A/N: Moraco strikes again! Okay so I'm back with a new fan fic. Took a little turn this time and did not only an AU, but also a pairing I haven't really worked with before that I don't think there's enough fic out there for. This is a Harry/Remus fic and I have to say it was probably most inspired by a part of the POA movie in which I could just see Remus putting his arm around Harry's shoulders (but he sadly didn't of course sniffle sniffle). Anyways though read along and hope you all enjoy

Randomness of the Moraco: Scraps of paper when you're bored at work are some of the most fabulous things when your muse attacks with fan fic goodness.


Chapter 1
Eternal Voice

Remus Lupin took off his reading glasses and shoved the stack of newly graded papers into his briefcase. He changed clothes and headed for his second job, bartending for a club down the street called The Green Faerie. He walked down the sidewalk passing the same sights he passed every Thursday through Sunday of the week, including the young man who haunted the corner a block from the club until some willing man or woman with the right amount of money would pick him up.

Remus would always take more than a few glances at the man. He had a nicely toned body, that could easily be seen through the tight clothing he would always wear, and a beautiful face with the most kissable lips and the most gorgeous brilliant green eyes. Sure Remus had the money, but he didn't require such services that would have no meaning. Remus was the classic type of hopeless romantic. If he was going to do something with another man he wanted it to be for love, not for raging hormonal lust. He never felt himself to be a desirably attractive man either. He had three scars that adorned his face diagonally across the middle, as though he'd been scratched by some animal. They were from a time in his past which he didn't like to think about, and they came from no animal.

Remus continued onto work as usual. It was Friday night and the club was incredibly busy. He spent the night making drinks and more than enough tip money. He was The Faerie's best and most popular bartender. The club cleared out and he got off work at around 4:00AM. On his walk home, to his surprise, the corner a block from the club was still being haunted. Tonight was the first time in the two months the younger man had used the corner, that Remus had seen him when he got off work. Remus began to wonder if he had any place to stay. Any sane prostitute knew there wasn't much good business after 2:00AM, and would have given up and gone home. Remus stopped at the corner to wait for the crosswalk sign to signal walk, even though there wasn't a car coming for miles to see.

'Business bad tonight?' Remus didn't know why he asked, but something inside him had compelled him to talk to the younger man.

'It is unless you're offering,' the man said.

Remus who was currently not facing the younger man, noticed the walk signal light up. He walked a few steps onto the street and then looked back at the younger man. 'Well, are you coming or not?'

The man hurried to Remus' side and walked the rest of the way to Remus' flat.

After entering the flat Remus watched out of the corner of his eye as the man looked at the large flat with wide eyes. Remus smiled. It felt good to have someone else in his home. Remus enjoyed having a lot of space, but sometimes it just got lonely.

Remus soon felt a pair of arms snaking under his own and hands feeling up his chest. 'So, what's your name? I'd just like to make note of it so I know what to scream,' the younger man said seductively.

'It's Remus, but I doubt you'll be screaming it.'

'Oh. Just like it quiet, or are you the bondage and gag sort of guy?' The man was now fiddling with the buttons on Remus' shirt.

Remus stilled the fiddling hands with his own and turned around to face the younger man, still holding his hands. 'What I meant was that I don't require your full services,' Remus explained.

'Excuse me?' The younger man jerked his hands from Remus'. 'If there's no money involved I'm leaving.' He turned back towards the door.

As the man grabbed the knob, Remus came up quickly behind him and put his hand on the door. 'There is money. I just don't require what you regularly have to offer.'

The younger man turned around, facing Remus. 'What exactly do you require?'

'Just your presence. I-it gets lonely in this large flat sometimes,' Remus told him. 'Also it's a bit late, or early rather, and you looked like you could maybe use a place to stay.'

'So, what? You're going to pay me just to stay the night on your sofa?'

'You don't have to sleep on the sofa, there's a spare bedroom.'

'And how much are you going to pay me?'

'What's your usual price for your full services?'


'£800 it is then, um. What is your name? I don't think I asked.'

'It's Harry,' he answered.

'Well, Harry, spare bedroom is the first door on your left in the hallway, bathroom second door to the right, no kick-out time, sleep as long as you like, and if you need anything I'm in the room next to yours.' Remus walked down the hallway and entered his bedroom, which was the second door on the left.

A/N: I actually think this first chapter turned out really well. It was actually written over the course of three days during some of the slower times at work. I work in the lay away department and it's not always that busy especially when I work morning shifts. Well hope this has maybe peaked a few peoples' interest. Drop a review and let me know what you think.