The mini journal Chapter 12 – After its ended, all Is good.

Dark Acolyte – well... I guess you will have to read and find out silly ;)

Aleego – hahaha a lot of people put that review! Thanks for reading this story and helping me with it! You rock girl!

Alan is my friend – Girl I loved the picture of Marissa/Merideth! Its really good! You know I love your art! Thanks! Oh cool you sent my faviorte picture to poptartfrog! Cool she will love it!

Juneroses – thank you so much Suzanne for all of the help and support you have given me through this story and all of my others! You are a great friend! I hope you liked this story!

Ohepless Oramtnci – "A girls got to do what a girls got to do!" – Shego

Shegal92 – hahaha me neither. That's why a lot of the times I see my self in Shego, hehehe. This is the last chapter I really hope you liked my story! Thank you for all of the reviews!

Crimson Squirrel – hahaha are really funny! Thanks for reading my story and I am happy you liked it! I love yours hopefully some day you will be able to write a drakken and Shego story! :D

AshLDragon – hey gurl!!! Yep its over!!! I really hope you like this chapter! I cried while I wrote the end! I know I am a baby! Thanks for all of your craziness and great idea's and help! You rock! Hope we are friends for eva!!!

Monkey fist – well, I guess you will have to see ::evil laugh:: yup Shego is a B.A.D. girl hahaha. Thanks for all of the reviews!!

DarkAngel – aww yay you are reading Obession as well! Oh booya! I will update that one to!! Keep reading!!

LovlyLila – lol yes here look I updated, chill ;)

Ladies and gentlemen this is the last chapter of the mini journal...

Drakken was now in a huge state of shock.
"You... you found my-my journal?!" He stuttered going white as chalk and started to shake.
"Yeah... yeah I did. Oh and it's a great place to leave it right next to where you put my check Dr. D. Nice one... your just lucky I didn't read it." She said examine the book and trying not to laugh.
"Oh thank god... thank you for not reading it."
"Sike... oh I read it all right. I read every single page... you want to produce Children with me? You want to marry me? You want to be my boy friend!?" Shego said walking over and Drakken now had tears in his eyes, tears of embarrassment. Oh he screwed up all right!
"You know the truth now," Drakken whispered looking down as a tear rolled down his blue cheek.
"I am sorry if I ever hurt you, or embarrassed you... I just loved you that's all. What are journals made for anyway?" Drakken whispered again.
"They are people to express them self's and write about who they love and then hope someday the person they love, loves them back... and I think you did the right thing Dr. D." Shego said as he looked up.
"Because I love you to!" Shego cried as she dropped the book pushed him against the wall and kissed him. Drakken felt like he was in heaven and there were fireworks everywhere. Underneath his eyelids his eyes were cross- eyed because he had never been kissed before and he couldn't believe that Shego had fallen in love with him to.
Breaking the kiss Shego then looked deep into his eyes and slightly laughed.
"Wow... Shego, I never knew." Drakken said smiling as he held her hands and then kissed them.
"I know, it wasn't until that night I got drunk and tried to make love to you I realized I love you or had feelings for you." Shego said blushing a bit.
"Oh that night, how could I forget." Drakken giggled and she did to.
"But that day, at breakfast you said that isn't it hard to tell someone you love them when they don't love you back. Weren't you talking about Jr.?" Drakken asked.
"No," Shego said leaning against him again.
"I was talking about you." Shego said as they then kissed again and Drakken kept kissing his love back.
Standing in the door way were a few close henchmen and were 'awing' at the site.
"What are you looking at?" Drakken laughed as Shego did to as they hurried off.
"Wow... I guess if It wasn't for my journal we both would never have the guts to tell each other how we feel." Drakken said.
"Yeah, and wouldn't that be terrible.
"But, what about Jr.?" Drakken then asked as he took Shego inside seeing that they both were getting wet.
"Well, I came to my senses and noticed that I love you so much and I just couldn't live anymore with him. And all he wanted was sex." Shego shivered and Drakken laughed.
"At least he didn't hurt you and that all I want." Drakken said as he kissed her hand and she smiled.
"Oh but I do!" Cackled a voice as both adults spun around and Shego screamed and hid behind Drakken as Jr., looking crazy stood on their balcony with a gun in his hand pointing their direction.
"Jr!" Drakken gasped now in horror, "How did you get up so far?"
"Ever hear of something called a lader, blue freak?" Jr. said brushing his wet hair out of his eyes.
"Jr. please! Just leave me alone! We are through!" Shego cried as tears of horror streamed down her face.
"NO!!!" Jr. roared, "Its not over until you are dead!" He growled as he winded up the gun and Shego screamed holding onto Drakken as he held his arms out trying to protect her.
"Plleeeeaaasseee, I beg you! Just leeaveee me alone!" Shego cried.
"Wait!" Drakken said trying to hold up Jr. a little longer so he can think of a plane.
"Why do you want to hurt her?" He said and Jr. laughed evilly.
"Because of you of coarse! She use to love me! But now... oh no... she loves YOU now! You and your so screwed up life, you and your large expensive lair. There is nothing to change it! Except... .for an exchange." Jr. said rubbing his chin and then getting the idea into his head.
"Alright, ill give you anything, what do you want?" Drakken said scared to death.
"I wont hurt Shego, if you give me your life." Jr. cackled.
"Nooooooooooo!" Shego screamed and cried.
"SHUT UP!" Jr. roared waving the gun in her direction now.
"Shego." Drakken then said as he turned around and kneeled down.
"I have to do this. I am going to keep my promise to you." He said trying to hold back his tears.
"No! NO! I wont let him kill you!!! NO! Drakken oh my god you cant! NO I love you!" Shego screamed as he held her in his arms.
"What ever happens I love you, and always will be with you!" Drakken said as he kissed her forehead as she held on to him and then he whispered in her ear quickly.
"In the drawer behind you there is a gun... get it and shoot Jr. when he isn't looking... it's the only way." Drakken whispered as Jr. then came up and grabbed Drakken and whipped him away from Shego.
"Oh god please don't hurt him!" Shego cried as Drakken nodded his head and then was thrown against the brick wall.
He let out a cry oh pain and Shego felt it in her heart as Jr. evil Jr. held him up then by his neck and she screamed to see he was being chocked and his face was turning darker blue.
"Time for you to go to hell you little ass." Jr. said as he clicked the gun and pressed it against Drakken's right temple as Shego rushed over to where the gun was hidden and whipped it out and Drakken smiled.
"Hey Jr." Shego called as he turned around and now was the one scared.
"Yah know you always sucked at making love." Shego said with an evil smile as she pulled the trigger and moments later Jr.'s blood was running all over Drakken's floor.
"Shego! You did it! You stopped the mad man!" Drakken said as he rushed over and she did the same and they held each other in their arms and smiled.
"I love you." He said as a tear of love feel down his face,
"I love you to." Shego said as a tear of love feel down her face, and from that moment on, they never left each other side.

No one really knew what happened to Dr. Drakken the mad scientist and his assistant and love, but we do know that his journal brought the two most unlikely people to gather. Some people said that they were killed and never were to be found, others said that they stopped becoming Villain's and went their own ways, but only two people knew the real truth...

"Hey Kim, isn't it a great day?" Ron Stoppable asked as Kim sat down next to him and handed him an ice cream.
"Yeah it is. Hey... what do you think ever happened to Drakken and Shego?" Kim said as some parents walked by with their children in their stroller.
"I don't know...hey have you seen the new opening at Bueno Nacho? They have..." Ron said as then Kim's eyes locked on two very unexpected people. Everything was in slow motion and she smiled seeing Dr. Drakken and Shego smiling and laughing and pushing a baby stroller with a little girl in side smiling and waving a rattle in the air. Drakken then looked Kim's way and so did Shego. Smiling both at her she smiled back and then they kept walking and then Drakken nodded to her, and she nodded back. And it was the nod of peace. No longer were they to ever to haunt or darken a doorway again, they had found each other and Kim would keep their secret forever.
"Yeah know Ron," Kim said interrupting him and smiling seeing them both in her head again,
"I think Drakken and Shego found what they were both looking for in life."
"What is that?" he asked.
"Each other." Kim said as she smiled and Ron did too...

The End