I'm back with a new chapter!

water: Why?

Billy-o: Well she is kinda cute so I wasn't to sorry, lol. Thanks for the review as always.

TK-421: Sorry it took me so long to update. Thanks for the review :D

Supernatural 523: I keep planning on doing more chapters to that, but when I sit down to write I can't. I'll keep trying so fingers crossed I'll have something soon.

And too all my readers can I say a huge thanks. Your the reason I keep writing :D

Tommy sat in his first seminar of the day. As the old hag of a lecturer said something about cosine and sine he sighed. He had better, and in his eyes, more important things on his mind. as the sheet of paper before him stated.

"Mr. Pickles" said the lecturer right in Tommys ear waking him up from his quite pleasnt day dream.

"Huh? Wha?" he said quickly to the amusement of the rest of his class. He began turning red

"I'm sorry were boring you Mr. Pickles perhaps you'd like to go elsewhere with..." she looked at the paper "...this Kimi of yours"

His face began to burn even more as he looked down at the paper. On it was an incredibly accurate picture of Kimi with her name scrawled around it.

"This...err...it's a character I'm creating for one of my other classes" he said with a sheepish grin

The old lecturer narrowed her eyes and sighed. "Just remember which class you are in"

She began to head back to the front of the class again. Much to Tommys relief. He looked down at his paper again and smiled, but quickly turned to a frown

'Why can't I stop thinking of her?' he thought as he took the paper, folded it and put it in his wallet.

Tommy was lucky. The lesson was nearing the end, but then he saw something he didn't want to. Or should I say someone.

There she was waving frantically through the window. He sighed and gently picked up his bag as to not make a noise. As soon as the lecturer turned her back to the class he, and several others, darted for the door at the back. A few seconds later he was face to face with who he was hoping not to see right then.

"Err..Hey Lil what are you doing here?" (bet you thought it was Kimi ;D)

"Like I need a reason to come visit my boyfriend" she said kissing his cheek

He looked at her confused for a moment

"You broke it off before we went to college Lil, remember?"

"Only for when we're apart. We're together again now so you're my boyfriend again"

"Err...yeah I guess, but I got lectures all day..."

"Skip them. It's not like you'll miss anything super important. Besides I don't want to have to spend 100 dollars worth of train and bus tickets to have to sit in your room all by myself, AGAIN!"

Tommy blushed and began to feel very itchy "Well you wouldn't have to you could go see Kimi" He knew mentioning her name was a bad idea he could feel himself blush more.

Luckily Lil hadn't noticed

"I suppose I could use the time to catch up with her, but I was hoping to catch up on something else" she said winking and rubbing up against him.

He gulped hard "Er...I ...I supose I could miss a few classes" Lil smiled, grabbed his hand and led him over to Tommy's room.

As they got into the elevator of the apartment building Tommy felt Lil start to rub her hands over his body, this would usually have been a turn on for him, but he stood perfectly still feeling no sensation whatsoever.

When the doors opened Lil stopped and grabbed Tommy's hand and led him to his door. She kissed him as the door opened and they both entered.

A while later

Tommy sat at the edge of his bed and watched Lil sleep. This was the girl he'd been with since they were 15 and he always enjoyed sex with her. So why did he push her away now? Why was he feeling so guilty? Was it because he stopped thinking of Lil several months back? Or did he feel like he was now cheating on Kimi just by being in the same room as her?

With a heavy heart he got up and looked over to the girl he once loved. He whispered "I'm sorry" before picking up his bag and gently closing the door behind him.

"Hey stud" he heard from behind him

Turning he saw Al watching TV

"Hey, when she wakes up will you tell her I've gone to lectures." Tommy asked as he headed to the door

"Arn't you gonna tell me who it is first?" Al asked with a smile

"It's Lil" Tommy said as he left

"Oh I thought it was Kimi" he said as he went back to Jerry Springer

Tommy stopped in his tracks

"Wh...Why did you think it was Kimi?" he said as he felt his face begin to burn

"Nothing man, I was kidding" Al replied without looking away from the TV

Tommy quickly hurried out the door

A few hours later Lil had woken up. Her journey was obviously more tyring than she had let on. She stretched and threw on some of Tommys clothes and walked out toward the kitchen where she saw Al.

"Hey Lil. Tommy never said you were coming over" He said offering her a piece of pizza.

"Well it was kind of a suprise. Where is he by the way?"

"He had to go to lectures, he said he was sorry though."

Lil Growled 'That's just like him. The jerk'

"You ok?" Al asked

"Oh. Yeah, just thinking. I don't supose you know Kimi's timetable?"

"No sorry. You may aswell just send her a text message or something"

"I will, I just hope I don't interupt anything."


On Kimi's dest there is a piece of paper with "The anatomy of modern art by Kimi Watanabe-Finster" Written on the top, the rest is blank. Kimi is jumping around the room singing along to "Bit Crusherrrr" by Mad Capsule Market (hehe great song) when her phone rings. She stops jumping, turns her stereo off and answers the phone.

"Muchi-muchi" she cherps happily

"Hey Kimi! Guess where I am?"

"Are you here?" she asked excitedly, but soon forgets after remembering the night before

"Yuhuh. I'm at Tommy's apartment. Why don't you get over here?"

"Err...yeah give me 5 minutes and I'll be there" she said hanging up.

Kimi thought for a moment. 'Why was she at Tommy's? Was she saying hi?' She shook those thoughts from her mind, She trusted him.

Jumping over her bed Kimi began to quickly do her make-up. She was soon up and out of her room. Totaly forgetting about her paper.

Just as she said Kimi was at Tommys apartment in 5 minutes and was soon hugging Lil

"Why didn't you say you were coming?" Kimi asked as their embrace ended

"I know you would have said something to Tommy. I know how bad you are at keeping secrets"

"Hey I'm great a keeping secrets! I never told anyone about that crush you had on Tommys dad"

"You had a crush on Tommys dad?" Al said turning away from the TV "This beats Jerry!"


"I live here remember."

Kimi turned toward Lil who was bright red

"I'm SO sorry Lil. I didn't know he was here."

"I...It's ok...I...err...need to go have a nap now, you know...travelling thousands of miles has really taken it out of me" she said running into Tommys room and locking the door behind her.

"Oh man" Kimi said rubbing her head,

"Tommy's dad? That's messed up" Al said before Kimi smacked him on the back of the head and following Lil into Tommy's room


Tommy sits and looks at some doodles he drew before he began singing to himself (I do this all the time. Yes I am messed up, You know the beginning of Billy Madison when he sings about sun lotion? It's like that. All the time. Constantly. I think it's hereditary, my dad does it to. Err...anyway back to the story and Tommys song. It rocks!)

"I got a pencil, It's made from wood, It's got graphite in it Which makes it work good"

He noticed some people looking at him and soon stopped singing

Tommy's room

Kimi sat down next to Lil on Tommy's bed. Kimi smiled sheepishly

"So...why did you come up here? It'snot like you to cross the country for no reason."

"I came up to see Tommy, I missed him these last few months"

Kimi felt her heart stop.

"Are you planning on getting back with him?"

"Well we never really split up, besides I'm sure he'd like to get back together"

Kimi smiled to herself. She was certain that he did not.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well...we just had sex"

Kimi just felt everything around her fall into darkness

"Y..you what?"

"I know I shouldn't have, but we kinda got caught up in the moment."

Kimi sat for a moment before looking at her watch,

"Err... well I have to go to lectures. It...er was great seeing you again Lil." she said before she quickly left the room and headed out to the street.

She could feel the tears in here eyes wellling up and she could hear Lil calling behind her, but she didn't want to stop she didn't want to talk to anyone, but then as she was so lost in thought she bumped into the person she wanted to see least of all.

"Hey Kimi you seem to be in a hurry" He said extending his hand down to her.

"Oh..hi Tommy." she said looking away from him

"Are you ok?" he asked but soon realised she must have spoken with Lil

"Yeah fine. I just found out that my boyfriend cheated on me 1 day after we started dating!"

"You spoke to Lil then?"

"Yes I spoke to Lil! What kind of jerk are you? One minute you sya you love me and you jump into bed with my best friend the next!"

"Wait a minute!"

"What? Did she over powered you and rape you or something?"

Tommy thought for a minute.


"Just shut up Tommy! You have no idea how I'm feeling right now. I-I-I just can't even look at you know." she said as she walked passed him.

Tommy called after her but she didn't turn around she began walking faster

"What was she talking about" he said under his breath as he began to turn around and head back to his room.

Hehehe I bet you didn't think you'd see me again ;D. As always I hope your enjoying please R/R