This is a T/P so if you're not a fan please do not read it! I have another story called Childhood Friends but that's not a T/P. But it's still good though so please R/R!!

I hope you like this one too!!


I Love You -- Chapter 1 Ten Years later...

Wow... I can't believe it's been ten years. Ten years since I've seen any of the z-gang. I miss them so much... Especially him... The man who has my heart and won't give it back... sigh


Ahh what now??!! "Ok daddy! I'll be there in a sec!" 14 year old Pan quickly came out of her own little world and slowly walked downstairs to where her parents were.

"Pan guess what?! We have great news!" Gosh Mom sounds so excited...

"What is it mom?"

"Bulma just called!!!" Gasp "She d..did? What did she say?"

"She's having a reunion for the z-gang!! We get to see everyone again! Isn't that exciting?!"

"um.. Yea! When is it?"

Gohan answered this one. "This saturday."

"You mean tomorrow daddy?"

"oh right sweetheart." "Isn't that such short notice though mom?"

"Yes, but Bulma said everyone could make it and we have no plans for tomorrow anyway."

"Cool ok. I'll just be upstairs ok mom? daddy?"

"ok sweetie."

Pan went upstairs to her room. She could hear her parents talking about some stuff but didn't really pay attention. She closed her door and logged onto her laptop to see if anyone was online.

Logged On

Swtangelicprincess: PAN!!!

Pannygirl14: hey bra!

Swtangelicprincess: are you coming tomorrow???

Pannygirl14: of course! why wouldn't i? i wanna see everyone again! its been so longg

Swtangelicprincess: i know! i havent seen you for like what, 10 years?

Pannygirl14: i know bra! we've only kept in touch by phone and aim!

Swtangelicprincess: i wonder if our little panny has changed at all... evil grin

Pannygirl14: you wouldnt... no, not that..

Swtangelicprincess: yup! because you know that you're sleeping over young lady!

Pannygirl14: yea i know bra.. how could i forget.. it'll be like old times.. cringe

Swtangelicprincess: come on pan dont be like that we're gonna have so much fun!

"Pan? May I come in?"

Pannygirl14: my dad wants in. i have to go. i'll see you tomorrow ok? bye!

Swtangelicprincess: ok see you then! come early!! bye!

Logged Off

"ok. Come in daddy. Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

"No, not really. So are you excited about tomorrow? You didn't really seem like it earlier."

"No I'm fine. I was just really surprised that's all! I can't wait! And daddy?.."

"Yes sweetheart?"

"You know I'm gonna be sleeping over at Capsule Corps. right? Because you know Bra..."

"Yes. I remember... and if you're wondering just incase, yes, you can sleepover."

"Hehe thank you daddy. i love you good night!"

"I love you too. good night hunnie."

He closed the door behind him with a satisfied smile on his face. He was really curious to why Pan wasn't jumping up and down for joy when he and Videl told her about the reunion. He thought she was nervous about seeing everyone again. After all, it's been ten years and back then, she was only 4...

The next morning

"Pan hunnie wake up! We're going to be late!"

"Huh... yawn"

"Get up sweetie, we have leave in an hour."

"TODAY'S THE REUNION! I forgot! ok i'm up!!"

"Alright I'll be downstairs with your dad."

"k mom thanks for waking me!"

Today's the reunion! ok um.. shower first. Pan took a quick shower and came out of the bathroom in a robe. Let's see... What to wear..... Haha I sound like Bra.. She chose to wear an orange t-shirt with jean capris and her favorite bandana. Oh well good enough.

"Let's go Pan! We don't want to be late!"

"I'm coming!"

Gohan, Videl, and Pan got in their air car and drove to Capsule Corps. They had decided not to fly so chose to drive instead. About an hour later, they had arrived. The Sons saw several cars also by the parking space. They parked their own car and walked up to the huge dome like house.

Ding Dong

"OH MY GOSH!!! PAN!!!!!!!" It was Bra. As soon as she heard the doorbell, she ran towards the door, almost knocking down a vase on the way. When she opened the door, there she saw Gohan, Videl, and her best friend Pan and gave her a death hug.

"B..B..Bra..I..I..c..can't b..b..reathe..."

Bra let go of her.

"Gasp OH I'm sorry!"

Pan chuckled and said, "It's ok. It's good to see you too!"

Bra giggled like crazy.

"ok we have to go upstairs and catch up!!!! The other guys aren't here yet so it's just you, me, and oh yea Trunks. But forget him, let's go!!"

Trunks...I wonder if you'll recognize me... I was just a little girl back then..

Hiding her emotions, Pan gave a huge smile and hurried after Bra to her room.

I'm done! Tell me if you liked it! Review please!! Will Trunks recognize Pan? Does Bra know of her "crush" on her big brother? Review and I'll answer!!