Disclaimer: Marvel's, not mine.

Notes: This is the sequel to Semi-Conscious, so you should read that before this, otherwise it may not make much sense. I have posted two chapters up, as they are both pretty short. I have also messed around with the events dealing with Apocalypse and his freedom from his chamber in the X-Men Evolution series. But this is fan fiction so I can do that.

The lyrics for this chapter and the next are by Evanescence


Give me a reason to believe that you're gone. I see your shadow so I know they're all wrong. Moonlight on the soft brown earth. It leads me to where you lay. They took you away from me, but now I'm taking you home. (Even in Death)


The boot steps clicked loudly in the hollow expanse of the church. The owner of the boots could move with stealth like grace when needed, but in the presence of her son, she felt no need.

Mystique stopped a few pews from where Nightcrawler kneeled. His tail was twitching slightly, trailing along the floor. The moonlight shining through the stained glass windows provided the only light during the late night visit. It also placed an eerie glow upon Kurt's demonic looking form.

Normally Mystique would have ripped Kurt from his spot, either with her tongue or by physical force. But tonight she knew what he was praying for, and she felt respect wash over her, a rare occurrence indeed for the headstrong woman. Instead she slipped into the pew nearest him, and waited.

Slowly, Kurt brought himself to his feet, reopening his eyes. He moved towards his mother without a word, seating himself beside her. For a brief moment there was silence, before Mystique's voice began to echo through the hall.

"I haven't been the best mother to you and Rogue," Mystique started, "And I would never claim to be either.

She saw Kurt's mouth curl slightly into a smile, giving him a nearly evil aura, contrasting his kind soul within the church they sat in.

"You do not need to explain yourself mother." Kurt turned to her then, placing one blue hand on top of Mystique's. "Ve are both concerned for Rogue. But this time in our lives will pass.

Mystique began to feel very vulnerable; she showed her emotions to no one. Straightening her face and removing her hand, her eyes turned cold.

"Nathanial Essex is a dangerous man Kurt. This entire ordeal is far from over. Are the X-Men prepared to deal with that?" Mystique questioned harshly.

Kurt looked forward, his eyes unrevealing of his thoughts. In that moment he resembled his mother, and Raven felt a tinge of maternal instinct swell inside her.

Finally, Kurt spoke.

"Have faith mother." They were such simple words, but for the son beside her they held hope, and for a single second, that hope attached itself to Mystique.


Playground school bell rings again. Rain clouds come to play again. Has no one told you she's not breathing? Hello I'm the lie living for you so you can hide. Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping. (Hello)


Kitty sat staring blankly at the rain pouring down in sheets. It had been raining since Rogue had left over three weeks ago, expressing Storm's obvious distress. Kitty remained unmoving from her spot on the stool, the rain mesmerizing her.

Once Kitty had thought herself innocent to the ways of the world, and she believed whole heartedly that if she had not been born a mutant, she would have remained that way for a long time. But she had experienced much pain, seen too much blood, fought too many battles to keep her naive young mind. She had hardened over the years, and through most of it she had hid behind her perky, air-headed personality. But even that wasn't real. Swallowing hard she tried her best to wash away all her tormented thoughts.

It had been the battle with the Marauders that had finally broken her. Because despite all of the bloodshed and broken bones, no one had ever died before. They were super heroes; they always came out alive. But Remy had died. Kitty was beginning to feel, like Rogue, that she could not stay here either. She wanted to return to college, forget the anguish of being a mutant.

A shimmer of movement caught Kitty's attention then through her peripheral vision. Turning her head to the left, Kitty managed to see Betsy's form slip from the shadows, and quietly exit out the patio door.

Sighing, Kitty began to move herself off her stool. Betsy had been mourning Warren's disappearance, avoiding every occupant of the mansion. As Kitty was about to leave the kitchen she ran into Logan.

"Hey half-pint." Logan muttered.

"Logan, I'm in college now, and I've gained like 3 inches in height you don't have to call me that anymore." Kitty expressed tiredly.

Logan looked at her, scanning the bags below her eyes, and stern face she wore. "When yer as old as me Shadowcat it makes no difference.

Kitty gave a weak smile, trying to muster up the strength to joke back, but Xavier's intrusion into their minds saved her.

Logan gave one look at Kitty, the same thought undoubtedly running through both their minds. Xavier had just alerted them to the war room. Both Wolverine and Shadowcat held the same fear, but did not express it as they made their way downstairs, Psylocke in tow having received the same message, her form lurking behind them in the shadows.


I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all of my childish fears, and if you have to leave, I wish you would just leave, because your presence still lingers here, and it won't leave me alone. (My Immortal)


The smoke of the lit cigarette still burned Rogue's lungs as she tapped the ash into the tray that lay on her cafe table. She made a side note to buy some of those nicotine patches so she could kick the nasty habit Remy's psyche had instilled within her.

Over the last several weeks, she had managed to lock his lingering spirit deep in the recesses of her mind. It had been a hard thing for her to do, but his psyche had agreed to help her. He was now tucked in a safe, special spot, no longer haunting her vision, no longer appearing in various locations. But his habits, and his memories still stuck to her. His trench coat clung to her shoulders despite the light California sun. Black sunglasses hid the red and black orbs that seemed to be a permanent characteristic Rogue now carried.

Inhaling her cigarette once more, and taking a quick sip of her iced tea, Rogue pulled money from the back pocket of her jeans, tucking it under the bill. Finishing the remains of her cigarette, Rogue wandered down the boardwalk, kicking up sand with her tennis shoes. It was reaching the end of winter, and the beach was empty of tourists. She stepped back onto the pavement, crushing the nub of the cigarette beneath her shoes.

Rogue had to be back to work in fifteen minutes. She had managed to get a job at a quirky but stylish little clothing store. She lived in a small studio apartment overlooking the beach under a false name. It was all temporary; an act really. She was just using this new place to escape the old one.

Sighing, she spied a small market on the corner. She strode to the entrance, prepared to quite smoking. Her coat billowed behind her as she entered the small store, a bell ringing gently as her foot made its first move through the door. Rogue felt a wave of guilt as she picked up the patches, knowing she was just destroying another aspect left behind by Remy LeBeau.

How she wished he were still here.


Bind my limbs with fear. Choke me with tears. You'll never be strong enough. You'll never be good enough. (Lies)


The X-Men had tried averting back to their normal schedules, participating in training sessions, enjoying their normal activities. An unease still conquered the mansion, spilling over its residents. Hope, however, had returned, and it was slowly but surely strengthening the team.

As the team sat huddled around the war room table, fear etched their faces. They had just learned to become comfortable again, but they knew Xavier and Wolverine had been on the search for the man called Essex and his Marauders.

The door opened then and Xavier wheeled in, a familiar form following in behind him. A few X-Men started to whisper.

Xavier began, hushing the team immediately. "My team there is no need to be on alert for this meeting." Several members relaxed at his comment. "This meeting was simply meant to introduce our newest member, Piotr Rasputin. Many of you know him as Magneto's former aycotole, however, I believe he will be a loyal member to our brigade, and I expect you to-

He was interrupted as the building shook above them, pieces of the plaster from the ceiling crumbled down.

Scott stood to his feet beside Logan. "X-Men, upstairs now!" Scott ordered, as the automated security voice began to repeat "Security breach" over and over in a calm voice. As the X-Men began to pile out of the room, Xavier shouted out a warning to his team. "X-Men, I cannot pick up the mental signatures of our enemy, be careful!

The team continued on their way, and as Kitty ran past Colossus, she grabbed him by the arm, pulling him with her, shouting a brief "welcome to the team," as they headed out the door.

The team moved together flawlessly, making it to ground level just as another quake erupted around them, unbalancing a few members. Upon reaching the main lobby, the team made out two figures near the foot of the stairs.

Blockbuster, the large bald Marauder, stood still now, his arms crossed, but he had obviously been causing the mansion to shake.

Harpoon was the other, much shorter member who stood next to him. No other member was in sight.

"Where's the rest o'yer team?" Wolverine growled, heading up the X-Men next to Cyclops. It bothered him that while the X-Men were in fighting stance, neither Marauder looked too worried.

Harpoon began to laugh. "They're around," he stated in a gravely voice.

Suddenly, female laughter erupted from the top of the stairs, causing everyone to look up.

What they saw next, as Vertigo's slim form moved down the stairs, sent shock through the crowd.