A/N: Wanted to thank Jadis LeStrange over at the Sugarquill once again for letting me adopt this wonderful little plot bunny from her.
No, it's still not mine, but I am very happy you came to read.

"Mr. Weasley? Mr. Weasley?" Arthur could feel someone shaking his shoulder, but couldn't figure out what on earth they were looking for. He settled with a reply of "Not just now, thanks," and rolled back over into his comfy sofa.

Now that was odd. Why was he on the sofa? Shouldn't he be in bed with Molly? Molly. . .

"I'm up! I'm up. Is everything okay? What happened? I must have drifted off. How's Molly?" he said in a rush as reality came crashing into his brain.

Healer Jacobs grinned broadly at him, which startled him even more. It was the most emotion he had seen out of the woman since he had called at St. Mungo's yesterday. "She's fine. She's just fine. In fact, they both are in perfect condition. Well, I am sure Molly's a bit spent, but the baby's doing wonderfully."

"Then he's been born? Oh good! May I go see them? I want to check on Molly before I wake his brothers. Why are you grinning like that?"

She looked like a Cheshire cat, and her grin was getting bigger every minute he talked. "No reason, Mr. Weasley. Come along upstairs, I am sure you're very anxious to meet the newest member of the family."

He followed her dutifully up the stairs, wishing with every fiber of his being that she would hurry. "Here they are Mr. Weasley. Mother and daughter are doing beautifully. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to the hospital. We're terribly understaffed at the moment. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

Molly looked absolutely beautiful, her face glowing with a kind of nervously angelic aura. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and his son was. .

. . . wait a moment, hadn't she said. . .

"Uh, beg pardon Healer Jacobs, but what did you just say?"

If possible, her grin widened even more. "I told you that Mother and Daughter are doing much better than expected."

"Come again?"

"Oh, Arthur," Molly had tears shining in her eyes. "We've had a girl. We have a little daughter, and she's. . . she's beautiful. She's absolutely perfect."

Arthur knew he was gaping like a goldfish out of water, but couldn't comprehend any way to keep from doing it. "We. . . a girl? Are. . .are you sure?!"

Healer Jacobs laughed out loud and even Molly gave a watery giggle. "Yes, Mr. Weasley. I can assure you, I am fairly certain you and your wife have a daughter. Congratulations. Now, please, excuse me. I must be getting back to St. Mungo's." she slipped out the door, leaving Arthur alone with his wife and his. . .daughter.

His daughter. His daughter.

Molly was still gazing at the tiny bundle in her arms adoringly as he sat down gingerly on the bed next to her. "Is it true? I mean. . . a daughter?"

She giggled again before handing him the small, warm weight. "Yes, it is. Arthur, meet your daughter. I know we haven't thought of any names for a girl yet. . . "

"And all this time, you knew. I never believed you, but you knew. I have a daughter. " He looked intently on her small body. She was absolutely tiny, and perfectly formed, from the teeny nails on her hand, to the shock of strawberry hair on her head. "She's absolutely beautiful, Molly. Absolutely beautiful." He smiled with unabashed delight when she opened her eyes a teeny bit at him and let out a contented sigh before going back to sleep. Arthur could just see that her eyes were brown.

"So," Molly interrupted his reverie again. "I know we haven't really discussed names as we weren't expecting a girl."

"Liar," Arthur grinned at her. "You knew all along this would happen. What name did you have in mind, love?"

"Well, I was thinking we could name her Ginevra, after the last woman born into the Weasley family." Molly hesitated a moment, looking for a reaction from him. "I know, it's terribly old fashioned, but. . . "

"I love it." Arthur replied softly, moving a stray wisp of hair from Ginevra's cheek. It was like touching the finest silk. "Ginevra Molly Weasley. It's perfect."

"Molly? Why do you want to give her my name as well? I was thinking your mother's name or. . . "

"Because," he replied, gazing adoringly at his wife. "You were the only one to have faith in her."

"Oh. . .oh Arthur, I love you."

"I love you too, Molly," he placed Ginevra into her mother's arms carefully and gently kissed each of them. "and I love you, Ginevra. I think I should go wake up her brothers, though. I promised I would let them know when she was born."

"She?!" came a shriek from the hallway. "We have a Sister?!? Fred! Fred, Mum was right, it's a GIRL!"

"So much for having to wake them. I think George beat you to it." Molly quipped. Sure enough, all six boys hurtled into the small bedroom with enough force to wake the ghoul in the attic. Ginevra looked politely puzzled by all the commotion.

"This is her? This is the new baby?"

"She's so tiny! I'd forgotten baby's were that small."

"That's because Ron and the twins weren't ever that small, Charlie."

"C'n we play with her, Mum? I think she'd like gnomes!"

"No, my dears." Molly said fondly. "She won't be doing much but sleeping for a while yet, but when she has grown a bit, I am sure she'll love to play with all of you."

"What's her name, Mummy?" Percy asked from the end of the bed.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley."

"That's going to be quite a mouthful for the small ones, Mum." Charlie grinned at her. "But it is a very pretty name."

Ron had pulled himself up onto the bed next to his sister and was poking her blanket as she stared at him. "Baby?" he asked Molly.

"Yes, dear. That's the new baby. Ginevra."

Ron looked down at her for a few seconds before planting a sloppy kiss on her forehead and saying "Bye, Ginny!" and climbing back down onto the floor.

"Come, boys. Let's give your mother and. . .Ginny. . . some time to rest. How about I make breakfast?"

All six of the older Weasley men came over to kiss their new sister on the cheek and hug Molly before herding downstairs into the kitchen. Arthur was the last to leave the room.

"I love you, Molly Weasley," he said, kissing her tenderly on the lips. "And you, Ginny. Now, get some rest. I'll bring you up something to eat later, once you've slept a bit."

"Thank you, Arthur. I love you so much. Ginny and I both do"

"Rest now, darling." he said, closing the door with one last look at his wife and daughter. He stopped for a moment with his head pressed against the hallway wall. "I have a daughter. Ginevra Molly Weasley is MY daughter." He chuckled with a quiet gaiety as he made his way down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"A daughter. Wait until I tell the rest of the family."