A/N: I don't own Inuyasha. This is a Round Robin that includes some of my absolute favorite authors!

Summary: Good prevails over evil and Kagome defeats Naraku. Now she finds herself in her own time about to go to college. Only there are many familiar faces. Do they remember her? Why is that every guy from IY is after her?

Yin & Yang

Chapter 1 By: BelleDayNight

Kagome squinted her eyes against the harsh glare that was emanating from both her and Naraku's clashing auras. His crimson eyes were widened in shock as she managed to slip both arms around his neck and hug him to her. Their bodies were flush as her shards of the jewel fused with his shards.

"Miko get off of me unless you desire to join this body of mine entirely." Naraku sneered as he focused his energies on the woman clinging to him. The rest of her companions were either unconscious or engaged in fighting his minions. When he absorbed this slip of a woman and claimed the jewel he would make Kagura pay for betraying him even if he had to find her from beyond the grave. She allowed Sesshoumaru and therefore these other misfits access to his fortress. He was lucky that the night before he had reformed his hanyou body to be even more powerful and deadly.

"I would die before I joined the likes of you," Kagome told him fiercely as she concentrated on purifying the jewel and the waves of miasma leaking from her mortal enemy. Her body's aura was glowing more brilliantly than that of Naraku's.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted as he unleashed another powerful blast from Tetsusaiga. It was unbelievable how many minions Naraku had at his side even when caught unaware. He flashed a quick look over at Kagura who was dead and wondered if she had tricked them into coming here. But her dead form dispelled that idea. Surely Naraku wouldn't have killed his own servant for doing what he desired.

An answering swing from Tokijin destroyed the demons that were blocking Inuyasha from his beloved. Now the path was barred by the great Tai-youkai of the Western Lands. "She has a purpose in this battle little brother. Do not disturb the balance of good and evil. Your presence could tip the scale in an unfavorable direction," Sesshoumaru advised.

"Kagome-sama! You can defeat him! We all believe in you!" Miroku shouted encouragingly as he ducked as Sango sent her giant bone boomerang flying past his head to destroy another wave of demons.

"Your friends can do little more than shout at you," Naraku replied when he felt Kagome's spiritual power overpowering his own. "You and I are the yin and yang. Do you not understand?" Naraku spoke in a soothing tone in spite of the fact that he was slowly being purified. Even Kikyo in her hay-day lacked this level of strength.

Kagome smiled at the dark haired demon. He had a point but she was about to make sure that Yin defeated Yang! She could feel his darkness seeping into her very soul as hers simultaneously seeped into his. "Look around Naraku. You are alone. My friends will defeat your nameless minions."

Naraku smiled. "Perhaps, but you can not defeat me. Why not simply submit and join with me? Together we could rule the world." His arms moved to encircle around her and tightened their grasp around her waist as he moved his hands behind her knees and forced her legs around his waist. Her arms were still locked around his neck and now they appeared to be in a lover's embrace rather than a deadly duel.

The woman from the future allowed the dark hanyou to manipulate her body. The fool was so pre-occupied that he failed to realize that by increasing their contact he was making it easier for her to purify him. Kagura had warned her, before her untimely death, that Naraku had recently began to lust after Kagome.

After he had discarded his human heart and destroyed Kikyo soon afterwards his obsession seemed to then focus on Kagome. However, the young miko did not spent three years in the Fuedal Era to become the play thing of some corrupt demon. She had enough of that from a certain dog-eared hanyou, a perverted monk who decided to help her gain some experience so she could woo said hanyou, a demon lord that occasionally would send her on a red cloud of ki so that she could play glorified babysitter to his daughter, and a wolf that was sure she'd come around and agree to be his mate.

"Don't kid yourself Naraku. I'm way out of your league." Kagome answered before she pulled his face to hers and connected her lips with his. She could hear the battle around them come to a complete halt as everyone was in shock at her actions. Naraku was especially in shock but he didn't waste time before he tried to deepen the kiss and slip his tongue inside her mouth.

Big mistake.

The moment he opened his mouth the last of Kagome's reserve power began to pour in. Her last mental thought was, 'To banish Naraku and all his malice from this world.'

All of those who had allied together to defeat Naraku watched in amazement as a bright light illuminated both Kagome and Naraku. Most were still in shock from seeing their innocent friend kiss the most vile creature alive.

When the light died down the cries of heartache could be heard. It is said that up in the mountains of a small island of Japan the cries of several can be witnessed to this day. For on the day of greatest light was also the day of greatest darkness for them. The bringer of light to their dark world had abandoned them and returned to her home.

Many say she was an angel who returned to her home in the heavens after sending the devil back to hell.

Others say it was a priestess with a large soul and an unbelievably loving heart and she returned to the future.

The truth will forever be disputed, but the area that epic battle took place can be found by the burn that scarred the earth in the mountainside. Forever etched in stone is a symbol of a spider and an eternally green field of lilies grows miraculously from the stone.

Kagome felt light headed. She groggily opened her eyes to survey her surroundings. Her sapphire orbs widened as she took in the unmistakable hospital environment. She immediately sat up but knocked her head into something, or someone, in the process.

"You're awake!" A voice exclaimed right above her.

She looked up and her eyes grew the size of saucers at the individual wearing a doctor's white coat who was rubbing his forehead where she had collided moments before. A pair of very familiar lavender eyes were twinkling down at her.

"Miroku?" Kagome asked in confusion. The last thing she remembered, she was fighting Naraku. She made a wish on the jewel and then it was all a blank after that.

The young man grinned at her and pointed to his name tag. "Good to see that you can still read. You've been in a coma for the past two weeks." He wiggled his eye brows suggestively. "I guess you partied a little too hard after graduation."

Kagome laughed nervously. This doctor was without a doubt Miroku. She was surprised he hadn't groped her. But then, she had been in a coma for a while who knows what he did while she slept. "You could say that."

"You going to be starting at Tokyo University?" Miroku asked, he began to look his patient over more thoroughly. He had thought she was a fine woman while she was asleep but now that she was awake he'd definitely have to find a way to get her to bear him a child. Granted it was a lame pick up line, but surprisingly women seemed to find it original and always fell for his charms.

Kagome blinked at him. She vaguely remembered one afternoon in the Fall semester when her brother Souta and Hojo forced her to fill out a college application for Tokyo University. She also recalled another afternoon with Eri, Ayami, and Yuki celebrating her acceptance to that university. "I guess I will be."

Miroku's face broke into a large smile. "Great! I'm actually an intern at this hospital. I'm a medical student at Tokyo University and also am the teaching assistant for an elective or two. I'd love to show you around campus. Are you going to start school in the second summer session? I highly recommend that you do."

"I hadn't really thought about that." Kagome was at a loss. What the hell was Miroku doing in her time? If she was in a coma shouldn't one of her family members be with her?

"Don't worry, it would be my pleasure to help you get registered and stuff." Miroku replied easily. A slight frown marred his forehead as he leaned over her slightly; his hand came to rest upon the neck tie of her loose hospital gown.

Kagome's hand had already reeled back, ready to slap the pervert for no doubt trying to cop a feel and slip off her gown. They were so flimsy and paper thin. It wasn't like she wasn't broadcasting to the world that she was cold or anything as it was! She opened her mouth to shout at him.

But, to her surprise he was merely tightening the knot on the back of her tie. He smiled at her reassuringly. "I hate those gowns. I tell you one thing. It's a privilege to see a backside such as yours, beautiful Kagome, but when I see an eighty year old man going for a walk and letting it all hang out, it's not a pretty picture."

Kagome's mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. "Thanks?" She replied unsure.

Miroku chuckled at his patient's response. "I'll come back later this afternoon. I'll let your family know you are alright." He began to leave but turned at the last minute. "Will you bear me," Kagome cringed waiting the rest of the sentence, "the honor of allowing me to help you get registered for classes?"

Swallowing down her confusion, Kagome offered a weak smile and nodded her head. "Um, sure, I'd appreciate that."

"Great!" Miroku chirped as he waved goodbye before heading out her door and shutting it behind him.

What in the world was going on?

Chapter 2: By Amyfushigiyugi