Eternity's Angel: Hi! Wow! Thank you so much for all 14 reviews! I am glad that you really like the teaser to my third fic with Seto and Serenity! If you're interested, you could go to my profile and check out the other 2 stories that also deals with the same couples! Now, here is chapter one of my dark fic! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

The Dark Prince

By: Eternity's Angel

Chapter One

Slaughtering the blood of the enemy was in his blood. Nothing would stand in his way; not at least he was alive. Standing in the sands of Egypt, he thrust his sword in the pathetic soldier in front of him. Pulling out his sword from the dead soldier's body, the soldier dropped down to the sand. He smirked as the soldier laid dead on the sands. His sword was dripping down with the enemy's blood. Satisfied with his work, he climbed on his horse, surveying the devastating yet delightful scenery. His men had already demolished all the enemy's soldiers. So now in the sands of Egypt laid dead bloody bodies.

His name is Prince Seto of Egypt, heir to the throne of their late majesties. But, many had known him as the Dark Prince. He would murdered anybody who would ever dared to defied him. He considered himself highly above all others, especially against the gods. His glory often comes from all the various victories from the battles that he fought, which gave him strength to dominated whatever stands in his way, or whatever he desires. He doesn't tolerated any disobedience from anybody. He was very cunning and arrogant throughout each domination that he had gained. With his brunette-hair and his cerulean pierce blue eyes, he reigned over Egypt and he's intended to conquered every other parts of them.

"My lord, every of the enemy's soldiers had been demolished like you order. We're waiting for any further orders from you." one of his generals bowed down to him. His hair had some streaks of red and yellow hair.

The Dark Prince's cerulean eyes landed on his general. Smirking he said in a monotone, "Very well General Yami. You did exactly what you have told me. What about General Bakura's group? Was he successfully able to retrieved the key?"

"Yes my lord. They're now heading back towards the palace and await for you there." replied General Yami.

"Very well. Let's head back to the palace. Commanded your group to arrived back to the palace where I would be waiting for them." The Dark Prince commanded, before he turned his horse and rode in the sands of Egypt; where many bloody bodies where laying.


In the sands of Egypt, a young woman struggled and tried to walked along the hot atmosphere. Her clothes were torn and her brownish/reddish hair was messy. She was crawling in the hot sands when she stopped by a village. Her mouth was dried and she hadn't eaten in days. Her face was covered in dirt, and her eyes looked really tired. She looked at the village that was in front of her. A smile lighted upon her face, I made it. I'm free from them. Those were from the thoughts of the woman before she passed out.

The woman woke up when she heard some running water, and something soft came in contact with her face. Her eyes shot opened and she saw a man with blond hair with a cloth in his hand. Abruptly, she shot right up from where she was laying. She touched her head before she looked around the room. She turned to the stranger in front of her, "Um..excuse me, but where am I?"

"You're in my care now my lady. I founded you on the hot grounds of Egypt and I took you into my care. This is my home. My name is Joey. What's your name my lady?" The stranger whose name is Joey asked.

The woman looked closely at this man whose name was Joey. He had blond hair and he looked like he was in his young adulthood. He was wearing a brown shirt with brown pants. She stared into his eyes, which was honey brown. She gave him a smile, "My name is Serenity."

Joey blinked before he broke into a smile, "My lady Serenity. You're welcome to stayed with me right here at my home. I lived with my friend Tristan and Tea. I guess I could asked my friend Tea if she can provided you some clothes from her little shop that she have in this village." He stopped before he surveyed her clothing. "If you don't mind me asking my lady, I'm kind of curious why a lady like you would be out in the hot sands of Egypt? You don't look like you're from here. You have a unique hair color, not to mention your eyes. But what intrigues me the most is your clothing. If I'm not mistaken, your clothing matches royalty. Us peasants don't have much beneficial in clothing like our superiors."

Serenity bit her lips. Did she dared to tell this stranger whose in front of her about her reason? But he was kind enough to save her from the hot infernal sun. "My name is Lady Serenity. I'm from a distant city from Egypt. S-S-Something occurred in my city and I had to fled to Egypt. I'm sorry if I can't tell you the reason. You have done so much for me and I couldn't tell you much." Tears welled up in her eyes.

Joey scratched his head, "It's no problem my lady. I respect your wishes if you don't want to tell me. It ain't necessary. Here, why don't you go and cleaned up yourself? I'll go see if I could get you so clothing. You must be hungry from your long journey. I'll also see if I could get you something to eat."

"Thank you so much kind sir. I really appreciated it." Serenity said, curtseying before him.

"'s not a problem. Go and get cleaned off. I'll be back and I'll introduced you to my friends whom I lived with." Joey said, pointing to a room of the house to her. "That's the bathroom. You may go and cleaned off yourself there. I'll come back with some clothing that my lady would like."

"Thank you again kind sir." Serenity said.

Joey scratched his head, " lady, you could call me Joey instead. Frankly, I don't feel comfortable with 'kind sir'."

Serenity blinked before she broke into a smile, "Then, you shall call me Serenity instead."

Joey smiled, "Ok Serenity. I'll be right back." He exited the room, leaving Serenity in the room. She got off the bed that she was on and walked towards the room that Joey had pointed, indicating the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, there was a some sort of a wooden tub laying in the middle of the room. Although it's was different from back home's version of a tub, it can do. She poured some water that was laying in a basin into the tub. Un-tying the bodice of her dress, it fell down on the floor and she stepped into the waters.

Serenity leaned back against the wooden tub and stared up at the ceiling of the room. She closed her eyes and sighed. It was very difficult for her to travel all the way from her country to Egypt. She cringed at the thought of her country. Shaking her head, she brought her hands out of the water and covered her face. No, I can't think of that! Not when everything had happened. From now on, I shall be just plain Serenity. A new life. A new road for me. Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock from outside the bathroom.

"Y-Y-Yes?" Serenity asked securely.

"M'il Lady. I have some clothes for you that you could wear. Where shall I put it for you?" came Joey's voice behind the door.

"Here, I'll come and get it." Serenity got out of the water and swiftly walked towards the door, crackling it open only a slight. Joey handed her the clothes and she said a quick 'thank you' before she closed the door. Drying up herself, she dressed herself in the clothes that Joey had brought her. It was a pretty dress, unlike those in her country. It was soft and smooth. It made her looked Egyptian when she stared at herself. Grabbing her old dress, she looked in her hidden pockets that were on the dress and took out some stuffs that she had kept along the road. Putting those things in her new outfit, she opened the door. Joey was in the room that she had woken up in. Flashing her a smile, he said, "I'm sure you're hungry. Here's all I could get. I hope it's enough."

Serenity smiled, "Thank you very much Joey. I really appreciated. Why don't you joined me?"

"No thanks Serenity."

"I insisted. I can't possibly eat all this." Serenity said, gesturing to the food.

"Well...if you put it that way, I'm glad to become your company!" Joey said and sat next to her.


The Dark Prince rode into his palace. His soldiers were waiting in a row, standing tall, holding a spear. Their muscle chest stuck out and they stand tall and proud. The Dark Prince ignored his guards as he stopped in front of the head guard. Dismissing his horse, he walked down the hallways that linked to his palace. Standing tall and walking swiftly, he had a cunning smile on his crimson lips, while his brown bands brushed around his forehead. He was wearing some type of a armor on his body. Around his armor's waist was some sword. His body was tan, but yet he looked very malicious. His lips suddenly curled into a snarl as he entered the main hall of his palace.

Immediately, everybody in the main hall dropped down on their knees and bowed to their prince. He smirked at this; they were intimidated by him. Afraid of what he could do to them. He walked up to his throne and sat down. "Where is General Bakura?"

A man from the crowd stepped up and bowed down to the Dark Prince. He had white hair that cascaded down passed his shoulder. "My lord. I have retrieved the next key, as I was told."

"Very well. Any news on the enemy?" The Dark Prince asked, leaning against his hand with his elbow standing up on the hands of the chair; after taking the key that General Bakura had presented to the dark prince.

General Yami had stepped up, "My lord, we're still trying to sight that enemy, but so far we can't find him anywhere. It seems he had fled from that battle that we just had, my lord."

"I see. He must of feared my domination over him." was the reply from The Dark Prince. He smirked to himself before he spoke. "Anything else?"

"Yes. We just received from a village that wishes to go under your territory. It seems that they have a offering that they would want to grant you." General Yami said.

"Interesting. They wished to go under my control. We'll see about it. What are you saying about this offering?" The Dark Prince said, after thinking thoughtfully.

"From what I gathered, they said they're offering something to you as some gratitude, my lord." General Yami said.

"Fine, we'll see what they have to offered. Now, leave me now. I wished to be alone now." The Dark Lord said, standing up and leaving the room; before his generals could replied.


After a few weeks that had passed, Serenity had gotten the used of doing peasant work. She had met Tristan and Tea; they both seemed nice. Although, Serenity was way aware of Tristan's close attraction to her. As much as she hated it, she simply avoided him and hope for the best. She had also met Joey's love attraction. Even without anybody telling her anything, she could tell that there was some attraction between the two. They would argued constantly, but they would make up the next day. But, nobody had ever told her that she would be having some visitors that would change everybody's life forever.

Serenity was cleaning around the house but stopped when Joey had bursted inside the house before he ushered her outside frantically. "Joey, what's going on?"

"No time to speak Serenity. If we're not all outside this instant, he would tortured us for good!" Joey said, a hint of fright in his eyes.

"Whose..he?" Serenity's asked with confusion in her eyes.

"The Dark Prince! He wants to reigned all of Egypt and expanded beyond the world, dominating every part of the world! He's dangerous, Serenity. Malicious, is more like it. There is something you have to know about. Nobody is safe in this world with him living. He's like the devil himself! Listen, whatever you do, do not look towards his direction. It's for your own safety. Do you understand?" Joey asked. Ever since Serenity had started living with Joey and his friends, she was considered a little sister to him. He would get overprotective of whatever it has to do with Serenity. Granted, he had grown accustomed with the bond that they both had shared.

All Serenity could do is nodded. Joey then brought her to a place where almost everybody in the village is at. Confused, Serenity looked around the crowd, trying to see what's going on. But she halted when she saw a army coming towards the village. When the army got close, the man leading them stopped and sneered at the villagers. "This better be worth my time. What is it that you villagers want?"

A man from the crowd stepped out and bowed down to him. Suddenly, all of the villagers, including Serenity, bowed down. The man who had bowed down first said, "My lord. We wished to be under your control. We decided to give you a gift; an offering that might be suitable for you."

"Oh really?" The Dark Prince asked, his azure eyes still full with coldness.

Gulping, the man simply nodded before a woman stepped out of one of the house. The woman had blonde hair which fall caressly passed her shoulders. She wore a white dress which wrapped around her body, showing her curves. She walked down towards to the Dark Prince, while everybody's eyes was on her. Serenity watched with dismayed as her friend Mai walked down to the army, while Joey watched with hooded eyes; gripping his clothes really hard. But, not everybody's eyes were on Mai. The Dark Prince was caring less about the woman who was walking towards him. Instead, his azure eyes scanned through the villagers and right on the woman with oddly hair color.

She had crimson hair, while she looked like she had flawless and smooth alabaster skin. She was very petite and she was unusual. Never in his life had he seen anybody with such pale colored skin, and a oddly hair color. Smirking, he got down from his horse and walked passed the woman who was coming towards him and stand right in front of the woman that he had his eyes on.

Serenity was startled to see the Dark Prince right in front of her. He looked very striking, with his brown hair and his azure eyes. He looked down at her, seeing that he's taller than him, and smirked. Taking one of his hand, he gripped her chin and forced her to look up to his cerulean eyes with her emerald eyes. She winced when his hand made contact with her face, but she made no comment about it. From what she see, everybody in this village are frightened by him; more like what he can do to them.

"Such extraordinary creature that you have here. Never had I ever seen such skin like yours. Tell me, where are you come from? What's your name?" The Dark Prince said, stroking her chin while looking wickedly around her body.

Joey said shakily, "She lives around here, your highness."

"In the name of Ra, shut the hell up. I didn't asked you the questions, did I?" A pair of hard and cold azure eyes landed on the poor excuse for a human. He smirked, "Dog."

Joey's eyes blazed angrily at The Dark Prince, but he held back his comments. Satisfied with his work, he turned back his attention to the woman in front of him. Gripping her chin harder, which she cried out, he said, "I asked you a question and you're supposed to answer it."

"M-My name is Serenity." She cried out at the pain that he was causing her.

Smirking, he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her towards his horse. Putting her on the saddle, he climbed up on the horse, sitting behind her. "I decided to take this one instead. I don't want the other one woman." Turning to his guards he said, "Leave some guards here. They're now under my protection" With that, he rode off with Serenity towards his palace.


Alright! I'm done with the first chapter! First thing is first, I totally HAVE NO IDEA about Egypt(or how they're like in ancient times. BUT, I do have a hunch about what happens in Ancient Egypt; so excuse my mistakes on whatever I had written.) Second, things may seems confusing but don't worry, I'll be explaining everything later to the chapters that are to come. Third, I'm sorry but I still didn't get a hold of a editor.(Please excuse my grammatical/spelling errors.)

Thanks for all your reviews! =)

Eternity's Angel