and she ran in the portal.
"Be careful Jaarin. Stay strong." whispered Rinchei and a single drop of tear fell from his eyes, wishing that both his little siblings will come back safely.
Jenrya282: Hello, I'm back. I can't believe I started to update this story again. Thanks to Burning Passion for review for the last chapter, I will definitely continue this story! Chao!