The Midnight Ball

Disclaimer- I do not, and never will, own anything about Harry Potter other than my plot, you hear, my plot, not yours!

Summary- HGRW Hogwarts has a Midnight Ball in The Trio's last year. Who will go with who? What happens when a boyfriend rapes Hermione?

A/N- I got inspiration to write this while reading a scary story, yet this is NOT scary, HmmMMmm funny things...

Chapter 1- Ron's Wish Ruined

"C'mon mate, we're going to be late!" Harry yells out to Ron as they pack hurriedly for Hogwarts for their final year. "I know I know, but it's EARLY!" Ron replies as he plops onto his bed.

"Ronald Weasley come down here this instant!" Ron's mother, Molly, yells from downstairs, "We are already 10 minutes off-schedule!" Ron groaned, "Okay okay, I'm coming, god, what's the big deal?"

The normal September first chaos was not as stressful because they only had to worry about 3 kids. Unlike the 5-year-ago six kids.

Molly shoved toast into their mouths, packed their trunks into the car and then they all got in.

"I really think we are too early mum, I mean, the train isn't going to leave for another, like, 2 hours!" Ron yawned as he finished nibbling a piece of toast. "I think it's good getting an early start, mum, because we are usually late anyway!" Ginny sweet-talks. "Suck-up." Ron mumbles and, in reply, he gets a death glare from Ginny.

The car is mostly silence as they drive to platforms 9 and 10. They reach them, and go through the barrier, getting a few strange stares from disappearing into brick in front of Muggles. (A/N hey, that's me!)

Ron and Harry look for an empty compartment after they say their good-byes. Unusually early, they are before Hermione.

While they wait, Ron takes out a mirror and starts screwing with his hair. "What the bloody hell are you doing Ron?" Harry cried. Ron puts away the plastic mirror and says nothing.

10 minutes later, the door opens and in walks Hermione. 'O man she looks better than last year, and I didn't think that was possible!' Ron thought to himself. He, of coarse, was right. Hermione was curvy, and her bushy hair slightly tamed, but gave off the I-just-got-out-of-bed-look Ron loved so much.

"Ron! Harry!" She gave each of them a big hug and looked at them lovingly, "Oh my gosh have I missed you guys! All summer I wrote, you wrote, but we never SAW each other!" (A/N This is post-war and Voldy's dead and all his death-eaters are too, including the Malfoys', and so Dracy is dead! NO!!!! I love him.)

Ron beamed, "I know! I missed you so, so much! Why didn't you come stay at the Burrow like I asked?"

Hermione stared at the floor, "Well, I kind of found this guy, and he really doesn't like me going to other guys' houses when he is not there." She looked up, blushing slightly.

Ron's face dropped, "Oh, well, um, who is he?"

"Oh, he goes here, he is in Hufflepuff, you know Ernie Macmillian (sp?)" She mumbles, and as if on cue, Ernie bounds into the room carrying a very wide grin. He strides right into the compartment and plops down on the seat. "So, what's up?"

Ron gets up out of his seat and moves out the door of the compartment. He leans against the hallway and puts his face into his hands. 'Why didn't I ask her when I could have?'

The compartment door opens, and Ron, not quick enough drying his tears, stares into the eyes of Hermione, who looks concerned. "Ron, what's wrong?"

"Look, Mya, I don't know how to put this, but, well, erm, never mind." And he dries off a tear from his cheek.

Harry walks out of the compartment and looks at Ron, "Look, mate, just tell her you've been in love with her since the first-" He stops noticing that Hermione is standing right next to him.

Hermione covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom.

"I ruined it." Ron cries.