Title: Combative Destinies

Rated: R

Summary: Two teams, four fighters, one tournament. Who will come out the winner in the fight for love?

Disclaimer: The characters portrayed in this fic are not ours, no matter how much we wish it were so. They are now, and will forever be, the property of their consecutive creators.

Authors' Notes: Take heed, this fic is most definitely Alternate Universe, so if it is not your thing, then don't read. If AU fics don't bother you then by all means, continue! And don't forget to leave a nice review!!

- Prologue -

The two hulking demons that had been assigned to escort the qualified team from the boat at pier 33 for the Dark Tournament grumbled to one another as they awaited the boat's arrival. In the distance, the boat ponderously came into view, trudging along steadily. The demons let out annoyed growls, as the boat seemed to take forever to come to a complete stop. It was a bit odd that the team hadn't even jumped onto the pier already.

Slowly, as the two watched, a plank was lowered from the side of the boat onto the pier, and the two demons frowned at the footsteps that echoed in the still night. Even the waves seemed to silence themselves in the wake of those first footsteps.

There was none of the snickering or talk about who had killed more opponents that they were used to hearing from the teams. They didn't even get to guess at them except by their footsteps. Despite that they could hear the sound of boots, they were not the heavy sounds they had expected. In fact, some of them sounded almost...dainty.

The first form to emerge from the docked ship was indeed a dainty one. The figure was small and definitely female. The blue and black material of her outfit practically molded to each dip and curve of her body. A curtain of auburn hair spilled down her back and shoulders and her eyes were hidden by her bangs. At her sides hung a pair of deadly looking sai, one on each hip and as she walked past the two gawking demons, her hands quickly drew the weapons, twirling them in a display of prowess as well as warning.

Don't mess with me.

The demons blinked as the sai was returned their sheaths. This couldn't possibly be one of the fighters... She was just a puny human!

Turning their attention back to the boat, they waited for the real fighters to emerge.

They were left disappointed, as the next to descend was another female, a similar outfit fitting snugly to every inch of skin on her body. The deepest black of night was offset by the forest green pieces of the armor she wore. Hair as dark as a raven's feather fell to the small of her back, and she lifted her head to peer out from underneath her bangs with a piercing blue gaze. She walked past the demons coolly, the bow and arrows on her back clearly, but as she passed, she paused slightly, and for an instant her form was bathed in a light pink glow. Like the girl before her, the meaning was clear to these demons.

Even a wrong look would get them in trouble with this one. The teenage girl smiled sweetly as she let the glow dampen and she sashayed on to wait for the rest of their companions.

Meanwhile, the two demons exchanged a puzzled and clearly nervous glance. Surely those two fragile looking creatures could not have beaten even one demon in their whole lifetime. They looked like snacks, not warriors! The demons continued to wait for the fighters of the group, not these girls who were obviously there for amusement.

There was a tense moment, as no one appeared to be getting off the boat, but then the tension was dispelled as the sound of boots was heard again. Yet again, the sound of the steps was too soft to be that of a large, or even normal sized demon. The two guards done a literal nose-dive to the ground as the next "fighter" came into view.

Another female, this one's outfit even girlier than the previous two. It was form-fitting pink over black and again, it clung to the female's curves, which seemed even more developed than the first two, a sure sign that she was older. Her onyx colored hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and trailed down between her shoulder blades. As with her companions', this girl's eyes were also obscured by her bangs as she strode with purpose past the demons, not even bothering to acknowledge them with a warning. The deadly looking katana, as well as the huge demon hunting boomerang-like weapon strapped to her back said it all…

The demons were resigned to seeing another female come of the boat, but their predictions were thrown for a loop when the sound of sandals slapped against the wood of the plank and then the pier. A young man came down, flowing purple robes covering him from his neck down to his feet, wooden sandals at the ends of his feet. He took a moment to smile benignly at the demons standing guard.

The smile, friendly as it was, didn't reach his violet eyes, and the long black hair of the human was fit into a snug ponytail of a warrior. As he walked by them, still smiling and reached the girls, the guards swore they heard a shout of 'Pervert' along with a body hitting the ground. With resigned faces, the guards waited for the next strange sight to walk off the ship.

The next sight that greeted them was one that was more to what they were expecting… only not. The next "fighter" leapt from the boat, not bothering to use the plank at all. Instead, the figure landed on the dock amidst a swirl of silver and crimson, bare feet barely making a sound as they connected with the wooden platform.

Arms were crossed over a male chest under the demons' scrutiny. The looked up to see eternally angry golden eyes glaring at them as the male walked slowly towards them, feet silent on the wood. Silver hair cascaded down his back to stop at roughly the same length as the others did, shortly before his waist. White dog-ears adorned the top of his head, and the demons weren't even glanced at as this new "fighter" passed.

Despite that this was what they'd been waiting for; the demons felt a shiver run down their spines. The other's had at least bothered with noticing them. This one showed how deadly he was in every movement; how strong the demon blood ran in his veins. Hanyou, they knew, but at least they now knew who the real fighters were. Unfortunately, the demons remembered all too clearly the way the humans had behaved, and they were left with doubts in their minds as the five walked off silently into the night.

Finally resigning to the fact that these four humans and one hanyou were indeed the team, the demons hurried to catch up, taking the lead and took them down a long hallway which seemed to have been having some problems with its electricity. The lights were out for most of the hallway, only lit up in the beginning and near the end where a corner came. The demons indicated they would keep going straight when they reached it. Silence settled like a calm blanket over the team. The only sounds was the slight clatter of their feet falling in time as they strode down the darkened hallway.

The hallway came to its intersection, and as they neared the corner, another team rounded it and began to come towards them. There was no hesitation in their steps, but heads did swivel to watch the other team's progress. The blue-eyed girl watched in amusement as one team member was strung out between two others. Her eyes swept over his form and a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Short black hair was falling over the face of the sleeping boy and the girl couldn't help but think he looked a bit cute like that.

"Don't stare, Kagome," She heard from the person next to her. The sai bearer smiled as the blue-eyed girl blushed in embarrassment before she found her own eyes straying.

Her dark eyes barely skimmed over the huskily built boy to the supporter of the unconscious team member on the left. Without really meaning to, she let her gaze linger on the near elegant features framed by long, fiery red hair. Quite an alluring sight for sure, it was almost enough to draw out a subtle interest in the normally aloof girl, but she shook it off. She would not allow herself to be swayed by a pretty face. Not again.

But still...

"What was it mother was always telling us, Keiko?" The brunette's attention was snapped back to the darker haired girl at her side. "Something about, heeding one's own advice." Blue eyes sparkled teasingly.

"Hmpf, I wasn't staring. I was just... checking out the competition." Replied Keiko, idly fingering one of the sai on her hip.

"Uhuh," Came the amused reply.

The two groups passed one another and continued their separate ways down the hall. Just as the new team began to round the corner, however, two pairs of eyes took one last glance back at the retreating backs of the other team.

The team continued to their room, opening it up and slamming it in the demons' faces without so much as a look back. The hanyou of the group looked around, settling himself cross legged on the floor, totally ignoring the comfy chairs and couch. All three girls sat on the couch, glaring at the violet eyed young man who was trying to find a spot anywhere on the couch. "Don't even think about it, Miroku. Sit on the chair," the oldest of the girls said threateningly.

"Lady Sango! I have no idea what you are talking about!" At the three glares he receive he smiled innocently and backed up to the chair. He sat down calmly and went to reach for the tea which was there when they arrived. He sipped calmly from one cup.

Upon seeing the monk didn't seem to be on the ground gasping from poison, the three girls reached over and took their own cups. After a moment, Kagome tilted her head and looked over at their dog-eared companion. "Won't you have yours, Inuyasha?"

"Keh." At the slight sigh from his companions and the narrowed eyes from Kagome, he added on, "I don't like tea."

"Oh. We'll find something for you later then," Kagome said with a smile. Sango glanced over at Keiko and both of them rolled their eyes. Kagome was such a mother hen when she put her mind to it.

"Whatever," The hanyou grumbled, crossing his arms and looked away, so he didn't notice the amused looks the others sent him.

Just then, the door to their room was rudely thrown open to reveal three figures filling the doorway. A woman stood between two devastatingly handsome men. The one on the left had a slender build. His long, ebony locks of hair tumbled down his back, complimenting his fiery red eyes which were studying the room's occupants intensely. The other man, a bit more muscular than the other, but still attractive in his own way, possessed black hair as well, only not as long. It only brushed his shoulders, but his steely gray gaze was no less potent than the other's.

The woman hid her features partially behind a colorful fan, only allowing her own red eyes to peer over at the group who had suddenly sprang to their feet. The occupants of the room quickly took up defensive poses, just to be on the safe side. They were, after all, on an island overflowing with demons, and aside from Inuyasha, all the other members of the team were human.

"Well, look at the pretty humans. Is this what we are supposed to fight tomorrow? Some humans and a mutt? It doesn't seem like much of a challenge," The woman stated in a matter-of-fact voice.

"The girls are pretty little things. perhaps when we're done we can use them for toys," The more muscular man stated. They couldn't see the woman's face, but her eyes gave an impression of a sneer.

"I suppose that might be good for one of their own kind like you, Onigumo, but some of us are above such petty things as pretty looks." There was a deep chuckle from the man next to her, and then the group came out of their shock.

"Oi! What the hell do you think you're doing? I'll rip you to shreds!" Inuyasha coiled his body slightly, a snarl turning up his lips.

"Wait until tomorrow to seal your fate, hanyou," The last of the three said. He appeared unmoved by any of his companions or their opponents actions.

Said hanyou glared while giving a derisive snort, "Ha! Why wait? I say, let's just get it over with now. That way, we won't have to deal with you later."

"If we fought now, how could I humiliate you and your team mates in front of the world? This isn't about showing you my strength hanyou, it's about showing everyone else that I am above them." A cool and superior smile wormed its way onto the man's face. His two companions gave him sharp looks.

"Our strength," The woman said sharply.

With a smirk, the long haired man simply shrugged before returning his red gaze to the others, "See that you at least try and make it challenging, won't you?" He taunted a final time before turning to leave, the other two following, leaving behind three disgruntled human females attempting to hold back an enraged hanyou, while the remaining male shot the now empty doorway a glare of his own.

"Who was that?" Kagome asked once they had managed to subdue the hanyou. And close the door just to make sure he stayed.

"I believe it was part of team Naraku. Our opponents tomorrow." Keiko glanced at the door and sighed. "I wonder where the other two were."

"It doesn't matter. We'll see them soon enough anyway. We had enough trouble keeping Inuyasha from trying to kill them when there were three. If all five were here we could have just had the whole round in the hallway. Save time." Sango's smile was fake and worry shrouded her eyes.

Kagome met her eyes, then looked at the other three. Everyone held small bits of doubt in their eyes. They hadn't liked the power swirling around the man with crimson eyes.