Welcome to Haruno Mansion

Standard Disclaimers Apply

Summary: A/U. Sakura moves from Hokkaido to live with her elder cousin, Anko for High School Study. But she has never expected she has to live with 10 boys in the surprisingly large and gorgeous mansion!

Note: Well, I've got this idea after reading Yamato Nadeshiko Shishihenge manga though this fic has to nothing to do much with that manga. If you have read it before, you might get the idea that Sakura is very, very different from Sunako...

Chapter I: Moving In

A pink haired-girl looked excitedly out of the taxi's window. This is her third time visiting Tokyo...well, for this time she couldn't say really 'visit' since she was going to 'stay' here for three years or maybe longer. That meant if she decided to enter a college here, in Tokyo after she finished high school. Yet the sight of the night-lights reflected on the mirror surface of those skyscrapers in different shades and so many people walking in haste along the crowed street never failed to fascinate her.

On the back seat of the taxi, she sat, watching the picture of those busy pedestrians get smaller and smaller as the car moved farther and farther into another direction, which had less and less people...until there was none but dark shadows of trees along the empty and quiet street, which was lit so dimly with the street light.

The car finally stopped in front of a large towering mansion. Checking her watch, the pink haired-girl paid for her ride and got off the car along with two of her traveling suitcases--one big and one small. "Wow, this is something I've never expected. It's so big..." The girl said in awe, appreciating the mansion that was her elder cousin's.

As if sensing that its guest had finally arrived, the front door swung open immediately, revealing a young woman in a sexy net shirt that didn't do much for covering her flesh and an extremely short denim shorts instead of a night gown. Her black hair was clipped up and she wore something quite similar to a bandage around one of her thighs. "Hello, Sakura-chan. How long have you been standing here?"

"Hello, Anko-san." The pink haired-girl, Sakura smiled as her cousin, Mitarashi Anko opened the door wider and helped her with one of her suitcases. "I've just arrived just a minute ago."

"You must be tired." said Anko as she closed the door.

"Not at all. You know I always love Tokyo." said Sakura, smiling.

"Yeah." The older woman nodded curtly. "So...you're going to study high school here." It was a statement more than a question.

"Yes. I hope that doesn't bother you much."

"Hey, don't worry about that. It's nice to have another female being here." Anko grinned.

"What do you mean?" I hope it's not what I think...

Her elder cousin grinned even wider as she inclined her head toward the 2nd floor and called loudly: "Hey, boys! Come down here! We've a guest!"

Low groans could be heard from the 2nd floor as the doors along the long tapestries decorated wall clicked open one by one and those who lodged there popped their heads out from their rooms.

"What the hell do you want, woman?" One voice asked, a bit irritated.

Twitch. Twitch.

Anko's eyebrows twitched.

"Come down here! Right now or face the consequence!" She commanded in a stronger voice.

Another wave of those low groans and footsteps were heard stamping down the rich mahogany stairs as 10 boys made their way toward the 1st floor while Anko stood, tapping her foot impatiently.

Sakura gaped. My god! I have to live with these boys!? What is this? A harem for a single woman?

But, but, but, a bishonen harem is great! Inner Sakura popped in.

Shut up! To live with boys spells trouble! Big trouble! Sakura argued. And how do you know that they are bishounen? They maybe...

She frowned as she saw the first boy, who was quite big and chubby approach, a big bag of barbeque flavored potato chips in his grip.


"This is Sakura. She's going to stay here for a long while. Well, in fact she is going to go to the same school as you, so...say hello to your new friend." said Anko, tilting her head toward her younger cousin.

"Hello. My name is Chouji." The fat boy said while those chips were still in his mouth.

Sakura smiled half-heartedly. "Uh...hello."

"And...don't try anything I consider bad toward her or else..." Anko's normal smile turned into a frightening one.

"Then I don't think whatever we're gonna do is bad." sniggered the second boy with a dog perched on his right shoulder. "Right, Akamaru?"

Woof. Woof.

"Kiba! How many times do I have to tell you not to bring Akamaru in here?" chided Anko, her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, that stupid dog peed in my bedroom!" A blond boy spoke up, pointing an accusing finger at the dog's on Kiba shoulder.

"Akamaru isn't stupid! He's even smarter than your empty blond head, Naruto."

"Wanna prove?" The blond boy called Naruto challenged, hovering his fist in the air.

"He can bite your ass off." said Kiba, patting Akamaru's head.

Uh oh, this really spells trouble. thought Sakura, studying the expression on Anko's face.

"Stop that, will ya? Your voice is giving me a headache. Arguing is such a hassle!" said another boy with black hair and a ponytail.

"No one is like you, you know, Shikamaru." said Chouji, turning to his friend. "But that's why I think you're great."

"Everyone can be great! Just keep trying!" jumped in a green wearing boy. His hair was cut bowled shaped and his eyebrows were so awfully thick that Sakura went 'eww' and wanted to hid behind Anko just to get rid of the disturbing sight. Yet she couldn't, for the green wearing boy turned to speak to her before she could do that. He flashed her a sparkling grin and said in what he thought was what a gentleman should do: "Hi, Sakura-san. My name is Rock Lee. You're really cute! Could you please be my girlfriend?"

"T-thank you." Again, Sakura smiled half-heartedly. "But I've just known you. So...no." What!? Are you that stupid? I'm not that desperate enough to date someone whose fashion sense is so...so...distinctive!

I'd prefer the word 'alien'. He's obviously a freak. muttered Inner Sakura.

"I will protect you until my fire of life goes out and I die." Lee continued.

"I said no." said Sakura firmly. Her eyebrows began to twitch.

"Why does every girl always reject me like this?" Lee wondered out loud.

"Admit it, Lee. It's fate." came a voice from behind.

"Neji..." Lee turned, addressing the approaching long haired boy, who everyone knew was a fate-believing freak. "So...it's fate that you're staying here, woman. I always hate fate but it seems that this is unavoidable. All we have to do is just accept it, for we don't have the power to change it. Like a bird in a cage. But one day...one day the bird will learn how to escape and fly freely once again in the sky..." A soft wisp of wind blew from somewhere despite the fact that all windows were close, playing with Neji's long dark locks dramatically. Everyone sweatdropped.

That was strange... Really, really strange. thought Sakura.

But he's a bishonen, right? spoke Inner Sakura, grinning.

Yes. replied Sakura. But he's also a freak.

Anko turned to the two boys behind Neji and said in her usual commanding voice, catching Sakura's attention: "Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

"...Aburame Shino." said the one wearing the sunglasses despite this hour of late evening.

Just when the other boy with red hair was about to speak the blond boy, known as Naruto spoke up: "His name is Sabaku Gaara but we all like to call him Gaara of the desert or Gaara of the Sand because he is very good at building a sand castle whenever we go on a beach vacation!" He grinned cheekily and poked at the tattoo on Gaara's forehead. "And here is his 'I'm a playboy' tattoo. He's dangerous, you know?"

Gaara glared deadly at the blond boy.

"Well, actually it's because he used to be a child with a problem. He used to think no one really loves him and so on so on." Naruto patted the redhead on the shoulder. "But don't worry now he's getting better being around a good friend like me although he still has trouble sleeping. See the insomniac rings under his eyes?"

"...Shut up, Uzumaki Naruto." said the redhead, annoyed though his expression was still deadpan.

"Oh, yeah. I'm Uzumaki Naruto. Nice to meet you, Sakura-chan. You know, you can call me Naru-chan!"

"You're stupid." said the last boy standing in the row. Sakura turned to look at him and...

Oh my fxxking god! He's a bishonen! He's a bishonen! He's so handsome! Thanks god, this isn't just a dream!

I thought you said living with boys spells trouble. Big trouble. muttered Inner Sakura.

Oh, shut up! "M...My name is Haruno Sakura. What's your name?" She said almost shyly. Almost. If you weren't that blind by her cuteness or too excited because you hadn't seen a girl your age for a long while, you would know that she was pretending.


"Hey, Sasuke! How rude of you to make the girl introduce herself first! Are you still a man!?" Naruto yelled at the black haired-boy.

"I didn't make her, dobe. You're pathetic." retorted Sasuke.

"Yeah. Naruto, you really are pathetic." said Kiba, sniggering.

"Why you-" Before an argument could start, Anko interrupted quickly as she counted all the boys and got only 9. "Sasuke, where's Itachi?"

"And why the hell do you think I'd know?" The questioned boy scowled.

"Simple. You're his brother." replied Anko, not even bit intimidated by the evil scowl.

"...Fine. He's out doing his part-time job or something." said the brooding boy.

Anko sighed. "Okay, then, Sakura-chan, welcome to Haruno Mansion. You can stay as long as you want." The dark haired-woman smiled widely. "Make yourself at home."

From what Sakura had known, Anko was Sakura's aunt's daughter. Sakura's aunt had married a Mitarashi man and moved to live in Tokyo, where the Harunos owned a large area of land. The two then had their new home built on this land and called it 'Haruno Mansion' since the land was originally the Harunos'. And then Anko was born. In her previous visits to Tokyo, Sakura had stayed in a hotel, thus this was the first time she had come to this mansion. And to tell the truth, she had never expected it to be this big...

"Now let me show you your room." said Anko, snapping her fingers. "Boys, would you please carry Sakura-chan's suitcases to her room?"

A sigh could be heard from behind as Sakura followed Anko upstairs. "That woman always use us to do this and that. Why doesn't she lower the rent just a little bit? I'm almost broke this month!"

"Stop complaining already. We have work to do."

"Another woman in the house... What a hassle!"

"Naruto! That pizza is mine!"

"No! It's mine! Wha-"


"Hey! It's your fault! You've to clean it up! If Anko-san asks about her favorite vase, you've to pay for it!"

"I said I'm broke!"

"No, you said you're almost broke, dobe."

"Damn you, Sasuke!"

"Can we start working already?"

"Fine! Fine!"

Sakura sighed. Yes, living with boys did spell trouble. Big trouble.

And you said you like that pretty boy! exclaimed Inner Sakura.

Really, Sakura didn't know what her next day in Tokyo was going to be like...


Well, I think that's enough for an introduction chapter. For this story, I can't really tell what the pairing might be because I haven't decided about it yet. It can be both yaoi and hetero. I don't know yet...

In the next chapter, Sakura will go to school and learn that life in Tokyo isn't that easy as she first thinks.

Anyway, review please. (If you want me to continue...)