I don't know what it's called, is NY called the big apple or something else? It just seemed familier so I just put it there.

Chapter 5. Shopping in the Big Apple

The journey didn't seem that long anymore, the whole trip predominantly consisted of cuddling and sleeping. Basically 'forgive and forget'.

Kagome shivered inside at the thought of her old beau. She was hating it. No, she didn't hate him, she hated confronting him once more, the last meet was a disaster. She felt sorry for what he had to feel, to undergo it again was intolerable. Why did he have to look for her in the first place? Why did he bother?


"Why what?" Inu Yasha asked.

Kagome blinked for the first time in ten seconds, "Um, nothing."

He hinted a laugh, "Kagome, you're almost thinking to loud...I'm sorry again okay?"

"No, no. it's fine, I'm fine." She assured.

"Well, we're going to the company first then-"

"What?! OH no?

"Fine huh?"

"Yeah, until you mentioned company"

"Come on Kagome! You won't see him there!"

Kagome kicked Inu Yasha hard on shin underneath he table, seeing Sesshomaru head their way, "Won't see him there huh?" she said through gritted teeth and a sweet smile.

Inu Yasha pursed his lips together trying to endure the pain, "I…I didn't know he was gonna come."

"My ass."

"Yes I know you have nice ass."

She kicked him again, "Hello Kagome, nice to see you, I didn't expect for you to come." Sesshomaru formally said.

"Yeah, well I didn't either." She smiled, pausing for a second letting her statement hang in Inu Yasha's ears, "it was unexpected actually, Inu Yasha convinced me."

"That must have been a lot of convincing? silence stood between the three of them. Kagome saw it in his eyes, Sesshomaru was grieving inside, seeing her and Inu Yasha together was still hurting him. She knew he had to keep it real, with emotionless face and professional attitude. None of them wanted rumors spreading around the news about their love conflict, it would be all too embarrassing.

"So, how's the company been?" she changed the subject, not to grieve him any further.

"Inu Yasha does not inform you?"

"Well no, we've both been a little busy."

"Oh? Sesshomaru looked down, trying his hardest not to sound sad. Kagome inhaled and held her breath, it all came out of her mouth wrong, "Well, stocks are high and ratings are up, so all's well."

Not for you Sesshomaru...Kagome tried to smile, "That's good to hear."

"Yes that is? a businessman said, "but we've all been curious Kagome, "why did you quit and um, disappear?"

"Well, I just needed a little vacation, I already told Sesshomaru."

"Oh yes, it must have slipped my mind."

"Oh yes, and I'm also curious how did you meet this fine lady Inu Yasha?"

"Well um, I was playing golf and, she was there."

Kagome winced, "Golf you say? Why I didn't you youngsters liked that kind of sport!" the old man laughed.

"You'd be surprised." Inu Yasha mumbled.

"I don't mean to be rude but, I must be leaving now. I have a, appointment with a friend of mine." Kagome said, "Oh, and I remember Inu Yasha telling me that he had a lot of work to do in his office, right?"


"I wouldn't want to be slowing him down so I have to leave soon."


"Thank you for inviting me Inu Yasha and good luck in your long hours." She slapped him hard on the back parting with a grin.

"Golfing?! Is that the best you can come up with?" Kagome stuck her left hand out while her right was occupied with a cell phone.

"Well it was the first thing that popped in my head that moment!" Inu Yasha reasoned, "And thanks to you I'm stuck in this office till the evening. Happy?"


She could hear his aggravated sigh, "Look, there's something else I want to tell you."

"Let me guess, more bad news?"

"Yeah? she rolled her eyes, "There's this dinner party coming up and, we have to go."

"What? Why we?"

"Come on Kagome! I already told them you'd go! And besides, it's pay back for letting me suffer here."

"Oh geez you're so childish!"

"Only one night a few hours?"

"Fine fine fine- to 26th Main please." She told the taxi driver.

"Where you going?"

"To my old place, there're a few things that I didn't bring with me and that I'd want back." She explained. Kagome left New York in a hurry, so she didn't really have time to pack everything she wanted. She left without a notice, without paying the rent the space was vacant for several months. Souta asked the landlady to keep everything the way it was until Kagome got back. He used her money for the monthly pay in hope that she'd come back again. Kagome sighed thinking of her family again, how she missed her hometown so badly. Then something, more of a someone in distress caught her eye, "You can drop me here." She said. Kagome got out of the taxi and rushed across the street to the sidewalk, she leaned forward observing with a smile, "Hm, can I be of service ma'am?"

"NO." the woman grunted trying to jam a quarter into the parking meter.

"Are you SURE?" Kagome asked again.

The woman looked up with her mouth hanging, "Oh, my gosh Kagome!!!" the woman spun around and tackled her with a hug, "it's really you! When did you get back?!"

"I'll tell you as soon as you stop choking me." They both laughed, "it's nice to see you too Rin, I got back just two hours ago."

Rin gasped, "You have to tell me what happened! I've missed you SO much at the company! Oh my gosh! And you HAVE to go shopping with me now! It's been ages!"

"And I thought I had a lot to say." Kagome cocked her eyebrow.

"Don't just stand there come on!"

"She didn't!"

"She did?

"Oh my gosh that, bitch!" Rin yelled it quite loud gaining a few more stares at them

"Shhh!!! Geez you're so embarrassing!" Kagome giggled.

"Well I can't help it- oh! That looks cute!" she pointed to the pink casual dress set through the window. Rin dragged Kagome inside to browse at clothes they would buy, but would end up not buying after all, "Continue! What happened after that Kikyo person locked you up."

"I was almost rapped." Kagome quickly covered Rin's mouth knowing that she would make some kind of attention-getting noise.

"Mm!- hey!"


"Okay okay but who?"

"That Naraku guy, and Kagura."

"How'd you get away?"

"police came."

"How'd they know?"

"I screamed really loud."

"Wow I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, I am now, things have been SO much better after that."

"I'll bet wait a minute, why?"

"Why what?"

"Why SO much better?" Rin set down the shirt she was holding, "Is it because of Inu Yasha?" she lowered her voice. Kagome simply nodded her head, "Oh gosh this is, bad."

"I know?

"I mean it's good that you have someone but then again it's really really bad for that other someone." Rin said in one breath.

"I know."

"It's bad enough already that you already told him in front of the other him that you wanted to stay with the other him but to come back here and WITH the other him?"

"I know!" everyone in the quiet store jumped, "Sorry? Kagome assured.

"Shh? Rin hushed.

"I already saw HIM today."

"And I'm guessing that wasn't a good meet?"

"Mm hm. But please Rin, don't tell anyone that I told you this. No one knows that Inu and I are together except for Sesshomaru and you."

Rin drew and X across her chest, "Cross my heart and hope to die stick a needle in my eye." Kagome caught some humor in her childish act.

The day followed; Rin bought a Gold colored formal wear along with a pair of matching shoes, Kagome bought a make-up set since she left hers behind, and a silver bow tie that would match Inu Yasha quite well. At the last minute, they looked around for under garments, Rin convinced her to buy a new lingerie set from Victoria's Secret since she's been a bit low. The mostly 'happy' day ended with a long hug as Rin parted from Kagome. Kagome felt so wonderful to go through her past days again.

Sadly, her watch was the correct time and so it was time to go back to the hotel, Kagome called for Inu Yasha to pick her up since she didn't know which hotel they were staying in. Now all she had to do was wait for 15 minutes. Kagome walked past the stores slowly, watching them close, lights turning off, employees leaving, metal bars shutting. This very much reminded her of Ai Hanna. Her heart grew heavy at the thought, as she was just reminded of Kikyo and the troubles she might bring to the future.

It was then Kagome came across a shop that was still opened, but about to close. It was called 'Elegance'. Her breath was taken away when she took sight of the most gorgeous, scenic gown she'd ever seen. She has perceived many beautiful dresses before, but no other like the one before her now. It must cost a fortune...


"What?" she turned around.

"Time to go?" Inu Yasha pointed to the limo.

"Right? It was a choice she couldn't make; she had to tear herself away from the magnificent cloth.

You probably hate me? sorry it took long, I couldn't get access to the internet for the past week or so. My brother kept hogging this internet chip thing...grr him.