Title: The Process of Getting Over Myself (or rather Lily Evans)

Rating: PG

Summary: "You know what she told me??? She told me to get over it! GET OVER IT! As if I could, how stupid can she be? Any other normal person would have given up long ago, but I am not any other normal person. I am James Potter." James tries different approaches to get Lily to like him.

A/N: This story is just supposed to be a little fun. I'm not sure whether or not I want to continue with this. I have a bad reputation on that front, so for now this is just going to be a one shot. And if I do decide to continue, you'd have to wait for three weeks. I'm heading for France on Monday on summer exchange so I'm not sure how much I'll get done. Anyways, just read the story!

Disclaimer: Mine???? Surely you jest.

The Process of Getting Over Myself (or rather Lily Evans)

I don't believe it! What is wrong with that woman?!? For the last six years, I've been pining after her, saving her from the clutches of Slytherin and doing everything I can to impress her. Take today for example, I mean I only hexed Nott because he was looking at her the wrong way. But oh no, she's the only person who can't accept my explanation for what it truly is, which is…er…the truth! She seems to think I did this all just for the fun of it, so you know what she tells me…she tells me to get over it. GET OVER IT!! As if I could, I mean how stupid could she be. If I could just get over it, as she so pleasantly puts it, you think I would've stopped after she got me with that Bat Bogey Hex that lasted for two weeks in third year. You try walking around for two weeks looking as though Snape had tried to give you a permanent makeover, I'm sure any other normal person would have given up long ago.

But I am not any other normal person. I am James Potter. I am the first Head Boy ever, who did not serve at least one term as prefect. I am captain of the Quidditch team which has won the House Cup for the last three years. And I'm a Gryffindor. Enough said. Not to mention, that I am dashingly good-looking with those soft brown eyes which mesmerize women and endearing black hair that just makes you want to run your hands through my silky soft hair. And if you don't believe that, you've either been spending too much time with Sirius or you-know-who. No, not You-Know-Who, I mean the other one…Lily Evans.

Now that I think about it, Evans didn't exactly say to get over her. Which means she must like me on her…right??? She said to get over it. Now what exactly is this "it." Why must women be so unspecific. I know after 17 years of living with my parents that "I'm fine" really means "I'm not fine, why the bloody hell else would I be sitting in my night gown eating half a gallon of double chocolate chunk ice cream?" If they just said what they meant, a whole lot of things would be loads better. Heck, even Remus agrees with me and when he agrees you know you're right.

Someone should tell Evans this. But I can only come to one conclusion after listening to her tell me to get over it. She obviously wants me to try to get her to like me more. Isn't it obvious? But if she thinks I've been trying to get her to hate me she's severely mistaken. My charm and wit must not be enough. It is now to bring out the big guns. To use what I've held back until absolutely necessary.

Mystery. I must pretend as though I don't even know that she exists.

The Plan failed miserably. The next morning I went up to her and said "No Lily, you are wrong, it is you who must get onto it"

She just looked at me as though I was Mrs. Norris and said "what?"

I, of course, merely arched my eyebrow in what was bound to be a sexy, yet intriguing, gesture which was supposed to exude the essence of a "come hither."

Evans of course, missed all of this as she turned back to Figg and asked her if she thought two rolls of parchment was enough for the Potions essay. Yet I kept to my decision. For the rest of the day, I ignored her royally I must say. Sirius asked if I had ate the Pumpkin Pasty that had been under his bed since fifth year. Remus and Peter offered to accompany me to the hospital wing and even McGonagall held me back after class to ask if anything was wrong, her excuse was that I was actually paying attention to her instead of Evans.

But of course the only person who doesn't notice is Evans herself. Must find new strategy and must find it quickly. It's October, I've only got until June to convince Lily Evans to fall in love with me!!!

A/N: Fin! Review please!!!!!!!!!!!