Author's Note: So, I realize it has been way too long since my last update, by I have recently had some more computer time on my hands, and have decided to dedicate this time to *attempting* to continue all my unfinished fanfictions. So far I am dedicating myself to this one and to Sex, Drugs,and Rock and Roll, plus a new slashy Drillbit Taylor fic featuring our gorgeous bully, Terry Filkins(and its already half finished and soon to be posted as soon as my beta finishes with it =D). But anyway, enough propoganda, The story must go on...

p.s I have made some minor changes in the past chapters, nothing too big, nothing story-altering, just adding more detail and making the story line more followable and realistic, fixing inconcicstencies which are so characteristically me, and I suggest to those who dont wish to re-read the entire thing, to at least re-read the last few paragraphs of Chapter 7, because I changed the ending. Harry has not yet accepted Voldies offer, he choses to spend 3 days thinking it over instead.

More dark robed figures in masks accompanied Harry out of the study, and to a diferent part of the mansion he had found himself in against his will. He was led up two flights of stairs, and into the west wing of the sprawling building, already he would have been completley unable to find his way back to his old rooms. The place was enormous. He was led into a part of the house that seemed lighter, better aired out as apposed to all the dark corridors he had passed through thus far. The walls were covered in light blue, fancy pattrened wall paper, down to the middle, where there was a wide black stripe, and bellow that it was painted a dark deep blue. The floors were wood, and most of the furniture as well, with fancy trinkets decorating every corner, potted plants and flowers placed at various intervals. There were rich rugs everywhere, most of them a fetching combination of light brown and gold with black detailing. Long, luxurious curtains fell down to pool on the shiny, well polished floor, framing large windows looking out over the grounds.

Harry did not have time to stop and admire the view, he was quickly deposited in front of a wide double door made of a dark, lusturous wood. The door was opened for him with a key, and he was escorted in. A voice from beneath the mask declaired, " We are to inform you that these rooms are just as well protected as your previous apartments, Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock, I will be back to escort you", and with that both of the masked men turned and left him, locking the doors behind him.

He turned to take in the rooms around him and found himself standing in what appeared to be a sitting room. The floors and most of the furniture were made in the same lusturous dark wood as the door he had come through. The walls were covered in a light green patterend wallpaper, with delicate silver details, there were two long, low emerald green couches sitting at the center of the room, made of some velvety material, that when inspected were revealed to be very soft and vevlety indeed. Two of the walls held large windows stretching from ceiling to floor, framed in heavy dark green curtains that touched the floor. There were bookshelfs lining one of the walls, and a small coffee table in the center of the room, between the couches. Delicate lamps littered the room, and there was a small silver chandellier hanging from the ceiling. Next to the doorway leading to the the next room there was a small set of shelves, glassed in. Delicate looking magical instruments rested on it's shelves, Harry didnt recognize any of them.

He crossed the room and steped through the doorway, into what would be the bedroom. A massive four poster bed sat in the middle of the room, dressed all in emerald green and black, with black and green hangings with silver borders. Harry went to the bed and lifted an edge of the thick comforter off the bed, revealing light green and silver sheets. There was a large window with a built in seat, with cushions placed in the corners, curtains hung on either side of the window. The view showed that he was somewhere in the mountains, high up judging from the chill air in the rooms and corridors. Trees covered the grounds densly, and if he sat down on the window, he could see another part of the mansion, it's walls made of grey stone. He saw another window, similar to his, but black curtains were drawn close over them, limiting his view of the room within. There was a large dark wooden desk in another corner of the room, two plush chairs and a large fireplace.

He got up off the window seat and continued through the room towards another doorway, this one open. it was a walk in closet, exagerated in size. When he flicked the light switch he saw that it was fully stocked. One half held an array of wizarding robes and hooded capes, all dark in color, with silk shirts and dark slacks, dress shoes, a dark, thick winter coat, cashmere sweaters, a quiditch uniform, and some leather padds that would fit like armor on his body. The other half held an assorment of muggle clothing, ranging from jeans, sneakers, T-shirts and hoddies. There was a large mirror hanging on the cream coloured wall. His explorations brought him to the last room in the apartments, a large bathroom with dark marble floors and counters, and stone walls. There was an enormous expanse of marble counter with a built in tub, marble steps leading up to it. It's interior was black and it was surrounded by about 6 silver taps, each one with a diferent desgin.

Harry turned each tap in turn, and when he found the water tap, he let the tub fill up, and without a second thought, stripped down and jumped in. It was large enough to fit two of him, completley stretched out. He turned a tap that had released a pleasent smelling purple oil, and another that released lavender coloured bubbles. After about a half hour of alternating between deep relaxation and scrubbing lazily at his body with a luffa, he began to search the perimeter of the tub for shampoo and condicionor. He found two fancy looking glass bottles, tinged green, with curvy writting on them declaring them to be exactly what he was looking for. He procceded in shampooing and conditioning his hair thoroughly, and once rinsed off he finally climbed out of the large tub, grabbing one of the thick black towels off the towel rack and wrapping it around his slim waist.

He dried himself off and selected a pair of green boxer briefs, a dark pair of jeans, sneakers, and a formal looking grey button up shirt. He tugged the long sleeves half way up his arms, and threw on a black coat in a blazer style he had admired. Walking into the sitting room, he decided to analize some of the trinkets in the glass case while he waited for his dinner escort to arrive.

It wasn't a long wait. Before he even figured out the right spell to open the glass case, there was a knock at the door, and a clicking sound as it was unlocked. Harry waited for someone to come in, but no one did, and so he stepped towards the door and opened it himself. The figure waiting for him was cloaked in black, and masked, not at all surprising. "This way" He said, extending an arm down the corridor and waiting for Harry to begin walking before following by his side.

Harry was led through what looked like a library, down a few corridors, and finally into a dinning room with wooden paneled walls, a large silver chandelier hung from the ceiling. The figure motioned that he should take a seat at the long dinning table, it was only set for two, one place set across from the other. They both sat down, and soon food was brought to the table by two servants dressed in black. Harry looked around the dining room as the food was being set down. What looked like a quiche, a small chicken, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, gravy, rice, everything arranged artistically on silver platters and serving dishes. Harry piled his plate with food, diging in, while his companion chose smaller portions, eating delicatley.

"I am to escort you where ever you wish to go after dinner" his dark clad, masked companion said between his small bites. "Breakfeast is served at 9:00, lunch at 1:00, and dinner at 7:00. A house elf will be assigned to your needs, anything else you may need, you will call on her for. I will escort you to all your meals as well" The man finished. They fell back into silence until they had both finished their meals and the desert of chocolate mousse.

The black clad figure stood up and Harry stood with him, and he was lead to the library they had passed before. Without another word, the figure picked a book up off a side table and sat down on a plush leather chair, placing his feet up on a coffee table, revealing expensive looking italian loafers. The man opened the book infront of him and began to read. Harry stood there awkardly, awaiting further instruction. When none came, he realized he was being ignored, and wandered over to a book shelf, looking over the volumes. He wandered over to a section of darker, older looking volumes, and a shiny silver scrawled title caught his attention, "The art of the Animagi". it looked old enough and thick enough to contain information he didnt yet posses on the art he had just learned. He reached up to pluck it off the shelf, but found that it wouldnt budge. Try as he might, the volume seemed to be stuck onto the shelf and would not be moved. When he attempted to spell the book off the shelf, he was thrown back violently with a bang, luckily landing sprawled out on one of the leather couches.

"You can't spell that one off the shelf, it's my spell, I made ir iremovable" The figure on the chair said. "Why?" Harry asked from his position on the couch. "Because the book belongs to me, and I dont wish for anyone else to touch it but me" came the lazy reply. Irritated, Harry stated "Well, I wish to read it, remove the spell". "I don't take orders from you Potter" The figure said in a haughty tone, not moving from his seat on the chair. The tone of voice and words struck a familiar cord in Harry, and he responded, irritated " If you don't unspell the book for me now, when I am officially made your superior, I will make you regret it".

At this the other figure finally put his book down and stood up, bristling " My

superior, Potter? I highly doubt-" The man was interupted by a popping noise, as a surge of magic coursed through the room, and two things happened simaltaneously. The book Harry had been attempting to aquire flew off the shelf and landed skidding onto the coffee table, and The mask and dark cloak the other man had been wearing disapeared, revealing a surprised looking young man, no older then Harry himself, with silver blonde hair, pale skin and stormy grey eyes. "Malfoy?!" Harry exclaimed.
