Bubble Crash!
By: AngelofSoul

And it's chap two! Wonderful isn't it? :) Hm... as you know, I threw Harry's other sitters out and sent Sirius and Remus to Japan... hm... O.o oh, I just got an idea! I hope you don't mind slashy fluff!!! :)

WARNING: Momentary slashy fluff. Just for this chapter, unless requested for more. If you don't like it, just skip it. :) I made it easy for you. :)


Chapter 2:
Diaper Antics

"So..." Snape began sitting on his heels, kneeling, and staring eye level with the young Potter child. It had been only three minutes of his baby- sitting task and to be completely honest; he had no bloody clue about what he was doing.

Harry sat in the squishy armchair, semi-tangled in his baby blanket and sucking his chibi thumb. He stared at Severus, his new sitter, with a sparkle of amusement in his large green eyes.

"So..." Snape said again drumming his nails on the wooden arm of the chair. "Harry, is it?"

"Yup!" Harry said through sucking his thumb.

"Ah," Severus said. He cleared his throat, "So... how old are you?"

"This many," The tot held up one finger. "I'll be this many-"he held up two fingers- "soon."

"Hm..." he nodded. "Right..." Snape cleared his throat again. Well, at least he has intelligence enough to count... sort of. "Alright," he stood up, looming over the child and looking as intimidating as he usually was to children. "Let's get a few things straight- I'm your sitter. Therefor, you sit. And keep quiet."

To his surprise, Harry giggled. "Okay scary lady!"

(Insert sweatdrop here)

"And it's Severus- not scary lady."

"Okay scary lady!"

"No, no, no." Snape said a little irritated, his eye twitching. "It's Severus. 'Sevv-err-us'."

Harry seemed to be thinking really hard, "Um... okay!"

The potions master nodded with approval, "Good, good. Now you keep quiet and I'll be over there. Don't move." He started to turn around-

"Okay, scary lady!"

Snape whipped around and was about to correct the child when Harry's face crunched up, looking like he was about to cry. Panicky, the Head of Slytherin shut his mouth and looked about frantically.

Crap, I just made the child cry- shit, and I usually enjoy that too... Severus opened his mouth to say something- anything to stop the kid from bawling-


A look of relief graced the tot's face as a hideous smell wafted to Snape's nose. He blanched and coughed, covering his mouth. "Damn- what the hell did you just do?!"

Harry giggled and clapped his hands, exclaiming loudly, "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

"Oh, God!!!"


Somewhere in Tokyo, Japan...

"This," Sirius said taking a glass of wine from a geisha girl's tray as she passed, "Is the life, eh Moony?"

"Hm..." Remus sighed placing sunglasses over his eyes, sounding gloomy.

It was a nice sunny day at the beachfront hotel they stayed in: not all windy, bright sparkling water and brilliant white sand. Not to mention an outdoor bar with pretty geisha girls serving round after round of fine, red wine as you lye under umbrella shade in the comfort of a large tanning blanket.

A perfect get-a-way place.

A place to relax and enjoy yourself, a place to cuddle with your lover.

That's what Sirius was attempting to do, scooting closer and closer to Remus...

The werewolf rolled over, drifting halfway between napping and consciousness.

Frowning, Sirius snaked his arms around lover's middle, "What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing..." Remus replied tiredly.

"Bull," Sirius snorted, burying his nose behind Remus's neck. "Something's wrong, what's up?"

For a moment he stayed silent, then said, "I feel bad."

"About?" Sirius urged placing soft kisses on the ball of Remus's shoulders.

"What you did earlier..."

"Well," more kisses. "That guy deserved it; no one stares at my Remmy's ass- "

"Not that." Remus snorted. "I meant Lily and James."


"Don't act like you don't remember," Remus frowned sitting up and away from Sirius. "You knew they needed a sitter."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Remus, we've gone over this a million times. Harry has several other caretakers. We don't need to watch him all the time."

"I know that," Remus crossed his arms, frowning. "But it's the way you handled the situation- I mean, 'we're going to Japan this week, sorry'?"

"I planned a get-a-way for us, Remmy-!" Sirius protested.

"That one second Sirius? That very moment you heard the words 'Harry' and 'sitter'?" Remus glared.

"C'mon," Sirius pouted. "I did it because I love you-"

"No, you did it because you didn't want to take care of your godson." Remus snorted.

Sirius went silent for a moment, then sighed in defeat. "That's not... entirely true."

Remus glared at him again.

"I never get to spend any time with you anymore," Sirius scooted close again. "The Order, Voldemort, watching Harry... I wanted just one week, one week, to hold you like I did when we didn't have to worry about everything."

Remus's eyes softened, feeling a little guilty. "I had no idea..." he began.

"I'm sorry, Remus. If you want, we'll go back and ask Lily if that job's still open-"Sirius cut off when Remus shushed him with a kiss.

"Remus?" Sirius blinked when he pulled back.

"We don't have too..." Remus snuggled himself into his chest. "We can just stay here... I like it. The beach is so pretty."

Sirius grinned at this, holding his love close.

"Besides," Remus murmured. "I'm sure Harry's having fun with his new sitter. We wouldn't want to ruin that, would we?"


Harry giggled as he was lying on his back on the table, waiting for his newly ruined diaper to be changed.

Severus loomed over him with an instructional book in one hand and the diaper bag opened up on his left. His nose wrinkled in disgust as he read:

"To Change A Stinky Diaper

Has your child made a stinky

"Obviously," Snape snorted, gagging a little at the smell. Harry was still waiting, his baby robes folded to his tiny waist and diaper showing, wiggling his toes in the air and giggling.

"A little wet? Perhaps a big old dumpy, wumpy?"

"For gods sake, get to the damn point!" Severus said, exasperated.

"Wishing this book would get to the "damn point"?"

"How'd you guess?" Snape said sarcastically.

"Turn to page 45."

Rolling his eyes, he did so.

"Patience is good for you, oh greasy one."

Growling, he slammed the book shut and looked at the title. Marauder's Guide to Child Care.

"Figures, I'll do this my damn self." Severus muttered throwing the book in the bag and carefully undoing the formidable diaper. Harry giggled at the look on Snape's face when he saw the contents.

"What the hell did you eat? Is that-?" Snape squinted. "Oh, sheesh, is that corn? Does corn even grow like that? Good God!"

Harry squealed with amusement and clapped his hands, wiggling his little toes in the air. "Mommy wants me to be healthy!"

"And you are," Snape wrinkled his nose staring at the mound of... poop. "Look at all those bean sprouts... and oh wow, there's even guava in here! What a healthy child you are!" sarcasm being at an all time high.

Harry just giggled.

Grimacing with distaste, Severus carefully removed the diaper from under the tot and tossed it in the fireplace. The flames hissed and died.

Ignoring the sudden disappearance of the once dancing flames, Snape reached into the diaper bag and pulled out a fresh Huggies, wipes, and baby powder.

No problems so far, Severus thought looking at the child. Harry was a patient little tot, taking a sudden interest in his little fingers. But now was the hard part.

Cleaning his dirtied little bottom.

Snape gulped, dreading what he was about to do. He took out a moist wipe that smelled of sweet baby oil and made sure it covered his whole hand. He didn't want any nasty surprises on his fingers.

Wincing, he turned his head away and reached, slowly, towards the poo- ridden behind...

Then there was a knock at the door. Severus sighed in relief for the momentary interruption, "Don't move." He told the child before going over to the door and opening it.

"Hello, Severus." It was Minerva McGonagall, the stern transfiguration professor. Snape nodded in acknowledgment.

She stepped inside, eyebrow raised at all the baby things on the table. And the baby.

"You have a child, Severus?" Minerva asked awkwardly.

"What- no!" Snape scowled. "Of course not, I'm doing a friend a favor. It's Lily's baby."

"Lily? Lily Potter?" Minerva went swiftly over the table, looking sterner than ever. At first, Severus thought she was going to tell him off-

"He's so precious!" She cooed.

Hence, the anime fall.

"Such an adorable little angel!" She said as though speaking to her favorite nephew. "Why didn't you tell me you were baby-sitting, Severus?"

"It's not like I do this often," Snape said dully. He was ignored.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Minerva squealed. She gave a little gasp, "Did baby make a poo-poo?"

"...Poo-poo?" Snape sweatdropped.

Harry giggled and clapped his hands, "PPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!"

"Oh, stinky-stinky! We can't have a smelly little baby!" Minerva grabbed a wipe and moved so Snape couldn't see what she was doing. After a minute she stepped back and Harry had a fresh new diaper on his newly clean bottom. He was sitting up and clapping his hands.

"Yay!" Harry bounced in his seat. "Yay! All clean!"

"So CUTE!" came a new squeal from the door, Amy Sinistra, the astrology teacher, bounded passed Severus and scooped up the baby. "Oh, he's so precious! Look at him- oh Minerva, is he a nephew of yours?"

She shook her head, "Oh, no, no! Severus is baby-sitting for Lily."

Sweatdrop, hence the double sized.

"Oh, how sweet!" Amy bounced the tot, which he giggled. "I've always wanted a baby, they're so adorable! Who's a cute baby? Who's cute?" She snuggled his cheek. "You are!"

"Oh, let me hold him Amy!" Minerva said anxiously.

Severus stared in disbelief and an odd amusement. Oh well, looks like he hit it off easy. So, he slumped in an armchair and watched the two woman argue over the little baby. It was quite amusing, actually, until the little tot began to whimper.

The two silenced and looked down at the whimpering child.

Harry's face was scrunched up, and tears were trailing his cheeks. It wasn't long before he was bawling.

"Oh, now look what you did!" Amy scowled wrenching the child away from the other woman.

"What I did?" Minerva scowled back, "You were the one messing with him!"

"S-s-scary l-lady!" Harry whimpered, reaching his chibi arms in Snape's direction.

"See?" Amy cried, "He called you a scary lady!"

"Me?" Minerva said, miffed. "How do you know he isn't talking about you?!"

"S-scary lady!" Harry cried harder, trying to struggle out of Amy's arms, trying to his goal: Severus.

This was embarrassing. The baby actually wanted Severus (and he still called him scary lady!!!)

Not being able to take this, Snape stood from his chair and took the child from Amy. "He's not talking about either of you!" he snapped holding the child with one arm, which Harry stopped crying instantly. "He's talking about me..."

"Oh, I forgot you were there, Severus." Minerva blinked.

Snape suppressed the urge to snap at them again, and set the child back on the table. "Why are you two here, anyway?" he said, exasperated.

"Oh, I'm off this period." Amy said scratching the back of her head.

"I almost forgot," Minerva blinked. "I came to tell you that you had a class, Severus. Your break's over."

"Great," Snape muttered. "Just beautiful." Still muttering under his breath, he grabbed the biggest diaper bag, tucked the child under his other arm, and looking rather funny; walked out of the lounge to the dungeons.

Now was the time to be Mr. Scary Head of Slytherin. Time to scare the pants off of some Gryffindors.

Harry clapped and blew a bubble with his spit, giggling.

Oh yeah, Mr. Scary Head of Slytherin with the Bubble Blowing Baby of Doom. Real frightening, all right.


Yay! I'm done... for now... shoots, than there's chapter three next huh? ... will get to that. Let me apologize for my absence on this ficcy, I'm truly sorry. Please review! I wish I could have gotten this up earlier, but I couldn't... damn...

