Sorry it took so long but between moving, computer damage, long repair and school, I didn't have time to write. Sorry but I'm back now.

"Why the hell is no one answering their cell phone", yelled Mashton as he and the kids ran towards town

"Mommy and Daddy at conference", answered Lexi

"They turn them off at work", added Tommy

"Thank God", cried Mashton as his cell phone rang

"Mash you better have a good reason for blowin up my cell", stated Rasta

"The twins are like their Mom at times, they have visions, Tess and Kivar are back and they're going after Darrel", answered Mashton

"He's still at Kindergarten, I'll head over there", replied Rasta then she clicked her phone off

"Where the others", cried Louisa just as the phone rang

"What's the matter is something the matter with one of the kids", asked Isabel over the phone

"Katherine and Lexi know Darrel's in danger from Kivar, Rasta and I'm headed to the school, I can't get a hold of anyone else", answered Mashton

"You get to the school I'll get the others", stated Isabel as Mashton turned of the phone

"Uncle Mashton my legs are getting tired", cried William

"Okay, Okay be gentle", replied Mashton as he stopped and put William, Lexi and Katherine with Raphael and put Louisa and Tommy on his shoulders

"Are we going to make it in time", asked Katherine as the school came into sight

"Was there any time to what you saw", asked Mashton

"He was wearing the same clothes Mommy gave him for school this morning", answered Lexi through tears as Rasta came running from the community collage across the street

"Is there a problem ", asked a teacher as the group entered the school at full force

"Family emergency we need to find Darrel Evans immediately", replied Mashton

"What grade and are either of you on the release form", asked the teacher

"Mrs. Jancen, Kindergarten and yes both of us", answered Rasta

"Please we need to find my brother", cried Katherine as the olders got off the carriage

"Recess time, they should be coming down this hall", replied the teacher as the bell rang

"Uncle Mashton, Auntie Rast what are you doing here", asked Darrel as he stopped running down the hall with his friends

"Mashton and Rasta Gurien what are you doing here", asked Mrs. Jancen

"Family problem we need to take Darrel home", answered Mashton as Lexi and Katherine hugged Darrel

"But Mashton it's recess and what's with the twinks they just saw me this morning", complained Darrel

"Don't complain we have to get home", answered Rasta as she smiled at the teachers and the group headed out of the building

"Nice family but a little weird, care for a cup of coffee", smiled Mrs. Jancen

"Is everything okay", cried Maria as the Jetta pulled up and she and Michael jumped out

"For now but what ever's going to happen is going to happen today", answered Mashton just as Liz and Max pulled up

"We better get home and find out where they are", replied Max as he hugged Darrel and the twins

"What's going on, what's the matter", asked Darrel

"The twins had a vision of the evil people coming back and taking you", said Liz as Isabels car pulled up

"Okay lets get the kids in the cars, get home and figure out what next", suggested Michael


"So we'll see if we can use the stones to find out where Tess and Kivar are and then go from there", replied Max as the children sat on the couches and chairs while the adults sat on the floor in a circle

"This is boring", whispered Darrel

"I know but it's for you", smiled Lousia

"Mommy, Daddy's home", cried Tommy as he saw Jesse walking up the pathway

"It's only twelve thirty and where's the car", asked Isabel as the kids ran outside

"Something must of happen to the car", suggested Maria

"Dadda", cried William as the youngers were at the back of the pack

"Uncle Jesse", laughed Darrel as he and Tommy were in front

"What's the matter Daddy, why are you laughing", asked Tommy

"No get away", yelled Katherine as she and Lexi backed away crying

"What's the matter", asked Darrel as he turned around

"This", laughed Jesses voice as it morphed with Kivars and the body changed into Kivars

"Darrel", yelled Max as the adults got to the door in time to see Kivar disappearing with Darrel

Anyone out there, after five it seems people disappeared.

Anyone interested in my other active stories, they'll be updated in the next week.