a/n: wow! I'm still alive. I've been so insanely busy it's not even funny. Anyway here is the long awaited chapter six. Sorry it's kind of short but I'm going to update really soon I promise. Thanks for all the lovely reviews I'm glad everyone like my story so much. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy in side.

Ch.6 Fate

Rin was floating; she could hear voices around her but couldn't understand them. She opened her eyes but all she saw was white. The voices sounded like they were arguing about something. Then Rin heard an all too familiar voice, it spoke in the odd language and it was angry. She struggled to see but her vision remained blank.

"Keita?" Rin called weekly. "Keita, what's going on?"

Rin heard her Muse's voice in her mind. [Patience, Rin, we are trying to save you. But some do not agree.]

"Who's trying to save me? Where is Sesshomaru? Why can't understand?" Rin asked urgently.

[Calmly Rin, Sesshomaru is with your body, and the High Council of heaven is trying to save you. I will make it so you can understand.]

The voices suddenly became understandable. She was right they were arguing.

"The girl has no right to by pass the laws of death!" one voice stated.

"But it was not her time! The girl should not be punished by her Muse's past life!" another shouted.

"I agree. it was no fault of her own."

"I still think it is not right. If we bend the rules this once what's to stop us from doing it again?"

"Yes, this power can not be abused."

"You are all forgetting something important." A quite voice stated. "This girl indeed does have a great purpose, but a sacrifice must be made by one of us if she is to be revived. The balance must not be destroyed."

Rin heard quite murmurs of assent.

"Yes the balance, a life for a life."

"The balance, if it is destroyed even she could not right it"

"Is any willing to make that sacrifice?" the quiet voice asked. Rin had a feeling he was in charge.

Rin tried to speak to tell them she was not afraid to die but her voice would not work. [It is not for you to decide. You must abide by their decision and mine.] realizing the implications of that last remark Rin tried even harder to speak, to stop her Muse from doing what she was about to do.

"I will make the sacrifice. She is my charge after all it is my duty. It is after all my fault she is here in the first place." Keita said.

"Keita, you mustn't," Rin heard several voices say. Rin nodded in emphatic agreement.

"it is my decision, I simply request a moment alone to say good bye."

"Granted. It is decided, you have your time." The quiet voice decreed and the voices faded.

"Please don't do this Keita." Rin pleaded when she could speak again.

"Hush, Rin, I want you to listen carefully. There is a task that you must perform and time is running out. You must travel to the western most reaches of the land then to the sea. There you're destiny will be revealed. I will no longer be able to help you, but remember this: there are more memories hidden deep within you, ones you must unlock. Rely on love and nothing will defeat you." Keita said.

"Keita, it is time." The quiet voice had returned.

"Good bye Rin,"

"Keita! No!" Rin cried.


Rin felt herself being pulled away and felt her grip on conscious slip. The next thing she new she was being held by strong arms. "Sesshomaru?" she asked weakly.

a/n: alright guys you know the drill. Review, review, review! Next chappie will be up soon.