
By StarWolf


Title: Kinetic
Author: StarWolf (
Fandom: Jimmy Neutron
Rating: R (Yes, R. I don't think this would merit NC-17. It's not nearly that explicit.)
Genre: romance/smut
Pairing: Sheen/Jimmy
Warnings: slash, implied sex stuff (voyeurism? heh.)
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I'm just borrowing them, but I don't know if Nickelodeon would really want them back after this. o.o;
Distribution: Don't you dare archive/post it anywhere. I'll stab you.
Summary: Energy of motion.
Authoress' Notes: For Rei no Kitsune (#87920). 3 I'd intended to watch Sleepless in Retroville first, but set the TV timer wrong. Damnit.

Nickelodeon would kill me for this, and they'd be justified.

For the record, Sheen and Jimmy are supposed to be eighteen and sixteen, respectively.

It's a beautiful day in his neighbourhood.

Sunlight streams in through the Jimmy's window, its rays warming the stars and moons scattered across his duvet. His mom thinks that they're playing; in a way, he supposes, she's right, but they haven't done that sort of playing in years.

Door: locked.


"Goddard, do me a favour."


"Don't let anyone in here. Thanks."

Heart: pounding.

Anticipation, anxiety, adrenaline. Hormones and pheromones and other parts of his endocrine system are flooding his bloodstream, but for once his mind isn't focused on science facts.

Sheen grins -- this is something familiar, something Jimmy's used to. Sheen's always grinning. With the conflicting emotions of someone who simulatenously knows he's safe and feels endangered, Jimmy flings caution to the proverbial wind while flinging his arms around Sheen's neck. Blue eyes meet brown, and quickly slide shut as their mouths open. Tongue, saliva, teeth, and spicysaltysweet and god is it just me or did it get a lot hotter in here?

Clothing: shed.

His breath is fast and laboured, every inhalation coming with increasing effort. 'Making out'? Call it whatever you like -- it still has the same effect and damn, it's too hot in here, why isn't my fan on...? sheen sheen sheen don't stop that god don't stop

Slick, sweaty, smooth. Who knew that skin would feel so...nice?

Sheen's atop him and he's hot and hard and heavy and jesus christ i think i'm going to spontaneously combust

Faster, faster, faster; lips on his neck and face and chest and everywhere at once

Scream! stifled, silent

Thrust, thrust, thrust; inside and around and above and the room is burning up

Jimmy's below him and he's hot and tight and clenching and holy fucking shit it's so good

Sliding, slipping, sex. Who knew that this would be so incredible?

His shoulders heave, his muscles tight, every movement pushing him closer. 'Making love'? Call it whatever you like -- they don't entirely know what they're doing and god jimmy it's so hot in here i'm going to explode y fuego, fuego caliente

Pulse: throbbing.

Jimmy's thinking -- this is something familiar, something Sheen can always recognise. Jimmy's always thinking. With desperation and a rush of feeling (lust? love? the carnal urge to copulate?), Sheen slams his hips forward and collapses onto his counterpart, muffling his shriek by sinking his teeth into Jimmy's shoulder. Breathe gasp pant laugh smilekissclingtired and god that was amazing and gorgeous and can we do this again sometime?

Bodies: spent.

Caressing, cuddling, clinging. His senses are on overload, overwhelmed, and a million and one things are flooding his consciousness but for once his mind isn't focused on science fiction.

Aftermath: now.

"Is this legal?"

"Probably not."

"Fuck it."


Under the sheets, the trapped heat lulls them into a heady, dreamless sleep. His dad thinks they're playing, and somehow he's right and wrong all at once, just like this, but it doesn't matter. Sheen rests his chin on Jimmy's shoulder and drifts off.

Goddard's got it all on tape.