Violets and Emeralds

Rating: PG-13

Genre: General/Romance

Pairing(s): Malik/Ryuuji, Seto/Ryou (but that's not the focus!), other pairings implied and/or left up to reader's views. I'm a dork, in the slang way of speaking. Hey, the story just flows off the fingertips—I don't control it.

Warnings: Shounen ai, People who only go by the English may be confused,


Summary: Otogi Ryuuji visits a gaming convention in Egypt, home of games. He doesn't expect to meet anyone he knows there (except certain main characters of the series, of course), let alone a violet-eyed previous antagonist that steals his heart away. BASED OFF OF THE TV SHOW. (Except for the very end of series—that's based off the manga, which I assume the anime will end like.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, thank you very much. Did I, I would not have been willing to kill my computer to find out what happened in the manga and anime. And I would not be writing fanfics.

Notes: I tried this fic with this couple a long time ago. It never even got on the computer. But I had inspiration last night, so why the hell not? Beats half-completed English projects that are due in a couple of days and worth about five grades. (This was typed during the school year)

One more anime story arc, one more anime story arc… never mind I already know the manga ending…

Chapter 1


Did you know that Egypt is hot? It's not humid like some places in the United States, but it's still hot—much hotter than Texas. That was the first thing that I noticed as I stepped off the plane, after the blinding sun. The next thing I noticed was the sand. There's a lot of that too. I would say that it was hell, but there were no fire or demon things.

I was in Egypt for a gaming convention. I was to introduce my DDM to the world now, after gaining a manufacturer. I expect that Yuugi-kun will be here, and possibly Kaiba-kun, considering the worldwide following for Duel Monsters.

I wonder if they'll remember me? It's been two years since the Sennen Item thing, and I haven't really seen any of them since. I've been too busy with DDM, and then decided that I liked LA, so why not attend college there?

I hurried down to the baggage claim as quickly as I could. I have this fear that some person will steal my luggage, and it's better to be safe than sorry.


Speak of the devil, that sounds like Yuugi-kun.

"Oi, Yuugi-kun!" I waved. He was in the next baggage claim area, carrying his carry-on and dragging a roll-around suitcase behind him. "How's life?" I asked. Good, I still knew my Japanese fluently.

"Great." He grinned. "You're here for the convention, too?"

"Yep." I looked around. "Who else is here?"

Jounouchi Katsuya was still standing at the claim area, presumably waiting for his suitcase to come around for the tenth time. Kaiba Seto (who had the sense to not dress in his coat and was wearing a white button-up that would have looked stupid on near anyone else) and Mokuba (he's what, fourteen now?) were holding bags and the former was looking impatient, while… hold up a second.

"Yuugi-kun, why is Bakura-kun here?"

"Oh, um…" He turned a little red, like someone who was about to divulge a secret they weren't supposed to. This is what he hopefully was about to do. I like gossip. "Kaiba-kun and Bakura-kun have been going out for over a year now." He whispered.

"Kaiba-kun's gay?" That almost took me by surprise. Almost, but not quite. I'm too cool to be severely surprised. It just told me how much I have missed of their lives over the past two years. "So, any other surprises I need to know? Is Anzu-chan married and pregnant? Has Honda-kun finally given up on Shizuka-chan?"

"Hah! Got it!" Jounouchi-kun dived at a bag that I can only hope was his as Kaiba-kun laughed at him.

"Make inu." He smirked. "That was only the eighth time it passed."

"Why didn't you tell me then?!" He lugged his bag off, growling in a very doglike manner.

"Well, it was interesting to watch." Mokuba laughed. He had the same sense of humor as his brother, but was a lot more open about it. Some things don't change. The kid could be sweetly innocent or an evil demon.

"We'll catch up at the hotel." Yuugi-kun laughed.

"Ah, Otogi-kun!" Bakura-kun noticed me now, sprinting lightly over and dragging his suitcase.

"Otogi-kun?" Jounouchi and Mokuba asked and blinked simultaneously.

"Yo, Bakura-kun, Jounouchi-kun, Mokuba-kun." Hey, Kaiba-kun didn't greet me, so why should I treat him? Oh, what the hell. "Yo, Kaiba-kun!" I called over. He just stared blankly, as he is accustomed to doing.

"Hn." He answered. I need a translator for that still.

"How is everything?" Bakura-kun asked.

"Great." I winked. "I heard from a little bird that you have a love life." I saw his face go red before turning with a laugh to walk to my baggage claim to retrieve my bag, which has without a doubt gone around ten times. Ah, there—a black bag with emerald green ribbon on it.

I picked up my bag and flicked some of my hair coolly, making some nearby teenage girls stare. I like being the center of attention, thank you very much. The limelight is meant for me.

I met with Yuugi-tachi at the exit doors. Jounouchi was tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for a shuttle to take us to the hotel. I'm surprised a limo hasn't whisked Kaiba-kun and company away by now, we've been outside for ten seconds.

Oh, wait, here it comes.

"Nii-sama…" Mokuba-kun turned on his puppy eyes that we all know his brother can't resist. It also tells us, and him, that he is about to ask something that his dear brother won't like. "It's not fair making them wait outside for a shuttle." He pointed at us. Hey, that's a smart kid. I like this kid.

"Hn…" Kaiba-kun glared at Yuugi-kun, Jounouchi-kun, and I. I swear there was more sweat on the back of my neck, and not from the heat.

"Seto…" Bakura-kun nodded slightly, giving him a nearly indistinguishable look. Kaiba-kun looked from him to his brother and sighed.

"Fine." He mumbled, throwing open the car door and climbing in.

"Thanks Kaiba-kun!" Yuugi-kun grinned.

We piled into the limo. It was far cooler in there than it was outside. There were drinks in the limo.

"So, what's up?" I asked, crashing into one of the side seats. "What have I missed?"

"Well, we're all in college, obviously, except Kaiba-kun." We looked over at the said millionaire, but he was just staring out the window. He still had that same cold demeanor that he had last time. How could Bakura-kun, such a warm and gentle person, pick someone like him? I don't need anyone to answer that.

"What about Anzu-chan, Shizuka-chan, and Honda-kun?"

"Anzu-chan received a scholarship to a dance school in New York, like she always wanted."

"Must be lonely." I commented.

"Yeah…" He sighed. "Shizuka-chan is in high school and doing quite well."

"Better than I did." Jounouchi smiled. His sister is still his motivation, obviously. "I'm glad."

"Jounouchi-kun, grades worse than yours would have meant failing." Bakura-kun chimed in from his place next to Mokuba-kun, who was sitting between him and Kaiba-kun.

"Hey, that's cruel!" Jounouchi half stood and pointed a finger at Kaiba-kun. "You've been hanging around him for too long!"

"Bonkotsu duelist." Kaiba-kun grinned. He looked from the window to make eye contact with a flustered Jounouchi-kun. Things don't change, do they? These are the same people I left, just older. Then again, I'm older too.

"Everyone!" Yuugi-kun tried to calm things down before they got heated up.

I laughed. That took people by surprise, because they looked at me as if I was crazy. Who knows, maybe I am crazy? "Things haven't changed, not really."

"And to finish up memory lane," Jounouchi continued after a few moments of silence, "Honda is also going through with college and works part time, something I really should think about doing."

"Well, you do get some money from tournaments." Yuugi-kun commented.

"Yeah." He sighed. "But you two," he looked from Yuugi-kun to Kaiba-kun, "always win the big prizes."

"C'est la vie." I sighed. The others once again stared at me. You know, awkward attention I don't like.

"French?" Kaiba-kun raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I laughed slightly. "You pick up a lot of bits and pieces of various languages while living in America." I would have said some Spanish, but I get the feeling that the moment is passing… there it goes! Oh well, plenty of time to be witty later.

"So, you're here because of DDM?" Yuugi-kun asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. That just reminded me of something. "Oi, Kaiba-kun, is there any possibility that your company could make more of the DDM fields?"

He answered "Hn" in a slightly lighter tone, so I assumed that it was an affirmative.

"Yeah, piece of cake." Mokuba-kun shrugged, answering in a more affirming tone. Hey, we both make money from it, and it's just business.

"Thanks." I turned to Yuugi-kun, business transaction how aside and done with. "How's you're grandfather?"

"He's great. Old, but healthy. I think he plans for me to run the game shop someday soon." He grinned. His grandfather was already old…

"Are you?"

He smiled now, more gently. "I guess, yeah. I love that game shop, and it is a steady income."

"Yeah," Jounouchi-kun mumbled, "unlike some people, some of us have to worry about steady incomes." He glared at Kaiba-kun as he said this. I swear, they do anything merely to poke insults at one another.

"Am I forgetting anyone?" I wondered aloud and started counting on my fingers. "Yuugi-kun, Yuugi-kun's grandfather, Jounouchi-kun, Kaiba-kun, Mokuba-kun, Bakura-kun, Shizuka-chan, Anzu-chan, Honda-kun… what about Mai-san?" I looked to Jounouchi.

He looked distant. "I haven't seen her in a few months. Last I saw, she was saying that she'd try going to Europe for some reason. Maybe some crazy impulse, but…"

"Maybe she'll be here." Yuugi-kun shrugged.

"Maybe." He agreed, sounding more as if he were trying to convince himself.

"Hey, didn't Malik-kun, Isis-san, and Rishid-san live in Egypt?" I asked all of a sudden.

Everyone else in the limo flinched. Okay, so I can't see the driver, but I doubt that he can hear us, so he doesn't count.

It's understandable why, though. Yami no Malik, I guess he would be called, caused one hell of a lot of damage, and even Malik-kun did, as I recall. Something about controlling people, almost killing Yuugi-kun… at least twice that I can recall, and nearly killing Jounouchi-kun a few times. And that's just regular Malik-kun. Let's not get started on his psychotic dark side that is, hopefully gone and never to be seen again.

"I take that as a yes, and that I shouldn't have brought the subject up." Nah, you dork, they're perfectly okay with you speaking about the person… people… whatever, who tried to kill them.

Well, Jounouchi-kun did eventually get back his Red-Eyes… and Bakura-kun is back now, isn't he? And who knows how many people have kidnapped Mokuba-kun over the years? One of many, I'm sure…


I think I just lost an argument with myself, as pathetic as that may be. Oh well, no one needs to know but me.

The trip to the hotel did not take long. We were there almost as soon as that thought process finished. We were staying in the hotel where the convention was being kept and rooms had been previously booked. Because of my game, I was a special guest, and I suppose that was why I was invited and the room was paid for me. I am assuming that it was the same situation for Yuugi-kun and Kaiba-kun. But how did Jounouchi-kun get here?

Hah… as it turns out, Yuugi-kun disagreed to come unless he could bring his best friend, a skilled and worthy duelist, along. Kaiba-kun had a laugh when he heard that. I bet the runners of the convention will be disappointed. And as it turns out, since Mokuba-kun has actually officiated a lot of these things on his own, he too is a special guest. In fact, the only one among us who wasn't specially invited was Bakura-kun, but let's not get into that. I pity the poor fool who tries to toss him out, thinking he was a punk teenager.

Talking about the guest suites, I love them. Two beds, TV with satellite (I'd like to see the day when there's cloud interference here), sofa, personal bathrooms… each with a Jacuzzi and shower stall. I love these people, I really do. And it's my room, as in, all to myself. All those other people I came in with have to share their rooms. Not me, all mine. I may now bask in the glory of sunlight coming into the room! Ah, damn, that's too bright.

Still, a triumphant pose isn't a bad thing. Unless people walk in on you. Like what just happened.

"Oi, Otogi-kun…" Jounouchi-kun sweat-dropped.

"J-Jounouchi-kun! Aren't you supposed to knock?!" I stammered, caught in mid-pose.

"The door was open." He swung it a few times, look of disbelief still on his head.

I sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah well…" He walked in, closing the door. "Yuugi's talking to jii-chan, so I decided to mingle with people I know, namely ones that I haven't seen for almost two years." He sat on the other bed. "How have things been?"

"Great, great." I sat on mine. "I've started college at the University of Los Angeles. I have no idea what I'm going to major in, though. But I'm getting the idea that it will have to do with technology." I grinned. I could never get away from it. "How has life been for you?"

"Can't complain, I suppose. Shizuka's learning to drive now, and… that's about it." He shrugged.

"Oi." I whispered, as if all could hear us. "About Kaiba-kun and Bakura-kun… how did that happen?" I hated bringing it back up, but I was curious. It's not that I'm homophobic, but I felt really uncomfortable bringing it up around them.

"I dunno." Jounouchi-kun sighed. "Bakura-kun just came into the Game Shop one day and announced, 'I'm going out with Kaiba Seto'. There had been no hints or anything that I could tell, so it just happened."

"How are you taking that?" Jounouchi-kun hates Kaiba-kun. Or at least, he seems to. Really, I think Jounouchi-kun's just striving to be an equal rival to both Kaiba-kun and Yuugi-kun, and it distresses him that he can't, so he's very irritable when it comes to Kaiba-kun. But I notice that he is rather protective of people he knows when Kaiba-kun is involved. He wasn't especially protective of Bakura-kun or anything, but I think it gave him strange satisfaction to be able to say that he had actual friends when Kaiba-kun didn't, and now Kaiba-kun can say that he has a sort of relationship that Jounouchi-kun doesn't have, though he has sought with someone else.

"I can't stop it, even if I did try to convince Bakura-kun out of it." His eyes distanced in memory. "I remember that he just looked at me and smiled, saying 'Jounouchi-kun, I love him.' After that… I couldn't fight it. All I can do is deal, and warn Kaiba-kun that if he hurts Bakura-kun, I will kill him."

I nodded. He looked over and smiled.

"Thanks, I needed to get that out for a while. Yuugi-kun would probably think I was an idiotic bigot, because he fully supports them and all, but… I'm still wary."

I nodded again. "It's good to be wary. And it's only natural, since you have this… rivalry with him."

He laughed briefly. "Yeah right." He fell back on the bed and held his hand against the ceiling light. "Yuugi and Kaiba-kun… they're like those lights up there—too high for me to reach and blinding. I can kid myself that someday I will be able to reach them, but…"

"Jounouchi-kun, I seem to remember that Yuugi-kun and Kaiba-kun have been around the card game almost all their lives, as compared to someone who only started about three or four years ago."

"Yeah." He chuckled. "But they have these parts in their ancient prophecies and Sennen Items and… Kami no Cards, Egyptian reincarnations, and everything. The only time I really fit into that was with Helmos and the other dragons, but I still got knocked out early, and it was up to Yuugi and Kaiba-kun to save the day again. Of course, Yuugi is the one who saved us all, again, as he always did and no doubt always will."

I shrugged. "He wouldn't be able to do it without you, I'm sure."

"Why's that? Because Yuugi says?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "You know how you get your inspiration from Shizuka-chan and accredit her with your victories? Well, Yuugi-kun does the same for you, and you have the added bonus of being his best friend and taking out a good number of the bad guys."

"But Kaiba-kun's still up there, even if he is a jerk."

"Yeah, well, that's his problem." I shrugged. "He seemed more human than last time I saw him, though."

He nodded. "Another side effect of Mokuba-kun and Bakura-kun."

"Demo, Jounouchi-kun…" I looked out the window at the Nile. Just across the waters was the Valley of the Kings, somewhere. "You'll reach their level someday. You're not the only one who knows how it is to have no part."

He didn't answer.

There was a knock on my door, as if it were answering instead of Jounouchi-kun.

"Hn?" I asked no one. "Who is it?"


"Ah." I stood as Jounouchi-kun sat up and took the key from my pocket. I unlocked the door and opened it. Yuugi-kun and Kaiba-tachi were standing out there, Kaiba-kun himself looking as if he wouldn't under other circumstances be around such people. Sorry to ruin his dignity…

"Um, we're going to dinner now. Do you want to come?"


"Is Jounouchi in here?"

At this point of time, Jounouchi-kun grabbed the door and opened it further revealing himself. We got raised eyebrows.

"Ew, y'all, no." I shook my head. "We talked about people, mostly Shizuka-chan." I winked.

"Leave my sister alone…" Jounouchi-kun glared at me as I grinned. Good times, good times. I miss those times.

"What can I say?" I fingered the dice earring that I still wear. "What a girl wants…"

They laughed, with the exception of Kaiba-kun. He never laughs or cries. Okay, so he laughs, but those are scary laughs and I don't want to hear that again any time soon.

"Well, let's go." Jounouchi-kun forced his way out the doorway. I can't help thinking, seeing him as he walked past, how much better it would be if Mai-san were still here. Even with a lack of a romantic relationship, it still would have helped.

But even still, he'd joke with Yuugi-kun, and Yuugi-kun would joke back and everything would seem normal. I would have thought that everything was normal, was it not for that conversation that we had just had. They know each other enough to talk to each other intimately. And by intimately, I mean without the use of honorifics. They usually use them, but as I've noticed, there are times when they leave off the titles. Jounouchi-kun says 'Yuugi' more than Yuugi-kun says 'Jounouchi,' because Yuugi has something like an off and on switch, I swear. And the same with Yami no Yuugi and Kaiba-kun. Kaiba-kun had stopped saying 'Yuugi-kun' and Yami no Yuugi didn't say 'Kaiba-kun.' The two groups hold the other in the group as equals, most of the time. It must be nice… to know someone that well. I don't use honorifics in America, though it's difficult and took practice, because it isn't American and it just confuses everyone. But this isn't the same. These people have this friendly aura around them.

"Otogi-kun?" Bakura-kun asked.

"Hn?" I looked down to his gaze. I had slid to the back of the group, where Bakura-kun was a step behind Kaiba-kun, who followed Mokuba-kun.

"Are you okay?"

Kaiba-kun glanced back for a split second before looking back ahead.

I notice even in their body language that they are close. Bakura-kun is one of the few people who can be that close to Kaiba-kun and not receive this aura that repels them. And how they walk together. They aren't touching, but you can still feel a kind of bond. It makes me a little jealous. I don't have close friends, and I don't have a lover. Damn, I've missed out of the fruits of life.

"Yeah." I nodded, projecting confusion into my voice. What the hell are you talking about Bakura-kun? I'm perfectly alright and did not lose an argument with myself earlier. In fact, you could say that I won it!

I made a mistake by voicing only one word when I am usually a very verbose person. Bakura-kun picked up on that and gave me a look. That look made me feel so incredibly guilty that I almost felt that I would collapse in the hallway and spew everything, and possible even grovel to the point of kissing his feet.

Okay, that's an exaggeration. I have too much pride to do that and Kaiba-kun would probably kick me for doing that. Heaven forbid I mess up his shoe with the impact of its shiny surface to my face.

"Where are we going?" Mokuba-kun asked.

"Good question…" Yuugi-kun trailed off.

Kaiba-kun opened up his cell phone with a flick of his wrist and dialed expertly. Damn him and his mad skills, not like I would admit he has them though. Verbally, at least. "Front, three minutes." He said into it before hanging up. Hey, maybe the guy was on his break! But then again, Kaiba-kun would probably kill him if he was late, so I don't think the driver will defy the order.

The limo met us at the front. Kaiba-kun and Yuugi-kun stopped to ask if there were any places that the concierge recommended, and then tipped him. I have no idea why, but I suppose he didn't want to look stingy. That would make sense.

"Most places around here serve Egyptian food." Kaiba-kun said as we piled into the limo.

"But a couple of places serve American." Yuugi-kun added, making Kaiba-kun wince.

"How about we eat some fast food tonight, so that we can get back quickly and get settled in," Bakura-kun added, intervening on what may have been an incident, "and then eat something more high-class tomorrow?" He turned to Kaiba-kun.

Jounouchi-kun and I shrugged. "Sounds good." Mokuba-kun covered a laugh.

"Fine." Kaiba-kun sat back.

"American sounds good." Mokuba-kun nodded, probably for the purpose of affirming to his brother that he made a good choice in agreeing. "I feel like eating a hamburger anyway."

"Aw, Kaiba-kun…" Jounouchi-kun grinned. "Is it a blow to the ego to eat American fast food?"

Kaiba-kun growled at him. "Inu."

Insert loud yelling from Jounouchi-kun. The rest of us who were not involved with this sighed. Yuugi-kun at that time just up to hold Jounouchi-kun back from hitting Kaiba-kun, and Bakura-kun placed a hand on Kaiba-kun's knee, hopefully preventing him from making more commentary to piss off the blond anymore. Hey, no matter the means, as long as it works.

I'm surprised that the driver is still going.

Once Jounouchi-kun called down, Kaiba-kun touched a button that lowered the window between the driver and us. He looked back in his mirror and I swear had a mental sweat drop. Considering all he just heard, I'm not surprised.

Yuugi-kun told him the place. McDonalds. Of course. Those places are everywhere. They will take over the world, one fast food joint at a time. Kaiba-kun looked as if he was regretting allowing Yuugi-kun to choose the place. After all, we're only fueling their control.

"Are we planning on spending the entire trip with these people?" Kaiba-kun asked no one after closing the window. Well, excuse me for not being high-class! Some of us weren't raised in the lap of luxury. Feh.

"They're our friends!" Mokuba-kun answered, giving his brother a disapproving look. That had to have hit something. Bakura-kun nodded. Ow.

"Fine." He groaned. "Otogi-kun."

I stiffened. "Yeah?"

"Is there a specific date that you need the DDM fields by?" I wonder if it makes him more comfortable to talk business. It's probably what he's used to.

"Just as quickly as possible. I already have plans for a place in LA, but we hope to hit some of the other major cities after this. Miami, Orlando, Houston, New York, etc… we'll talk later."

He nodded. His company was gracious enough to supply a field that was both for Duel Monsters and my DDM for demo purposes at this convention. So I suppose that meant that he knew I'd be here.

Conversation went back to normal as the limo navigated the streets. I was pulled in and out of some, and started others. But there was something missing—a warmth that the others seemed to hold. I hate to admit it, but it was a little lonely. I once again realized that I had missed a lot of these peoples' lives and it felt awkward.

Demo, Ryuuji, this is your life.

How was I supposed to know that it would change so drastically?

Notes and Translations:

Make Inu: 'Pathetic dog'. Seto likes calling Jounouchi that. I want to count how many times he does in the series… (Random Person: You have a death wish.)

Bonkotsu Duelist: 'Mediocre' or 'average' duelist. This is more of an ego blow than an actual insult.

Nii-sama: Formal way of saying 'big brother'. The original way was a lot cuter than just saying "Big Brother…" sigh Mokuba's so cute… I miss Noa… sniffles Poor little traumatized child… glomps onto Mokuba

Demo: 'But' or 'however'

Chibi: sees many people laughing Otogi-kun… acting straight… hah.

Wildwolf: Seto and his mad skills… no fair. I mean, he hotwired that car and was ready to go until the dealership owner came… then the checkbook and the twirling pen… wow. I loved that.

Chibi: You loved that it was Seto. You also liked Amelda's pants.

Wildwolf: Shut up you. growls Amelda's just got a pretty face and hot body. Never mind his low-cut pants and skin-tight shirt.

Alex (another personality of our psychotic-ness!): You're drooling.

Lowyn (yet another personality that came before Alex): Both of you shut up.

Chibi and Wildwolf: Aw…