Chapter 1
"So, remind me again where we're going?" Luen Aida grumbled to her twin as she pulled on her huge black boots.
"Coruscant. Dad said that we're leaving after lunch in the Mithrandir," Jakobe replied.
"And why are we going? Mom didn't say much about that."
"We're 'meeting the rest of our family'," Jakobe said scratching behind his ear, very confused.
"But we don't have any family!"
"That's what I thought too. Apparently we do."
Luen jumped up from her seat on the couch. "Well, I'll see you in an hour than. Got to say bye to Manaeil." She sprinted down the long hall and vanished around the corner.
Jakobe shook his head after his sister. At 18, both of them pretty much had a life of their own. Both were the bodyguards of the Queen of Naboo, their mother Lara Aida. Their sister Athena was a professional assassin at age 16.
Jakobe and Luen were both extremely tall- Jakobe at 1.93 meters and Luen at 1.76 meters. They had straight, black hair. Luen usually wore hers up, while Jakobe let his hang and curl around his ears. The twins had violet eyes that would turn blue when danger was near. But their sister Athena was another matter.
Athena was 1.68 meters tall, bright green eyes and long blonde hair. She could seek out a rodent 50 meters away and would shoot it between the eyes with one of her arrows. Athena was the only one that would not have anything to do with technology whatsoever. She, along with Luen, was athletic. Every morning she would do a 3 mile run, keeping her body and mind in shape. As far as Jakobe knew, his sisters were crazy.
Luen hauled her pack over her shoulder and ran down the steps of the villa. She threw the bag into the skipper and dropped into the seat next to Athena.
"Let me guess: I'm driving?" Luen said with a smirk.
"Oh, just go already!" Athena snapped.
"Fine, fine!" Luen kicked the thruster into gear and sped off across the lake to the Mithrandir .
Luen hefted up her bag again and ran up the boarding ramp to the cargo bay of the ship. She crossed the hold to her room and dumped her bag on the bunk.
She emptied her bag. Boots, extra shirts, jerkins, leather vest, several bows, daggers, and her sword. Narsil . Named for the sword that struck down the Dark Lord Sauron. Named for the sword reforged by the King Ellesar, Aragorn son of Arathorn.
Named for herself.
Jacen Solo watched the sky, shifting nervously from foot to foot. His family and his Uncle's stood on the immense docking platform on Coruscant, waiting for the arrival of his relatives.
He finally saw a silver streak heading towards them. He nudged his twin, Jaina, who in turn nudged their brother, Anakin. Together the Solo children watched an immense silver ship descend onto the platform. Jaina's eyes widened. For the first time, she could not identify the craft.
The landing ramp slowly started to lower itself down from the belly of the ship. Smoke swirled around the top, obscuring the view of the Solo children.
The first person to reach the end of the platform nearly made Jaina reach for the hilt of the lightsaber on her hip. The young woman was not much older that Jaina. She word her straight black hair pulled away from her pale face. Her eyes were a strange and luring violet hue. Her ears glistened with hoops and studs. She had on pierced eyebrow.
Her attire was something Jaina had never seen before. She wore a black leather tunic with violet embroidery, silver shoulder plates, black trousers, a dark violet undershirt and big black boots with violet embroidery circling the top. Jaina was even more surprised at the armory she bore with her. A large bow made of wood, arrows in a quiver strapped to her back, a huge sword in its sheath secured tightly to her belt, and two daggers on each side of her waist.
She was, by far, the strangest human female Jaina had ever seen.
Jacen was equally surprised with the tall boy that followed. he was dressed like his obvious sister, as they looked as if to be twins. He too wore bow, arrows, swords and daggers. The younger girl behind him was very different form her brother and sister. She had long, wavy golden hair plaited down her back, piercing green eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore a homespun green tunic, brown trousers, tan undershirt, brown leather gauntlets, bow and quiver, and two daggers.
Her parents were dressed in a similar way, Mara Jade noticed, clinging to her husband's arm.
Lara Skywalker-Aida ran to embrace her brother and sister.
"I've missed you two so much!" she cried.
"We've missed you too, Lara," Leia said sincerely. "Are these your children, Lara?"
Luen turned to raise a hand, beckoning forth the three Aida children.
"This is Jakobe and Luen, who you've met before," she said resting a hand on the twins' shoulders. Luen quickly stole a glance at her mother. Met before? What was she saying? Luen had never met these people before, and neither had Jakobe. Her mother was keeping something from her. "And this is Athena Éowyn Aida."
"Hello," Athena said firmly.
Han Solo brought Jaina, Jacen and Anakin to meet their cousins.
"Kids, this is Luen, Jakobe and Athena."
Jaina found herself having to stare up at the slightly older woman.
"Hello, Jaina," Luen said, extending her gauntleted hand. Jaina shook it, finding Luen's grip strong and almost painful.
Jacen found himself facing a giant. Jakobe Aida was at least a head taller than Jacen himself.
"Hey, squirt," Jakobe laughed, shaking hands with Jacen.
Anakin Solo found he did not have to look up at Athena Aida. He was head to head with her. She looks just like Tahiri, he said to his sister through their Force link, thinking of his best friend back on Yavin 4.
"Let's get back to the suite. Dinner should be ready soon," Mara reminded the two other families.
"So, remind me again where we're going?" Luen Aida grumbled to her twin as she pulled on her huge black boots.
"Coruscant. Dad said that we're leaving after lunch in the Mithrandir," Jakobe replied.
"And why are we going? Mom didn't say much about that."
"We're 'meeting the rest of our family'," Jakobe said scratching behind his ear, very confused.
"But we don't have any family!"
"That's what I thought too. Apparently we do."
Luen jumped up from her seat on the couch. "Well, I'll see you in an hour than. Got to say bye to Manaeil." She sprinted down the long hall and vanished around the corner.
Jakobe shook his head after his sister. At 18, both of them pretty much had a life of their own. Both were the bodyguards of the Queen of Naboo, their mother Lara Aida. Their sister Athena was a professional assassin at age 16.
Jakobe and Luen were both extremely tall- Jakobe at 1.93 meters and Luen at 1.76 meters. They had straight, black hair. Luen usually wore hers up, while Jakobe let his hang and curl around his ears. The twins had violet eyes that would turn blue when danger was near. But their sister Athena was another matter.
Athena was 1.68 meters tall, bright green eyes and long blonde hair. She could seek out a rodent 50 meters away and would shoot it between the eyes with one of her arrows. Athena was the only one that would not have anything to do with technology whatsoever. She, along with Luen, was athletic. Every morning she would do a 3 mile run, keeping her body and mind in shape. As far as Jakobe knew, his sisters were crazy.
Luen hauled her pack over her shoulder and ran down the steps of the villa. She threw the bag into the skipper and dropped into the seat next to Athena.
"Let me guess: I'm driving?" Luen said with a smirk.
"Oh, just go already!" Athena snapped.
"Fine, fine!" Luen kicked the thruster into gear and sped off across the lake to the Mithrandir .
Luen hefted up her bag again and ran up the boarding ramp to the cargo bay of the ship. She crossed the hold to her room and dumped her bag on the bunk.
She emptied her bag. Boots, extra shirts, jerkins, leather vest, several bows, daggers, and her sword. Narsil . Named for the sword that struck down the Dark Lord Sauron. Named for the sword reforged by the King Ellesar, Aragorn son of Arathorn.
Named for herself.
Jacen Solo watched the sky, shifting nervously from foot to foot. His family and his Uncle's stood on the immense docking platform on Coruscant, waiting for the arrival of his relatives.
He finally saw a silver streak heading towards them. He nudged his twin, Jaina, who in turn nudged their brother, Anakin. Together the Solo children watched an immense silver ship descend onto the platform. Jaina's eyes widened. For the first time, she could not identify the craft.
The landing ramp slowly started to lower itself down from the belly of the ship. Smoke swirled around the top, obscuring the view of the Solo children.
The first person to reach the end of the platform nearly made Jaina reach for the hilt of the lightsaber on her hip. The young woman was not much older that Jaina. She word her straight black hair pulled away from her pale face. Her eyes were a strange and luring violet hue. Her ears glistened with hoops and studs. She had on pierced eyebrow.
Her attire was something Jaina had never seen before. She wore a black leather tunic with violet embroidery, silver shoulder plates, black trousers, a dark violet undershirt and big black boots with violet embroidery circling the top. Jaina was even more surprised at the armory she bore with her. A large bow made of wood, arrows in a quiver strapped to her back, a huge sword in its sheath secured tightly to her belt, and two daggers on each side of her waist.
She was, by far, the strangest human female Jaina had ever seen.
Jacen was equally surprised with the tall boy that followed. he was dressed like his obvious sister, as they looked as if to be twins. He too wore bow, arrows, swords and daggers. The younger girl behind him was very different form her brother and sister. She had long, wavy golden hair plaited down her back, piercing green eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore a homespun green tunic, brown trousers, tan undershirt, brown leather gauntlets, bow and quiver, and two daggers.
Her parents were dressed in a similar way, Mara Jade noticed, clinging to her husband's arm.
Lara Skywalker-Aida ran to embrace her brother and sister.
"I've missed you two so much!" she cried.
"We've missed you too, Lara," Leia said sincerely. "Are these your children, Lara?"
Luen turned to raise a hand, beckoning forth the three Aida children.
"This is Jakobe and Luen, who you've met before," she said resting a hand on the twins' shoulders. Luen quickly stole a glance at her mother. Met before? What was she saying? Luen had never met these people before, and neither had Jakobe. Her mother was keeping something from her. "And this is Athena Éowyn Aida."
"Hello," Athena said firmly.
Han Solo brought Jaina, Jacen and Anakin to meet their cousins.
"Kids, this is Luen, Jakobe and Athena."
Jaina found herself having to stare up at the slightly older woman.
"Hello, Jaina," Luen said, extending her gauntleted hand. Jaina shook it, finding Luen's grip strong and almost painful.
Jacen found himself facing a giant. Jakobe Aida was at least a head taller than Jacen himself.
"Hey, squirt," Jakobe laughed, shaking hands with Jacen.
Anakin Solo found he did not have to look up at Athena Aida. He was head to head with her. She looks just like Tahiri, he said to his sister through their Force link, thinking of his best friend back on Yavin 4.
"Let's get back to the suite. Dinner should be ready soon," Mara reminded the two other families.