A/N Alright, so I'm too tired to write out all the names of my reviewers to thank them, but know that you are all loved and cherished.
On another note, I start school tomorrow. Which means I'll probably update more quickly because I'll be in the habit of doing work. Yes, I am an odd little duck. Don't hate.
So, here you have it, my fifth chapter. La di da, ENJOY!


Chapter 5


Draco didn't stop running until he reached his dorm. He cast the strongest locking charms he knew on the door, and added a few nasty hexes which would be triggered when someone tried to unlock the door.


Where the fuck did Blaise get off on kissing Draco? Had Draco given him permission? Had he encouraged Blaise in any way, shape, or form? No. Ick, now he would probably have to scour his mouth with five cleaning charms before he felt clean again.

"How the hell am I going to deal with this?" Draco asked himself. "I'm sharing a dorm with a boy who lusts after me and has a nasty streak and probably didn't take very well to being rejected. What the fuck do I do?"

One thing was certain, he had to make sure Harry didn't find out. If Harry got so jealous over Draco simply covering his hickeys, what would he do if he found out that Blaise had kissed Draco?


Go back.

Didn't I see Harry right before Blaise told me he liked me and then molested me?

Oh shit.


Draco stood outside the portrait guarding the Gryffindor common room. No matter how much he pleaded or threatened the portrait wouldn't open for him. With a muttered curse he leaned against the wall.

A minute later a couple of first years came chattering up to the portrait. Draco grabbed the closest one and spun her around.

"Go in there and get Potter or you'll regret it for the rest of your life," he growled. She squeaked and ran into the common room. Her friends followed her, white as sheets. Draco waited outside. He waited some more. Finally, The portrait swung open and Harry stepped out.

"Harry..." Draco began but stopped at the cold look on Harry's face.

"We have nothing to talk about, Malfoy," he spat. "Don't harass our first years and don't ever talk to me again. And don't call me Harry." Harry turned to go back into the common room.

Draco couldn't breathe. He couldn't really think either, all he knew was that he had to keep Harry from leaving before he had heard the whole story. Draco reached out and grabbed Harry's arm.

"Wait! It wasn't my fault. Zabini kissed me! I didn't kiss him; I don't want to! I accidentally told him it was a boy who gave me the hickeys at breakfast, and then later I thought he was going to blackmail me, but then he started saying how he liked me and wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me, and then before I could say anything he kissed me, and I was too shocked to do anything. It was a completely one-sided kiss, and I really didn't want him too. You have to believe me."

Harry simply stared at the hand clutching his arm with the same cold expression as before. Draco gulped and quickly removed his hand. Harry turned his back on Draco, and hissed,

"That's not what it looked like to me. And I don't have to do anything. So, like I said before- don't ever talk to me again."

Harry quickly stepped back into the common room and slammed the portrait in Draco's face. Draco stood there, frozen for the second time that day.

"FUCK!" he yelled and punched the wall.

Draco turned and started walking back to his common room. Then, remembering that Blaise might be there, he changed direction and headed for the owlery.

As he was walking he decided a few things. One, Blaise would pay for screwing this up for him. Two, Harry would pay for not trusting Draco and for rejecting Draco. Draco would make Harry so sorry he had slammed that portrait in Draco's face that Harry would be crawling on his hands and knees for Draco to take him back. That little bitch had no right to act like that. We weren't even technically together after all. And lastly, after Draco had tortured Harry enough, Draco would turn the tables around and fuck the living daylights out of Harry.

Draco smirked.

Step One: Destroy Blaise

Draco sealed the letter to his father and attached it to his owl's leg. He gently stroked his owl's feathers before opening his window and telling the bird to take the letter to his father. Blaise would be sorry once Lucius received Draco's owl.

"Hmm, let's see," Draco mused, "what with his molestation of me, what he did to that 2nd year a couple of weeks ago, and the insinuation that his loyalties might be waning, I expect Father will make sure the situation is taken care of, and he won't believe anything that Zabini could say about me and another boy. Perfect."

Feeling much better, Draco left the owlery. His lips twisted into a chilling sneer as he contemplated all the different ways his father could take revenge. He would probably forward the letter to Zabini's family, who would be furious with Blaise. Lucius will almost certainly tell everyone else as well; the Zabinis would be disgraced. Draco chuckled, they'd never be able to show themselves in the upper circles again. Damn, I'm good.

"Oh, Draco dear, there you are," simpered Pansy. "I've been looking for you all over..." She attached herself to his arm. "We haven't really talked in absolutely ages. Where on earth have you been?"

"Hello there, Pansy. Too much work, you know. Terribly sorry I haven't been around to talk to you. Anything new?" Draco replied brusquely. Pansy fluttered her eyelashes in a singularly unattractive manner.

"Well, since you asked, there's so much I need to tell you! Did you know..."

Draco tuned out her insipid chatter and thought of the hell Blaise's life would be in a couple of hours when his family knew of his indiscretions.

Draco and Pansy turned the corner and ran right into Weasley and Granger. Draco looked past Weasley's quickly reddening face and ignored his threats while Pansy uttered a sneering comment about being tainted with Granger's dirty blood. Draco forgot about making Harry pay for not believing him, and all he wanted to do was kiss and kiss and kiss Harry until Harry was completely and utterly Draco's. The object of Draco's desire was trailing a few feet behind his friends and Draco tried to catch his eye. Harry ignored him completely and put a hand on his friends' backs, and muttered,

"Come on, it's not worth it. Let's just go to dinner." When neither showed any signs of a desire to cut the confrontation with Pansy short, Harry added in an even softer voice, "Can we just go? Please."

Weasley turned and stared at Harry with concern. "You all right, mate?"

Granger finished comparing Pansy's face to a bulldog's and looked ready to pull out her wand and hex the other girl. Pansy turned to Draco and whispered harshly, "Help me out here, Draco. What's with you?" Draco ignored her and continued to stare at Harry who continued to ignore him.

"Ron, please let's just go. 'Mione, come on," he said and tugged at their shirts in an effort to make them turn and follow him. Reluctantly they obeyed, and the trio began walking away from Draco and Pansy.

"That's right, run away you ugly little Mudblood!" Pansy hissed, and Weasley had his wand out and was snarling a curse before Draco realized that Harry wasn't stopping and coming to his friend's defense, and that Harry was in fact even walking away a bit faster. Draco's stomach lurched.

"Harry! Wait!" Draco called out. Three pairs of incredulous eyes pinned themselves on him.

Granger's mouth dropped open. She looked at Weasley, who looked as though he had been hit in the back of the head with a bludger. Weasley asked in a shocked voice, "Did Malfoy just call him 'Harry?'"

Pansy asked in an ominous, low, stilted voice, "Draco, dear, what are you doing?"

Harry stopped short. He turned around and met Draco's eyes for the first time since the beginning of the fight. "I told you not to call me that," he said coldly. "You have no right to."

Completely forgetting about the three other people in the corridor Draco asked in a furious voice, "How can you say that? I can call you whatever the bloody hell I want, Harry. You're just acting like the stupid, ignorant, blind git that you are!"

"I am NOT blind! I saw it all! And that's why you can't call me by my name, you fucking little slut! Now leave me and my friends alone, before I hex you so bad you wish you'd never been born!"

"You know what, fine! If you want to be an idiot that's fine by me! I just wish that when your parents died, screaming in agony, they had taken you with them!" Draco screamed back.

Harry reeled back as though he had been physically hit. He glared at Draco in silence for a few breathless moments, and the three onlookers waited for the inevitable retaliation. Harry abruptly spun on his heels and ran off down the corridor. Weasley and Granger followed after a moment's hesitation.

Draco stood and watched him run away. He shoved past Pansy and paid no attention to all of her questions. Pansy swayed back, obviously at a complete loss as to how to deal with Draco when he was in one of his rages.

Draco clenched his jaw. He didn't notice as his nails left red crescents on his palms. As he stormed down the corridor, he mentally ripped the limbs off Harry's body. Little red dots appeared before his eyes, and he shook his head roughly in an effort to dispel them.


Draco pushed his food around his plate, pausing only to occasionally viciously stab at an offending scrap of food. For the tenth time in a minute, he raised his eyes to the Gryffindor table and to Harry's empty seat. His eyes burned, and he gripped his fork more tightly.

No. No, I will NOT cry over that stupid git ever again. He is an idiot. And where's all his so called Gryffindor nobility, I wonder. Isn't he supposed to believe the boy he fancies? Huh? Ha-Potter isn't worth it. I'm through with swooning over him like a lovesick Hufflepuff. I'm a Malfoy. A Malfoy. And Malfoys don't swoon; we seduce and then break hearts.

Stupid fucking Potter. How dare he affect me this way? Well, it ends now. I don't care anymore. I'm through with him. And he's going to regret the day he tried to fuck with Draco Malfoy.

Draco ground his chicken into his plate and glared. He resisted the urge to check the entrance to the Great Hall to see if Harry was coming. Draco studied the table and picked at the grain of the wood.

Unexpectedly, a shadow fell over him and darkened the table. Draco sighed in frustration and frowned.

"Sod off. I'm not in the mood to deal with any idiotic bullshit right now," Draco told the owner of the shadow without looking up.

"Too bad, you have to deal with me," Draco's head shot up when he recognized Blaise's voice. He had forgotten all about the boy after his meeting with Harry in the hallway. "What the hell was that about before? Why did you run away after I... after we... you know?"

Draco pushed away from the table. "Get the fuck away from me, Zabini," he sneered, "I don't want anything to do with you. And don't you dare try to molest me again, or I'll hex you so bad your own mother wouldn't recognize you. And you're already going to be in enough trouble as it is once my father gets my letter."

Blaise paled. "What do you mean?" he asked in a slightly shaky voice. "You don't like me? at all? And what do you mean, 'letter?'"

Draco smirked, "That's right, I don't like you. As if my fleeing after being mauled by you wasn't enough of a cough You're quick, Zabini. You always been this quick? And the letter is a letter to my father informing him of your attack on my person, and another event involving a 2nd year and an Unforgivable you probably didn't want spread around."

"You bastard! You didn't! I'll be disgraced!" Blaise yelled, his face turning red.

"You might even be disowned," Draco informed him gleefully. He swept his eyes around the Great Hall, enjoying the looks of shock and curiosity on everyone's faces. Blaise raised his wand and advanced on Draco.

"Just you wait, you'll be sorry, Malfoy" Blaise growled and took another step towards Draco.

"That is quite enough, Mr. Zabini," Snape's voice cut across the room, and the professor stepped in front of Draco. "I suggest you put the wand down and follow me," Snape continued and he grabbed Blaise's shoulder and practically dragged him out if the Great Hall.

"Just wait," Blaise yelled over his shoulder at Draco.

"Oh, I'm just shaking in my boots," Draco sneered back and ate a bite of cherry pie.


Draco yawned and stretched. He opened the curtains around his bed and smirked. Blaise's bed was untouched. Apparently, his parents hadn't wasted any time shipping him home. I am good. Very good. Disgrace doesn't sit well with the high families.

The rest of the morning passed uneventfully except for the constant rumors and questions directed at Draco. By lunch he was getting quite tired of telling and retelling the story.

"Look, Zabini forced himself on me after declaring his undying love and adoration. That's it. This is not my revenge for a nasty breakup, and as far as I know Zabini is, in fact, a boy. No, I am not gay. And no, I am not bi. So why don't you leave me the fuck alone already! Stupid bunch of idiots," Draco snarled and shoved his chair away from the table. He stalked out of the room muttering irritably under his breath.

Draco turned one corner before he felt himself pulled into the shadows. Draco's heart exploded into rapid beats, but he managed to keep his breathing steady.

"Potter," Draco acknowledged in a voice devoid of emotion that, to his credit, only wavered slightly. He fixed a baleful stare on Harry, who dropped his eyes under the intense gaze.

Harry studied the floor and twisted his hands awkwardly before shoving them into his pockets. "Malfoy, I- I was- I mean, um, I heard what really happened with Zabini. And, I was... wrong. You were telling the truth. I should have believed you. And I'm sorry. And maybe, we could talk? For a little while? Please, Draco, just say something..."

"We have nothing to talk about, Potter," Draco echoed Harry's words from the night before. "Don't harass me anymore. And don't call me Draco."

Draco looked impassively at the boy in front of him as he thought, "I'm not your fucking bitch, Potter. You can't just drop me and then pick me up again whenever you want. How dare you even consider the possibility that I would forgive you that easily for the way you acted towards me. Because I haven't forgiven you, and I'm definitely still mad."

Harry paled, and his eyes slowly lifted from the floor to Draco's face. He winced at the expression there but didn't drop his eyes again. He took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake," Harry mumbled. "What can I do to make you believe how sorry I am that I didn't trust you? Um," and here Harry put on a slightly flirtatious expression and continued, "I'd give anything to make you forgive me..."

Draco sneered coldly, "What makes you think you've got anything I want?" and he turned his back on Harry and walked down the hall.


A/N Well, what do you think? I for one am proud that Draco has finally stopped being such a little pussy and is going to take a stand, be a man, and use his Slytherin smarts to wreck havoc and mayhem in the Golden Boy's heart. Mwah ha ha ha!!!!

Um, anyways, reviewing and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Toodles!