Dislcaimer : I own nothing that has anything to do with Harry Potter, thank you for your time - that is all.

A/N : Aw okay this chapters a bit more sad than I thought it would be. But here you go anyways!

This Is Not A Diary

Chapter Five

The Other Little Girl

Ron's Diary

Feb. 8th


Where have you been? You havevn't written to me since the 5th! You know, it gets very boring without anyone to talk to.

Oh er sorry. I didn't mean to, I just had so much to do and Mione made me study for the charms test we have tomorrow and she made me do both the transfiguration eassy and the Defence Against the Dark Arts eassy even though they aren't due for four days. She said she wouldn't help me at the last minute so if I wanted her help I'd have to do it now.

That's pathetic! You forgot about me becuase 'Mione' came calling? I pity you, man.

What! No, that's not what happened! She simply said if I wanted her help with our homework I'd have to do it now. So I did ... becuase I needed her help.

Homework? No guy does homework early unless it's because he wants to spend some time with his crush 'studying'.

Oh please.

Whatever, are you going to tell me about those walks you and her go on every night?

What's there to tell? We walk.

What do you do on these walks?

I just said! We walk.

Sure, what else?


Ron! If you're not going to write more than two words would you mind closing me so I can go visit Tara.

Who's that?

She's another Diary here at Hogwarts. She's a friend.

Oh. All right fine. Lets see ... well we usually walk around the school but on rainy days we walk around the lake -

You walk around in the rain? By a lake ... is that safe?

No. But Mione likes it.

Problem solved then.

Shut up, she likes walking around in the rain - so that's what we do when it rains! Now you want to hear this or not?

Sorry, go ahead.

Okay well we walk and most of the time we talk but ... sometimes we just walk around in silence. The corridors are all empty because everyone has to be in the Common Rooms by eleven and that's when we leave. It's easier to talk when people aren't yelling and talking all around you.

What do you two talk about?



Like ... I talk about Quidditch and she talks about Spew - er, S.P.E.W.

That's it? You talk about a game and she talks about house elves?

No. We talk about other things too.


Like ... V-Voldemort and the war. About Harry and Ginny. We worry about them, they've both been possesed by the Dark Lord and Mione reckons it wont be the last time he comes to use them.



So these walks are really important to you two, huh?

Yes ... I mean, I can't talk about this stuff with Harry because he gets really cold and horrible towards us. He doesn't like talking about the war. He never talks about it, or about V-Voldemort. I know it's all he thinks about, though.

Harry Thinks it's his fault.

What is?

Sirius's death, our outcomes.


Well, if one of us die in the battle against the dark side and Harry lives I know everyday of his life he will think it was his fault. He thinks that he's putting us in danger by keeping our friendship going.

Is he?

Yes, but Mione, Gin, and I don't care. We want to be there for him but he doesn't want our help.

What about Ginny? You said you couldn't talk to her about this either. Why?

Well Gin usually gets really sad and distant. She either starts crying or doesn't speak for the rest of the day. I think she keeps reliving it in her memory. She thinks she was responsible for everything that happend in her first year.

It's funny ... in a way. Ginny thinks it was all because of her that someone could have died and Harry thinks it's all his fault that someone could have died. He says if he hadn't been at Hogwarts Voldemort wouldn't have come after Ginny to get to him.

Those two must have a hard time dealing with everything.

Yeah but they wont talk to us about it so Mione and I can't help them. That's why we talk about it together, that's why we go on walks and just talk.

So those walks are really important to you two.


You said at some points you two don't talk about anything? Why?

Well that usually happens after we talk about the war. We both know that in the end it's going to be Harry against Voldemort, the Aurors wont be able to help, Dumbledore wont be able to help, and the Ministry wont be able to help. It'll be Harry and Voldemort. But Mione, Ginny and I are going to be there with him right to the end, no matter what.

After we think about that we kind of just drift off into thought and the next thing we know it's midnight and we're walking back to the Tower.

Wow. The last sixth year I had didn't have half as many things to worry about as you lot.

The last sixth year? You had another person write to you before?

Oh yes, once a child grows out of their Diary -

This is NOT a diary!

- they usually put me up for sale or drop me off at a used book store, which is where Ginny found me. I've had two other girls before you.

Really? That must be hard, though. I mean, don't you ever get attached to these kids?

Oh yes, of course. I remember the first little girl who wrote me. I was a birthday gift from her Uncle on her tenth birthday. She wrote to me almost every day. She told me all about the Muggle friends she had and about some of her Wizard friends. I remeber the day she got her letter from Hogwarts. She ran straight up to her room to tell me all about it.

I stayed with Megan until she turned seventeen. When she left Hogwarts she had accomplished so many things but she felt it was time to grow up. She was engaged to her first boyfriend, Eric and they were getting married right after graduation.

She wrote me her last entrie right after she got married, in the carraige that was taking her to their new house. She told me all about the wedding, then she told me she had to stop writing to me, she was starting a new chapter in her life and leaving things from her childhood behind.

I remember that last time she wrote to me. She thanked me for seven years of friendship and she thanked me for everything I had done for her, for always listening to her problems and being her best friend. Then she said good bye and I know she was crying all the while.

That must have been so horrible. What happened to you then?

She put me in a box and three years later she gave me to her first born daughter. She was just like her mother. After three years though, she went to Hogwarts and she gave me away to a used book store.

Megan wrote me once more though, just before she dropped me into the hands of the shop owner.

She thanked me again, for being there for her daughter and she said she always thought about me, and she would never forget me or our friendship.

Megan told me she loved me and I told her the same.

Do you miss her?

Oh very much.

What was her last name?

Megan Thomos. She was an angel.

Hmm. Well don't worry about it, I promise to write in here much more. Would you like to go visit Tara now? Mione and I are going to go walking. It's raining.

