"So Isabel it's a beautiful night isn't it", asked Alex as the two walked through the park

"It is I wanted to thank you again for the flowers and everything you just make me feel special I know that sounds stupid", smiled Isabel as she held up a dozen roses

"It doesn't, you deserve to feel special", replied Alex as they stopped and sat on a bench

"Thank you", whispered Isabel as they kissed

"So Liz is what Isabel saw last night the truth", asked Max as he stood on the balcony

"To the last detail and just tell Isabel the next time she wants to know about what happen in our past tell her to come directly to one of us. We'll show her what ever she wants to see", answered Liz as she sat on her lawn chair

"I think that was enough she went on a date with Alex tonight, I think she finally fully trusts Maria and you, like Michael and I do", said Max as he knelt by her

"It's nothing Max, is there something you might like to see though", asked Liz

"I want to know how we could have made your lives so complete that you'd abandon your futures", stated Max

"Kiss me, like I'm sensing you want to and you'll find out", whispered Liz as she sat up

"Okay", replied Max as he did

"I have to thank you for giving me the power to sense emotions", giggled Liz between kisses as Max got flashes

"That went pretty well", laughed Maria as she and Michael stood at her car in the Crashdown down parking lot

"So did I pass", asked Michael

"Lets see nice outfit, bouquet of flowers, wonderful dinner, walk me back to my car, passed with flying colors", smiled Maria as she kissed him

Roswell town line

"How cornball", laughed Ava as they passed the alien sign

"Nows how we finds the Crashdown", asked Rath as they drove through the center of town

"I'm guessin that", replied Zan as he stopped the car and pointed to the Crashdown sign

"Shoulds we wait until it's open or go ins now", asked Lonnie

"No lets go in now", said Zan as he parked the car and got out

"I hate doing that", complained Michael as he sat in a booth with Liz on the other side

"It has to be done and you know they'll be back tomorrow afternoon", laughed Liz

"Deck brushing the floor sucks", answered Michael

"Sorry, it spoiled the after glow of your date", stated Liz

"Nothing can spoil that", smiled Michael as the lock to the Crashdown popped open followed by the door

"Little bitch and the reject Rath", replied Zan as he and his group walked in

"Thank god for small miracles", whispered Liz as she stood up

"Nice ta meet yoa in the flesh so ta say", laughed Rath as they walked over to the booth

"I'll go call the others and tell them it's going to be a long night, you have fun with the dupes", said Michael as he walked to the back of the café

"So little bitch having a pajama party with reject Rath", asked Lonnie as she and the others sat in the booth

"The name's Liz and no I prefer the reject Zan as you'd put it, Michael's my adoptive brother", answered Liz

"Go straight to the ex king smart girl", stated Ava

"Yah well stick the perfects together to pervert, the stonewall with the hurricane, the princess with the joker and beautiful things will happen", smiled Liz as Michael walked back in

"Maria will be here in a few, Max and Isabel need a few for their parents to go to sleep, Alex a few for his brothers to go to sleep", explained Michael

"So who's whos", asked Zan

"Max is Zans twin, Isabel is Lonnies, Alex goes out with Isabel and Maria goes out with Michael", answered Liz as she and Michael sat down

"What about my twink", asked Ava

"She with the protector who has a plot with Kivar to get either Max or Zans son and take over Antar", replied Liz

"Thinkin of that's, Michael why don't yoa make the beast with two backs with yoar own kind", said Rath as he looked at Lonnie

"Because a warning from the future that a child by two aliens equals a human and the fact Isabel is more like a sister then anything else", stated Michael

"Speaking of the alien stuff what are you little bitch", asked Zan as he looked at Liz

"Put it like this because it also deals with Marias powers, a human consummating a relationship with a Antarian gives them the powers of the one they did it with even if they haven't tapped into the powers themselves", answered Liz as Maria walked in

"Zan, Lonnie, Ava, Bob", smiled Maria

"Excuse me", asked Rath

"There's no excuse for you", stated Maria

"Bob I almost forgot about that last time, good memory Maria", replied Liz as Rath just stared in shock

"What's alls this talk about last time and the future", asked Lonnie

"Jist is Liz and Maria got sent to the past aka this time by our future parents who were upset at the death and corruption of their children", answered Michael

"What do you mean dead and corruption", asked Ava

"We don't know what happen to you but Max, Michael, Isabel and Zan were all dead, Tess Avas twin killed Alex, and Rath and Lonnie were responsible for Zans dead", said Liz just as Max, Isabel and Alex walked in

"What", asked Alex as he looked back and forth between Isabel and Lonnie

"No threesomes", yelled Liz and Maria in unison

"Took the words right out of my mouth", smiled Lonnie

"That's what you ment before", asked Isabel as she looked at Maria and Liz

"Just consider us mocking birds", laughed Maria

"So how are we working this bitch, little bitch", asked Zan as he looked from Max to Liz

"Don't call her that", stated Max

"He's gotta ram rod up his ass just as far as yoa, this is gonna be one long ass stint", said Rath as both Zan and Max gave him the evil eye

"We don'ts need any testosterone charged fighin, so hows are we going to do this", asked Lonnie

"Tomorrow your parents are going to be here and we're going to deal with the coming evils so everyone can have their happy lives", answered Maria

"Which means the dupes go home and the pod squad get to be considered normal", added Liz

"What so good bout bein normal", asked Zan as he looked at Max, Michael then Isabel

"You get to make sure the girl next door that loves you and the ability to make sure she stays safe and doesn't get sent back in time to save you and your family a second time", replied Max as he looked at Liz

"You get two little mop heads and a wife that take away the pain of ten years of hell. Giving you direction when you'd normally feel lost", stated Michael

"A guy who doesn't flinch when you tell him he was killed by an alien and you're also one", finished Isabel

"So Cornball and I know I gonna start cryin but what do you three get out of this", asked Ava as she looked at Liz, Maria and Alex

"A soul mate", stated Liz

"A guy who is just as screwed up as me but still can love with all his heart", smiled Maria

"The Ice Princess that I thought was hot from the day I met her", finished Alex

"Just beautiful", hissed Lonnie as she slammed a hand over her heart

"Maria you know there is another thing besides all the love and affection that the dupes might approve of", smiled Liz as she looked at Maria

"Yah the only two human girls that can say it", laughed Maria

"What's this other thing", asked Michael curious

"Mind blowing Czechoslovakian sex", chanted Liz and Maria causing the room to be absorbed by laughter