It's 3am when I'm woken up by a familiar sound. Veronica's screaming at something and stomping around like a dinosaur with divers boots on. Wonder what's got her so pissed off. Maybe bump's making her sick again. Or maybe she's just being a moody cow. At 3am?

"I can't believe this! You're meant to be six years old for Christ's sake William." Wait...William? She's yelling at my baby brother? Oh she's going to pay. "Are you just a big baby or something?"

I hear a high-pitched wailing noise and that can only be William. He's crying his eyes out by the sounds of it and I can't help but sigh as I get out of bed. What's he done now?

"Six years old William." Veronica's yelling and stomping back and forth along the landing when I get there. She's dragging stuff across to the stairway and William's just standing still, sobbing. Poor kid. "You're meant to be a big boy and you do this? I can't believe it. If your father were here..."

"Hey." I interrupt from the doorway. The über bitch is wearing her dressing gown over her nightshirt and William is standing in his baby blue pyjamas. "What's going on?"

She sighs and tries to make it look like it's the worst problem in the world. "William's wet the bed."

I look over to my brother and see the huge wet patch on his pyjama bottoms. He's sobbing and hiding his face in his arms, not looking at Veronica or me at all. The bed's also marked and Veronica's been taking the sheets downstairs to the kitchen to clean them.

"Okay." I answer and watch as she turns slightly pink at my tone of voice. Obviously she was expecting me to blow up and have a go at William. Why would I do that? We've all wet the bed at some point in existence.

"Okay? All you can say is okay?" she fumes and throws the ruined sheet she was holding to the floor. "Well fine then. You can deal with him whilst I go back to bed. Goodnight!" she slams the door shut on her way out.

I sigh and look over at a still wet William. He's still crying and wailing in his soaked pyjamas. I go over to the bed and grab the remainder of the sheets, putting them in a corner whilst I go to sort out William.

"Hey little buddy." I whisper and kneel in front of him. "What happened? You have an accident?" He nods and I wipe the tears from his face gently. He whimpers and wraps his arms round my neck, so I lift him gently and make my way towards the bathroom.

"I...I didn'...didn' mean to..." he sobs into my neck and I rub his back gently and run the bath water to a shallow depth. "I didn' mean to Lee... It was a...a accident..."

"I know." I murmur back and sit him on the toilet lid. He's still crying slightly so I make him blow his nose and wipe his eyes before I help him strip. I throw the damp clothing into a pile so I can sort them out when he's in bed. "Do you have to go now?" I ask and he shakes his head. I smile gently and lift him into the bath so he can rinse off.

"Lee? What are you doing up? I heard yelling." Darla pokes her head round the door and looks at me questioningly.

"Will had a little accident. Veronica yelled at him so I'm sorting him out." She nods and I can see that she's pissed that Veronica was yelling at him. "Can you take the clothes and sheets downstairs? I'll sort them out in the morning." She nods and soon is gone.

Soon William is clean and I dry him quickly. He still looks a little put out that Veronica yelled at him so I decided to give him a treat. I dress him in a pair of his boxers and an old tee shirt of his before draining the tub and taking him to my room.

I lay him in my bed and slip in next to him. He doesn't make a sound, just snuggles beneath the duvet and curls up next to me. I make sure he's wrapped up nice and warm and check he's asleep. He is and snoring softly.

Maybe tomorrow I'll double check he goes to the toilet before he goes to bed. Or maybe I'll comment on how awful a parent Veronica would make. Or maybe I'll just sleep now and make her life hell tomorrow.


Yeah it's just a chapter to show how evil Veronica really is. I need some ideas if you've got any. Please tell me if you do! I'd love to have some. Thanks guys.