I'm sorry! (Hides behind Anime from raging reviewers) I've been getting lots of coursework lately, and my exams are coming up soon! Not my fault! Hopefully, this chapter makes up for the long wait!
I give up.
I just…
Give up…
Ever since the day I was created, I've got the worst things life can throw at me. Nearly choked, almost petrified to death, my beautiful quill colours eradicated, embarrassed in front of my peers, separated from my love, dehydrated, and now…
I'm led on my front on my bed, staring out the window facing the cove. I haven't eaten, I haven't slept, I don't talk to anyone, not even Yaarp. I've never felt so awful… I hear the door open. I don't bother to look round. I can smell who it is.
"(Recall…?)" Nani says quietly, sitting on the end of my bed. I don't move, just like always. "(Are you Ok? I mean…)"
I get what she means.
"(C'mon Recall, you've got to eat something. Jumba says it's dangerous for you not to eat anything. You weren't designed to last long periods without anything to eat…)"
What does it matter if I don't eat…?
"(I know how you feel…)" She says quietly. How could you possibly know what I'm going through? "(Not exactly, but nearly… The way I felt when our parents went…)"
"(And I got through it.)" She continues. "(I didn't get over it, but I got through it. I'll still miss them, but… I know Lilo keep bringing the subject up, but it's just to prove a point… It hurts a little less each time.)"
She gets up and walks to the door.
"(It's just not fair…)" I whisper finally.
"It's not fair…" I say again, turning round to look at her. "All these… events have to happen to me. It's not FAIR!" I say angrily, banging my fist on the bed below me.
"Recall, calm down!" Nani says worriedly, walking towards me. But either I don't hear her, or I ignore her.
"Why me! Why do I have to be in the wrong place at the wrong time EVERY SINGLE TIME? WHY ME?" I extend my claws, digging into the bed below me, snarling for the first time in my life.
"IT'S JUST UNFAIR!" I growl, ripping my claws through the mattress in anger as I speak. "WHY ME? IT'S UNWARRENTED! IT'S UNDUE! IT'S UNJUST! IT'S-!"
A sharp slap to my face.
I cease instantly, eyes clenched shut.
"(…I'm sorry I had to do that…)" Nani says quietly. "(You were going to hurt yourself…)" My face is in the same position where Nani had hit me.
A few seconds silence.
One tear trickles out from the corner of my eye and down the side of my face.
"(…I'm sorry…)" I say, taking my claws out of my bed, retracting one set as I touch the tender spot with a hand. "(I really don't know what to do now… That seemed like the logical thing at the time…)"
"(Grief can do that to people, don't worry about it.)" Nani sighs, stroking my head. "(You didn't even want to be in the same room as me after my news…)"
"How's162 taking it?" I ask, swinging my legs round and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Worse than you." Nani says quietly, somehow not willing to stray to that topic, sitting next to me on the end of the bed.
"…Thanks, Nani." I say, hugging her around her waist. "You've really helped."
"Your welcome." She smiles back, stroking my head again. "Now… how about something to eat?"
"No thanks, I've got to find 162." I say, giving her an extra smile.
"Recall?" She adds, putting her hand on my shoulder. I look up to her. She hesitates, wondering what to say. "…don't expect the best reaction. You'll get what I mean when you see him."
I step into the living room, sniffing about for 162. I've got to explain to him. He'll never live it down.
I hear a shuffling sound from the corner. I look round to see 162 trying and failing to hide away behind the sofa. (His demolition ball keeps knocking into things.)
"I see you…" I say in a half sing-song voice, watching him freeze. After a few seconds, he backs out and slowly turns round, shoulders hunched.
Oh my-! What has he done to himself? I put my hands to my mouth in shock as I look over him. The bridge of his nose is covered in scabbed-over cuts, some looking quite deep. One of his ears has a large piece out of it, the edges crusted over with dried green blood. His left eye is half-closed, surrounded by the bruising of the left side of his face. And worst of all, the ball at the end of his tail, I've just noticed because his tail is lying down, is stained with green…
"(Whack…)" I gasp, hands over my mouth, staring at him.
"(Please don't call me that…)" He whispers, a trickle of green blood falling from the corner of his mouth. "(I don't deserve a name…)"
"(Whack…)" I say anyway, taking a step towards him. "(What have you done to yourself…?)" He takes a step backwards, his back against the wall.
"(I'm a murderer…)" He whimpers, looking at the floor. "(I… I killed your… That's why I've been doing this. The only repayment for something like this is suicide, but I'm too cowardly… This…)" He twitches his molested ear. "(Is the nearest I can get to it…)"
"…That's been classed as manslaughter." I say, trying to keep back the tears. He doesn't move, still staring at the floor. He moves his eyes, only his eyes, to look at me.
"(…What?)" He puzzles, frowning slightly.
"That's right, Whack." I sigh, nodding gently. This is going to be hard…
"I… I… I forgive you."
He doesn't move, staring at me. He blinks twice, mouth falling open in delayed shock as it sinks in. After a few seconds, his eyes begin to tear up while narrowing. They and his mouth close as he gives out a small sob. He gives out another as his shoulders begin to shake. He relaxes his elbows, dropping himself to the floor as a tear runs down his bruised cheek. He shakes as he sobs louder, tears now streaming down both cheeks as he lies flat on the floor. I try to hold back my own as I walk up to him and kneel down next to his head.
I gently put my hand on his paw. Yes, Whack. I forgive you.
Please review. I apologise, again, if I have offended or affected anyone.