Resting his head against his hand Tommy stared at the math problem infront of him. Throwing his pencil down on the desk he finally gave up and fell back onto his bed. Rubbing his face he tried to think of something he could do to take his mind off his homework

Just then his phone rang

Reaching over to his bedside table he picked it up and pressed the green button.


"Hey TomTom!!"

He sighed "Hey Kimi."

"What's up?"

"You rang me Kimi" he said sitting up

"Oh yeah. What are you doing tonight?"

"Well I'm supposed to finish this uni work, but I need a break"

"That's perfect! There is this girl you have to meet"

He fell back on his bed "No Kimi! No more girls. I'm sick of you trying to set me up with people"


"No but's Kimi I'm serious. Why do you have to do this every night we go out?"


"I mean why can't you take care of your own love life? I heard about you and Jake"


"But what?"

"Err...that's all I got. Please come out this is the last time I swear"



"Alright. Alright. I'll come, but this better be the last time"

"Great. I'll give you 30 minutes then I'll come to your dorm. See ya soon"

"Yeah see ya" he said as they both hung up "How can she always do that to me?" he said under his breath before picking up a towel and heading to the shower

=== 30 minutes later

Kimi arrived exactly when she said she would, wearing baggy purple chords, small black spaghetti top with a pink fishnet top over it. She knocked madly until Al, Tommys room mate, opened the door

"Hey Al!" she said with her usual smile

"Hey Kim, you after Tom?" he said letting her in

"Yeah we're going to get wasted. You wanna come?"

"I might do. I have an essay to do for tomorrow. You going to be at Gosta?"

"Aren't we always?" she said knocking on Tommys door "Hey bitch. Time to go"

"Just give me a second to do my hair" he shouted through the door

"Honestly. You take even longer than me" she said as Tommy opened his door dressed in black baggy jeans, white T-shirt with a black porn shirt over the top. "Hey you clean up good" she said as he locked his door behind him

"Thanks a lot. Where's...whoever" he said noticing she was alone

"We're meeting her there come on" she said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the front door. "Bye Al!!!"

"See yas" he said not turning away from his computer

"Does she at least have a name?" Tommy asked as Kimi let go of his hand to wave at some people she knew

"Yeah. Michelle" she said as Tommy stopped in his track. Kimi turned around and looked at him strangely "What?"

"Please tell me it isn't Michelle Johnson" he said grabbing her by her shoulders

"Ok...OW" she said as Tommy let go "Yeah why what's the problem?" she said rubbing her left shoulder

"She's in my math class. She just wont shut up about her vacation in England. She is insanely boring. Please make an excuse. Phone her and tell her I was ill or something. Please don't make me sit through another conversation"

=== Gosta

"...after that we went to see Cats at London's west end..." Michelle started as Tommy faked a smile at her then cringed to Kimi

"Really? Wow" Kimi said as she turned to Tommy and cringed to. She quickly downed her beer "Well I'm off to the bar"

"I'll help you" Tommy quickly said getting up and running up to the bar after her

"Oh my god. I thought you were just trying to get out of this" she said as she ordered 3 beers

"We need an excuse. Any ideas?"

"What about...we have to go back and see to our kids?"

"Our kids?" Tommy asked confused

"It's called lying you should try it some time." she said as their beers arrived

"No that wont work."

"Ok about we get SO drunk it wont seem so boring?"

"Sounds good" Tommy said downing his beer before buying 2 more and 2 shots of vodka

When the drinks arrived he poured the vodka into his and Kimis beer and headed back to Michelle

"Here's your drink" Kimi said handing Michelle her beer

" where was I?"

=== Several beer and vodka combos later

"So...what your saying is that the duck would win?" Kimi asked Tommy as she took another drink

"Every time! Think about it. Chickens can't fly or go in water. So that's 2 advantages ducks have. Then theres the beak its HUGE. Not like a tiny chicken beak" Tommy said demonstrating a bird pecking with a tiny beak. Kimi burst into laughter before looking over to where Michelle was

"Hey were is Michelle?" Kimi said pointing to the empty chair

"Maybe the duck got her" Tommy said before the 2 burst out laughing

Kimi looked quickly at her watch "Does that say 10 or 11?"

Tommy squinted at the wrist Kimi was pushing into his face "It says 2 Kimi"

"Oh yeah" she said before bursting into laughter again

"Maybe we should go" Tommy said noticing the emptiness of the bar

Looking around quickly Kimi nodded and tried to stand up, but fell straight on her ass. She burst out laughing again

"I fell over"

"Yeah" Tommy said just managing to keep stable "I had noticed" they both giggled as Tommy pulled her up. They stood close and were about to kiss before they realized where they were

"So..home" Kimi said turning away quickly

"Err...yeah home" Tommy said as they staggered to the door

As the cold fresh air hit them they felt just how drunk they were

"Which way do we live?" Kimi asked not recognizing anything

"Maybe you should ring our kids" Tommy said before they began laughing again "I think it's this way"

"You sure?"

"No, but if we get lost we" he said trying to think of something

As he did Kimi slipped, but was caught just in time.

"You really are wasted" Tommy said "Maybe you should stay at mine tonight"

"That is a real good idea" she said wrapping an arm around his back

"I'm always full of good ideas. Look at...that book I wrote"

Kimi burst out laughing "That was a good book"

Somehow they managed to make their way back to Tommys dorm

"Sssh they are all asleep" Tommy whispered

"Ok" Kimi said back as she tried to tip-toe passed the door, but failed miserably falling over again and bursting out in laughter

"I said be quiet" Tommy said laughing with her

"No you didn't you said Ssssh" she said as she got picked up again

Tommy opened his door and Kimi jumped onto his bed

"Why is your bed so much more comfortable than mine?"

"Is it?" he said sitting next to her

"Yeah I could fall asleep right now" she said lying back

"Hey don't think your sleeping here. Your on the floor"

"But I'm drunk!"

"So am I"

"I'm drunker" she said making Tommy laugh

"Kimi...can I ask you something?"

"Err...yeah" she said sitting up

"Why do you keep organizing blind dates for me? I mean do you think I'm so incapable of meeting people?"

"No it's not's...well..."

"Well what?"

"I don't want to freak you out or anything, but I've started feeling things for you. And I felt that if you were with someone then I may stop feeling like this."

"You have feelings for me?" he asked as she looked away

"I...I should go Tommy" she said getting up and leaving his room.

He sat and took everything in for a while before he went to follow her, but she was already on the street and heading home before he even got out the front door.


This is a new idea I had that I just couldn't get rid of so here is a new T/K story.

Will either of them remember what happened that night? Will Tommy do that math problem? Would a duck win a fight against a chicken? Find out next time I can be bothered to update

Anyway hope your enjoying please R/R