Harry Potter and
The Tomb of Hogwarts
Chapter 30
Quills and Wands
As he flew through the magical abyss towards the Ministry of magic, Harry couldn't help but feel like an egg being sucked through the neck of a Butterbeer bottle like he'd seen in his Muggle Science class before he'd found out he was a Wizard. When the ground finally stopped beneath him he breathed a sigh of relief and found he'd actually pulled it off without falling down, though he still felt a bit off balance at first.
They had arrived in a small room, windowless, with nothing but a small group of wizards off to one side talking animatedly and a long table off on the opposite side.
The talking stopped abruptly as Dumbledore cleared his throat. The group as a whole turned to look at Dumbledore and his band of students. Lockhart suddenly burst through the group and took Dumbledore excitedly by the hand, shaking it vigorously.
"Albus Dumbledore," he called with a broad smile. "Great to see you. Great to see you. And Harry Potter! How have you been, lad?"
This was definitely the Professor Lockhart Harry remembered from his second year, though he thought it odd he'd remembered Harry without flinching, but then he remembered what Dumbledore had said about his memory. It seemed he had completely forgotten what had happened in the Chamber of Secrets because Ron had also received an extremely warm welcome.
"Ron Weasley! Great to see you too. And of course, where would Harry and Ron be without the lovely and ever so clever Hermione Granger," he said as he kissed her hand. Hermione blushed in spite of herself.
"Thought you were over him," Ron whispered under his breath. Hermione answered with an elbow to his ribs while Harry got a second dose of handshakes.
Professor David came up next to Lockhart and pulled his hand out of Harry's while placing his other hand on Lockhart's shoulder.
"Now, now Gilderoy, what have we discussed about being overly aggressive?
"Oh, yes, of course. Quite sorry about that. It's just been so long since I've seen so many familiar faces, and of course it's always nice to see the great Harry Potter. You've grown into quite a wizard since I last saw you. Heard you won the Tri-Wizard Tournament. No doubt some of my teachings helped you there, eh Potter?"
Harry smiled softly and nodded. He wasn't ready to talk to someone like Lockhart about something like the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and it seemed Lockhart read this in his face as he quickly changed the subject.
"Right! Well, isn't it just about time to get out there?"
"Indeed," intoned Dumbledore. "Everyone knows what they're to do?"
"Why don't I go over it once more, just to be safe," said Amelia Bones in a polite but stern voice. "Gilderoy, you will follow David and myself out first, followed by Mr. Kettleburn, Mr. Turner, and Miss Stealthborn. Next, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger will follow Albus, with Mrs Armstrong pulling up the rear. Any Questions?"
Everyone shook their heads, and as though on cue the door opened and a head popped inside looking remarkably like Percy with blond hair and bifocals similar to Dumbledore's instead of Percy's standard issue glasses. "They're ready when you are," the young man said in a surprisingly deep voice.
"Thank you, Ignatius," Amelia said pleasantly. "We're on our way."
The door closed and Harry saw David put something small into Lockhart's hand. Lockhart quickly popped it into his mouth and swung his head back as he swallowed whatever David had given him and whatever effect it was to have, it seemed to kick in quite quickly. Suddenly Lockhart got a much more serious look on his face. He was still smiling but it seemed a more determined smile, somewhat like Dumbledore's look as he announced the Tri-Wizard Tournament restrictions. Serious, but still with a general happiness.
Whatever Harry though about Lockhart, he was sure that at the very least this was where he was meant to be.
When the doors opened, Harry followed Dumbledore out on cue and prepared readied himself for whatever might come.
He had not prepared enough.
When they came outside the door Harry found himself in a white hallway which abruptly ended to the left into the Entrance Hall of the Ministry, though most of it was concealed behind a large deck about three feet high with large drapes separating them from the rest of the Entrance hall.
And still with such a large wall between him and the crowd awaiting the press conference, Harry could already tell there were dozens and dozens of people on the other side just from the whispers, maybe as many as two hundred.
But when Lockhart stepped through the curtain to the stage, Harry knew his earlier guess could not have been even close to the actual size of the audience. The resonating applause as Lockhart stepped out seemed to shake the walls to the very foundation of the Ministry and Harry nearly flinched when Hermione grabbed tightly to his right arm, her left clutching to Ron.
An instant later he was walking up the steps behind Dumbledore who turned to give the three of them a reassuring nod before he too stepped through the curtain and another round of applause coursed through the room and Harry though he might just go deaf from the echoing cheers.
Later he'd blame his lack of noticing on nerves when Hermione and Ron would tell him that as he walked through the curtain the crowd had applauded louder even than when Dumbledore had come out. But in truth Harry hadn't noticed for an entirely different reason. He had completely frozen up.
The Entrance Hall of the Ministry looked nearly twice the size of the Great Hall at Hogwarts, and still Harry could not find a single empty standing space in the room. It seemed everyone who could show up had done so, at least a thousand wizards and witches in all, and Harry's jaw seemed unable to work.
After an undetermined amount of time the crowd died down and some people came and went from the podium set in the middle of the stage. Who they were and what they said Harry did not know. It wasn't until Hermione gave an extra tight squeeze on his arm that he began to snap out of it.
"Harry," Hermione whispered urgently.
"Huh?" Harry replied blankly.
"God, Harry. Don't scare me like that. Are you alright?"
"Uh, sure," he lied. "I'm Fine."
"Well perk up then. Lockhart's about to take the podium."
And so he did, and the butterflies in Harry's stomach increased a thousand fold. It was now only a matter of time until Umbridge was brought up. From there, questions would quickly move to Harry and Lockhart would have to give the podium over to Harry. Then he'd have to get up there and answer a hundred questions about everything he never wanted to talk about.
He quickly went over the important questions, the ones he would be willing to answer, and the ones that he would have to expound on the truth with. He wasn't willing to admit he was lying, though that would be exactly what he would do should certain questions come up. He continued asking himself questions and quickly answering them in his head as he vaguely listened to Lockhart talking at the podium, and much too early for Harry's liking he heard the magic words he'd dreaded.
"I see Harry Potter up there with you, Mr. Lockhart. Does that mean he's supporting your candidacy for Minister of Magic? We got the impression from your opponent that Mr. Potter had a great deal of trouble with any professors at Hogwarts, with the exception of Dumbledore."
"Very good question," Lockhart said with a huge smile. "But instead of answering that myself, why don't I let Harry answer for himself."
Everyone drew suddenly quiet as their heads shifted towards Harry, but before he took his first step forward he felt Dumbledore's hand on his shoulder, holding him back as he took the podium, all smiles and glittering eyes.
"My fellow Wizards and Witches. Before young Harry comes up here, which he will do shortly, I just need to ask you one small favour. Harry is here to support Lockhart as he will tell you himself in a moment, but before he does I need to ask that you please refrain from moving off topic and asking Harry questions that do not pertain either to his personal experience with his ex-professor or his esteemed Opponent. Any questions regarding the Tri-Wizard Tournament or the events of this past spring would be best kept for a later time. And now, with no further adieu, Harry Potter."
Harry gathered one final breath and stepped towards the Podium. It was an odd sense of power standing behind that podium, almost as though he'd been given a sudden Pepper-up potion, and Harry was surprised by how quickly he'd found his voice.
"Thank you, Professor. Well, I'm sure you all have several questions for me," he said, trying to sound as professional as possible, "but before I get to your questions I would like to address a few things that Miss Umbridge has said relating directly to me. It is true that I have had some difficulty with certain Professors in the past, but if you were to ask anyone who knew me before last year, they would all undoubtedly say that Professor Severus Snape and I had shown the greatest disliking for each other than with any other professor I've known. Yet this year Professor Snape and myself have been working quite well together teaching our Art of Duelling class with great success. In fact, as some of you may know, immediately following this conference I am to return to Hogwarts to go over the final list of participants in our duelling tournament, the first event of which will take place over the next two weekends. So it should be obvious by this alone that even when there has been animosity between myself and a Hogwarts Professor, I have done my best to overcome those obstacles to get along with my Professors."
"However, in the case of Professor Umbridge, I think it has become obvious as of late that she was wrong in many of her decisions. For instance, she had admitted to myself and several other students that it was she who had sent the two Dementors after me during the Summer Holiday of two years ago."
Many of the witches and wizards began frantically writing down this titbit of information and whispering animatedly to each other. Harry continued as though nothing had happened.
"Of course, I am sure that Miss Umbridge will say that the word of a sixteen year old boy and his friends are nothing compared to the word of a Ministry Official like herself, just as she did when I gave that interview in the Quibbler last year announcing the return of Lord Voldemort."
Gasps went out throughout the room as Harry said the name, and that did make him pause, but only to smile.
"Yes, that's right. I say his name now and out loud. Lord Voldemort is nothing but a cold blooded killer, and anyone who fears his name needs to re-evaluate their priorities. Few have lost as much as I have at the hands of Lord Voldemort, but Professor Dumbledore, twice the wizard Voldemort is, has no fear in saying his name, nor do you have any fear in saying Dumbledore's name. Honestly, do you think that saying "You-Know-Who" is any better or worse than saying his name? Voldemort is a coward and I've said it to his face, and I'll say it again when I smite him into the ground."
The room had fallen dead quite. The only thing that could be heard is the echo of Harry's voice, and it was then that he realised he'd been shouting. Recomposing himself a moment later, he straightened his robe and continued.
"Voldemort is a coward, and it is under that same cowardice that Professor Umbridge sent those Dementors after me. It was not because she was working for him or had any evil plans towards me, but simply because fear of even the possibility of his return made her do thing which no good Wizard or Witch would ever consider, and that included threatening to use an Unforgivable Curse on me. It was only through the quick thinking of one of my two best friends, a Muggle-born witch named Hermione Granger, who thought of a way to help me escape from having the Cruciatus Curse place on me by Miss Umbridge."
"But this is just one of the many things she had done to prove herself unworthy for any place of power. She herself taught Defence Against the Dark Arts last year and told her fifth year students, including myself, that if we studied our book hard enough there would be no need for us to have any practical experience in casting any spells. She was to have the fifth years take their O.W.L.s without ever having cast a single fifth grade spell."
More whispering crossed the room, but Harry didn't stop for them but continued forward.
"It was only through convincing by Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger that I began holding a Duelling Club last year. More than fifty students participated in the club even after Miss Umbridge had outlawed all group activities and clubs not authorised by her. This was but another attempt by her to hinder the students from learning how to defend themselves properly against the Dark Arts. Of course she felt it was for the better good, keeping us from learning to defend ourselves would also hinder any student's pursuit in the Dark Arts, and I believe she also felt threatened by the idea of Professor Dumbledore raising an army against the Ministry. Of course this was ridiculous and is one of the primary reasons I continued to hold the Duelling Club Meetings."
"Now she expects to run under the guise of being Fudge's right hand in the Ministry and wants to take over where he left off. Now I don't wish to speak ill of Mr. Fudge. I do feel he did many things in the best interests of the Wizarding Community, but Fudge was a man who spoke loud but acted only defensively. Voldemort is not going to be defeated this way. That is why I stepped forward and suggested to Professor Dumbledore that it might be a good idea to nominate Lockhart."
"Gilderoy Lockhart is a brilliant man as any witch or wizard who reads must know, and the many things he's accomplished in his life proves him to be a man of action and not one who would just keep a defensive wall and hope the enemy gives up. Voldemort will never give up and we need a Minister who feels the same.
"We need a man who knows how to fight the Dark Arts, and as a previous Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor I think he more than Qualifies. We need a man who can give the weak hope that they too can overcome even the greatest of odds and stand for what is right. Who better than a man who overcame one of the most extreme Memory Charms and stands before you as good as new, if not better. Gilderoy Lockhart has overcome all the odds and stands before you one of the most beloved, courageous, and experienced Wizards the world over. As a student of his, a friend, and as a young man who has faced Voldemort more often than any other Witch or Wizard present, I can honestly say that there is no man I would rather have in office than Gilderoy Lockhart. Thank you."
Applause swept through the crowd, shaking the walls and making the wooden stand on which Harry stood vibrate beneath his feet. Harry had to smile at himself for a moment, soaking up the applause and feeling quite proud of himself for having performed so well. But then a though burst to the front of his brain, shaking him hard and reminding him that the speech was the easy part. Now came the hard part, answering their questions.
As the cheers died down he took a deep breath, held it for a second, and over the dying crowd saying quite loudly in mid-exhale, "And now I'll answer a few questions, but please keep them restricted to the candidacy for Minister of Magic."
And all at once, a thousand voices rang out, none having paid attention to Harry's last request as they began shouting every question imaginable.
The Questions portion of the Press conference was due to last only a few minutes, but with Lockhart's help, along with Dumbledore, Ron, and Hermione jumping in from time to time, Harry answered questions for the better part of half an hour. Any questions related to Harry's personal life and especially those that involved him and Voldemort were initially deflected and were later ignored all together. By the time the conference ended a hour after Harry stepped back from the podium, Harry felt that Umbridge would have about a broom's chance in hell of becoming the next Minister of Magic.
After they got back into their private room Dumbledore quickly congratulated Harry on his performance, especially during the speech.
"I asked more of you today than I should have to ask of any student and you did far better than I could have possibly hoped for. I cannot remember anyone I have met before who could handle themselves as well as you did today and I am extremely proud of you."
"It was all in a days work," Harry said with a sly smile. "Honestly, after the first few moments I just pretended they were a bunch of students in my class and treated them that way."
"So acting as a Deputy Professor has taught you as much as you have taught others," Dumbledore said with a mischievous grin of his own.
"It that why you agreed to make me a professor? To show me how to work a crowd?"
"There are many reasons I appointed you as a Deputy Professor for the Duelling Club, and yes, this was one of them. It takes a great amount of practice and patience to deal with the press, and after you become of age there will be many who will seek you out then in hopes of salvation or to interview you in the attempt to try and sell your story. I felt a bit of familiarity with such incidents would help you prepare for those longer days still ahead."
Harry nodded solemnly. It had been a rush when it happened, but now he just felt drained. Going through that on a regular basis would be hell, and before Voldemort was finished off Harry suspected he'd have many more days just like this one.
"Well, if practice makes perfect, I'll probably get pretty darn good at that before I'm out of school."
"Well, I don't think it will be necessary to force too many more of these on you, but after you come of age there will be many of those who will seek you out, and after you leave your Aunt and Uncle's place on Privet Drive you will be on your own. You will be free to come and go as you please, and while I trust your ability to protect yourself, not all attacks against you will be from Death Eaters. Some will simply try to manipulate you, be they members of the press or Members of the Ministry of Magic. That is one of the primary reasons for your participation here today, to prepare you for what is to come."
Harry smiled out of reflex, but as he listened and nodded he was gotten a sudden and completely unexpected feeling from Dumbledore. It was one he'd felt many times before but until then had been defined. But as he looked up into Dumbledore's eyes a sudden warmth overtook him, much like the feeling he'd gotten from Mrs. Weasley on several different occasions. It was a feeling he'd yearned for and never received as a child. It was the unspoken declaration of love and respect that a parent would give off when speaking to a son or daughter. Seeing it in Dumbledore's eyes nearly brought Harry to tears.
The urge to jump forward and wrap his arms around Dumbledore was overwhelming, but Harry controlled himself just short of spreading his arms and smiled brightly, his eyes twinkling in attempt to keep the floodgates from bursting open.
As usual, Dumbledore seemed to sense what Harry was thinking, but instead of saying anything he simply placed a warm hand on Harry's shoulder, gripping it in that fatherly manner, and nodded his head once, a smile playing across his face.
"Come now. We have had much too much seriousness for one day and I dare say I'm quite looking forward to a relaxing game of Exploding Snaps."
Harry smiled, waved Ron and Hermione over, and a few moments later they were heading back to school and readying themselves for an evening of homework.
After a couple games of Exploding Snaps in Dumbledore's office, Ron, Hermione and Harry went up to the duelling class where they found Neville sitting next to Dudley and Luna who were already working on their Potions homework while Dudley was working over a bubbling cauldron.
Harry noted that, in recent weeks, the three of them were rarely found without the other two, Dudley and Luna usually hand in hand.
They all worked together on their Potions homework. Finally, when the clock struck ten O'clock, and they made their way back to their respective common rooms.
Quite sooner than he had expected that morning, Harry again found himself lying in his bed, waiting for some soft dreaming to take him from all his mortal worries and off into the sweet abyss of fantasy. Of course, when most of your fantasies come true when you've learned that you're a real life wizard, your dreams turn out to be much more like real life than you might like. But Harry found that any escape from the real world was fine with him, so he still closed his eyes and happily awaited sleep to take hold of him. After all, the next day would bring about another hectic set of trails organised by Charlie which would determine the finalists for the opening Duelling Competition.
Tomorrow was bound to be a very long day.
He'd received the final tally for the Tournament from Charlie immediately following his afternoon DADA class.
Harry found that Charlie had also written up a few suggestions as to how Harry could schedule the Tournament so that one of the competitions could be completed before the Christmas Holiday and have the other two competitions take place when the students got back to school.
Harry felt the fairest choice for the students, as well as the easiest to conform to the new time schedule, was to have the team competition before Christmas and the individual and individuals versus teams competitions afterwards.
And so on the Thursday morning preceding the last week of school before the Winter Holiday, as the students gathered at the Great Hall for breakfast, Harry took his seat at the staff table and, after all the students had calmed down, Dumbledore gave Harry the floor and Harry read off the list of qualifying duellists.
There were cheers for each student from their houses as their names were called and Harry was relieved to find that both Ron and Hermione were listed, as well as Fred and George. When Harry had read their names he looked up at the Gryffindor table to see the entire table cheering but as he scanned the table he couldn't seem to find the twins anywhere. He tried to remember when the last time he'd seen them outside of his classroom and realised he hadn't seen much of them at all through the year.
A not too subtle cough from McGonagall reminded him of his place and he continued to call of the names while tapping his watch with his hand to remind him to find out where the twins had been recently.
He finished announcing the names and then gave a brief overview of the Tournament's rules and scheduled times for the team competition, followed by another breakdown for the other two competitions to be held after the break. When he finished the entire Hall erupted in cheers, even at the Slytherin table, and as Harry sat back down he realised how relaxed he had been speaking to the entire school. But then again, after the press conference at the Ministry, talking to the students was a piece of cake.
When the crowd died down, Dumbledore once again took the podium and announced that he had one last surprise in store for the School.
"As Professor Potter, Professor Weasley, and Professor Snape have gone through so much trouble arranging this tournament, I felt it only appropriate that we provide a way prize to the winners. Therefore, it is my great pleasure to present to you, the Duelling Tournament Trophies."
With a wave of the hand, three trophies appeared on a table just in front of the podium. Two of them fairly similar in shape, each roughly a foot and a half tall and looking like a pair of oversized snow-globes, one with a pair of opposing duelling teams fighting each other, the other one with a sole duellist fighting off four opponents.
The third trophy was more classic in design than the other two and, in Harry's opinion, much nicer. Standing on a wooden platform with the standard gold plated nameplate stood a proud duellist, robes billowing in the air. For a few moments it simply stood there, standing proud, until it seemed suddenly alarmed, dodged an unseen spell, jumped into a forward roll, then turned sharply to the right and threw out a spell of it's own. It continued to dance around like this for twenty seconds, moving as though stuck in mid-air while simultaneously duelling some unknown foes, only to set itself straight up, standing proudly once more.
The students cheered once again and Harry could see Ron's eyes gleaming off the trophy, a hungry expression playing over his face.
At that moment Harry made a promise to himself. It was a selfish promise and one he knew he shouldn't have considered, not only because he was promoting the Tournament, but also because he'd taught most of the students how to duel. But looking at Ron just then reminded him of a young Ron, looking into the Mirror of Erised and seeing himself as Head Boy, Quidditch Captain, and the most revered of the Weasley boys. Harry hated to admit it, but Ron wasn't likely to make Head Boy, and though he was working as the temporary Team Captain, Harry would have to take back the reins before the end of the year or lose his team. In that, Ron would end up leaving school without making any of those dreams come true. But Harry could give him this.
First he decided that the individual competitions would be held off till last. That would give everyone the most experience before the individual battles, and it would also give him enough time to implement his second plan.
Directly after lunch Harry would walk Charlie to his office and convince him to help Ron with his Duelling. He'd tell him all about his duels with Dumbledore and have Charlie run him through some of the same techniques.
"It wouldn't be cheating, exactly," he told himself. "I'll just be talking to Charlie about my duels with Dumbledore and I'd also suggest to him that Ron might need some help practising his Duelling techniques. I'll be showing everyone what to do during our last week of duelling so I won't be favouring Ron, and if Charlie decides to give Ron some extra one on one time practising, that's just one brother helping out another."
It wasn't a very convincing argument, all things considered, but Harry didn't need much convincing. He was going to do whatever he could to turn Ron into the best duellist at the school. After everything Ron had given him over the years, it was the least he could do.
"That's cheating," Hermione said as she walked down the hall to meet Ron.
"But it's not fair either. If I wasn't officiating the bloody Tournament nobody would have a thing to say about it. I'm just trying to prepare my best mate for a tournament. He's done the same for me before he ever got on the Quidditch team. How is this any different?"
"Because this time you're the one who's taught most of the participants how to duel. You know what everyone's weaknesses are and how Ron can exploit them."
"Oh come off it, Hermione. In the first place I'd never outright tell him how to duel each of his opponents, and even if I did, he's seen everyone duel dozens of times. I wouldn't be telling him anything he couldn't figure for himself."
"It's not that simple and you know it. If it were, you wouldn't have to ask me if it were right or not."
"Well then how the bloody hell am I supposed to help him. He's my best mate and there's no way I'm going to stand by while he gets his butt handed to him in that tournament."
"Well, if you must know, I've been a bit worried about that myself. But I'm not about to cheat in order to help him."
"But all I want to do is make sure he's properly trained up. It's not like I'm going to tell him any of the special spells Dumbledore taught me or anything."
"Of course you wouldn't. Not when Dumbledore's going to be right there in front of you watching."
"Hey. That's not the…"
"I'm not saying it is, but you're walking a fine line right now and talking about jumping well over it. Look. Why don't you tell me what you wanted to do with him that would make such a big difference and maybe it can help me figure out how we can help him together."
"Well, alright then. Ron's biggest problem with duelling is that he can plan things out well enough, but he doesn't do well with the unexpected. That's why he worries me so much. Most of the Slytherin's know spells that will catch him off guard and make him panic, and the moment he starts panicking he just loses it. The only time he seems to keep his cool is when he's so angry he can't think of anything but duelling, but I'm not about to start slapping him in the face before each match."
"Okay, what else?" Hermione asked.
"Well, he needs to move around a bit more. He tends to stand still until he's ready to strike, always waiting for his opponent to strike first. He needs to be more aggressive and take the offensive more often. And he needs to learn how to keep his head straight when he does get hit with some of the more powerful spells. And he needs to be quicker on his feet. Even when he does dodge a spell, if he doesn't know ahead of time that it's coming he doesn't seem to dodge it until the last second. Lots of duellists will catch on to that real quick."
"Right. Anything else?"
"No, that's about it, but that quite a lot really. That's almost half of the talents needed to be a good duellist."
"That sounds about right to me. So let me ask you this? Aside from telling him what's generally wrong with his duelling technique, what else would you do when you helped him."
"I'd be there to help him focus on getting better."
"So you'd be his surrogate opponent, and you'd tell him what he needs to work on, in general. Anything else?"
"Well, no. Not really."
"Good. Then you don't have to do anything."
"Excuse me? What have we just been talking about here? I told you I'm going to help him out and that's what I'm going to do."
"No you're not. All you're going to do is suggest to each of your classes next week that they might want to talk to their family and friends during the Christmas Holiday and ask them for some help. After they get back, well, we'll go over that later. I've got to write this all down before I forget it. But when you get a chance, tell Ron that he should meet with Charlie some time this weekend. I'll take care of everything else."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to give Charlie a basic outline of what you just said so when Ron goes to Charlie for help, Charlie will have an idea of what Ron needs to work on. He'll see it anyway when they duel, but this way he gets a little head start. Frankly I think it's still walking a fine line, but it's a lot better having his brother who's no longer got a thing to do with the tournament than the person who's officiating it. Trust me. I'll go over the rest of the idea with you later. Now I've go to run. I'll meet up with you guys in a bit."
Harry didn't reply, but just stood there shaking his head. He had to admit that he did feel a bit guilty giving Ron the extra help, and maybe it would be better if Charlie helped. After all, Charlie was good enough to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor and before that he had dealt with Dragons, but he still didn't like the idea of letting someone else help Ron. He wanted to be darned sure Ron would win. But he had to be fair, and Hermione did seem to have a good plan.
Harry just hoped it would work.
Coming Soon
Chapter 31
The Duelling Tournament