This is my first effort at a Lizzie Maguire Fanfic. Actually at any fanfic so be gentle! I hope you all enjoy it. This going to be a bit fluffy but it's just to get me started. I have a few stories i want to do but i figured i'd start with something nice and simple and see what people think so please review. Thanks!

Oh yeah I don't own anything to do with Lizzie Maguire. I just think it's great source material to write stories from but it's not mine. I repeat it's not mine.

The night had been perfect. Just perfect. The meal had been fantastic and the movie was so funny. We had walked home in the clear moonlight and laughed all the way home. As we sat outside in the warmth of the summer evening enjoying the cool crisp breeze that blew across we stared up at the stars and I realised something. The only thing that would make this night better would be if I wasn't there.

Miranda looked across at her two best friends and laughed to herself. It was so obvious to her that Lizzie and Gordo were so into each other. It hurt Miranda a little that they didn't see it and she often felt like the third wheel when they would go out. She knew this wasn't true. They loved her and she loved them but sometimes she just wished that Lizzie and Gordo would realise that they loved each other.

"Hey Miranda you in there?"

Lizzie's voice broke through Miranda's thoughts bringing her back to reality.

"Sorry what?"

"I had asked you if you had anything planned for tomorrow. And when it took you so long to reply I was worried you had slipped into a coma or something."

"I love the summer. Hanging out with friends slipping into comas it's just so laid back. How can you not love the summer?"

Sometimes Gordo would say the oddest things.

"Sorry Lizzie I was on a different planet. Don't the stars look so beautiful tonight?"

Lizzie arched her head towards the sky and sighed in agreement "So was anyone else with you on your other planet. Anyone special?"

Lizzie was so off base Miranda had been thinking about how Lizzie and Gordo needed to be alone on a planet. Maybe then they'd admit their feelings for each other. Not that Miranda was that opposed to being alone on a planet with Gordo. Why didn't Lizzie see how wonderful he was? No she couldn't let those thoughts creep in. Gordo loved Lizzie and Lizzie loved him. It was so obvious and it frustrated Miranda that nothing had happened between them yet.

"No, no one special on the planet with me just you guys"

Lizzie pulled her face in to a pout and gave Miranda her big bambi eyes. "What are you saying that we're not special?"

"That's exactly what I'm what I'm saying. I spend all my time with you, you'd think if I went all the way to a new planet I'd meet some new people." Miranda said with a sly smirk on her face

Lizzie turned her back to Miranda in a fake huff and Gordo sprang up from his lying down position to join in the conversation

"Do you know how long it would take you to get to another inhabitable planet? Even if you could travel at the speed of light.

"No Gordo and I don't want to. You know far too much about far too much"

"All I'm saying Miranda is that if you left without us we'd probably be dead by the time you got back."

"You are so weird Gordo but I would never go on such an adventure without my favourite people in the whole wide world."

Lizzie turned back around to face Miranda. "You better be talking about us."

Miranda burst out laughing and gathered her two best friends into a group hug. "Of course I mean you guys. I wouldn't survive without you two."

"So what are your plans for tomorrow? Are you free to hang out?"

"Yeah me and Lizzie are thinking Mini Golf. Are you in?

Miranda suppressed a smile as she realised this would be a great time to leave Lizzie and Gordo alone for a while.

"I'm sorry guys I have family stuff to do tomorrow but you guys go mini golf it up without me."

Lizzie put her pouty face back on "It won't be the same without you. Three musketeers and what not."

"It's just one night Lizzie. I'm sure the musketeers had a few nights where they weren't all together and any way I can spend the whole day with you guys."

Gordo jumped to his feet "I got to be getting home it's getting late." He turned to Lizzie "So Mini Golf? Are we going to make it a two man sport tomorrow or...?"

"Of course you are" Miranda jumped in before Lizzie could say anything.

Lizzie broke out her sweetest smile and directed it at Gordo "Okay Mini Golf it is but I'm not calling it a two man sport. You may not have noticed but I'm a girl"

"Oh I've noticed." When Gordo had realised what he had said he quickly turned to leave "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Miranda watched Lizzie as Lizzie watched Gordo leave. She couldn't help but laugh at how intently Lizzie kept track of Gordo till he was out of sight.

"What?" Lizzie blurted as she heard Miranda laughing

"Nothing Lizzie. Nothing at all." Miranda couldn't believe how stupid her two best friends were. Why couldn't they see how much they liked each other? It was so obvious.