Authoress' Note: You know...Me. Wolf's Rain. I don't own it.

About the Story: I actually went out into my backyard Saturday afternoon, and I wrote this. The sun made me delirious, obviously.

Reign of Stars

Hige looked scornfully at Kiba and Cheza, who were leading the group together, holding hands as usual. Ever since she had come along, Kiba had ignored him completely. All of his time, all of his being was devoted to her and making her happy. Hige hated him for that, and he hated her. He continued to glare at the back of Kiba's head, as if he wanted to let Kiba know he was mad at him. Toboe and Tsume trudged along besides him. Toboe was holding Tsume's hand and smiling up at him while Tsume growled and pretended not to notice. Toboe had been blissfully happy ever since Tsume had told him he loved him. The two were always showing each other tenderness. Hige wanted what they had with Kiba...but that goal seemed unreachable now. Kiba and Cheza seemed meant for each other. What chance did he have?

Hige was so deep in his ruminations; he did not notice the long tree root hidden beneath the moss-covered ground. He tripped and fell flat on his face, slicing his cheek on a nearby rock. He cursed under his breath and looked up, hoping Kiba would notice his misfortune. He didn't. His mind was full of her and only her. Damn. How could he make Kiba love him?

"What happened, Porky? All that weight tip you over or something?" Tsume chuckled to himself.

Toboe shot Tsume a piercing stare. "Are you alright, Hige?" Toboe asked as he helped him to his feet.

Hige forced himself to laugh. "My mind went on vacation yesterday! I'm waiting for it to come back!" He felt the abrasion on his face. It wasn't bad, nothing to run around, screaming about. But, still...Kiba didn't notice him at all.

The strange procession had stopped at about sunset. They had been moving rather brusquely since their run-in with Dr. Cher and the authorities. They always seemed to catch up with them, no matter how fast or far they had traveled. The clearing in which they had stopped was not particularly nice. The grass was dried up and brittle. Myriads of weeds sprung erratically from the hard ground.

Hige bit into the rabbit he had captured with such ferocity, the others stayed away. Hige pretended the rabbit was Cheza, and he smiled as he devoured its liver. His charade entertained him for a while, but when he was done, it was back to brooding. Jealousy of Cheza screamed from every part of his body. What made her think she could waltz in here and take Kiba from him? What did she have that he didn't? A few weeks ago, Kiba had finally been showing him tenderness. A kiss or a nuzzle, small steps, when Tsume and Toboe weren't looking. It didn't quench Hige's insatiable thirst for Kiba, though. He wanted Kiba to himself. The tan wolf looked at the white wolf sadly.

Kiba had his head in Cheza's lap, smiling at her. He looked at her the ways the angels look upon the face of God. With unconditional love. It made him want to throw up that rabbit he just ate. Hige glared at them both, as he settled into a patch of dandelions. Kiba was too captivated by Cheza to notice, but the Flower Maiden smiled at him. It wasn't one of those innocent smiles, was more like sugar-coated poison. Hige was surprised she was even capable of a look like that. A chill ran down his spine.

'Screw you' Hige thought as he lay on his back and looked at the sky, which was turning from orange to red, the color of her eyes.

END/Chapter One {Envy}

Authoress' Note: So, what did you think? This chapter is kind of short, with it. X3