Hehe really couldn't resist trying to rite a short ficette

Hope that you guys like it

Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter but I sure wish I did

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Draco had always loved to watch people.

The way they moved, right down to the direction their lips curved to when they talked, it was a trait to watch people and he made sure that it was as discreet as possible as to not draw the attention of anybody else.

The only problem was that he hated it when others watched him.

It sent an itch that was far to deep to scratch through his skin and the possibility of a hex going of the tip of his wand was inevitable.

For now, he kept to himself but there was one person whom he had an obvious infatuation over.

The brilliant green eyes were just too good to pass up and soon Draco found himself in a stance that neither girl nor guy from any house of Hogwarts could bring him out of.

Draco was in a trance for most of the week, taking any chance to stare at the boy-who-lived. The way he ran his fingers through his scruffy back hair, the way he leaned slightly to the left when he stood still or the way his eyes turned a different shade of green when he expressed anger.

The Slytherin had no idea how to shake this feeling off whenever he saw the Gryffindor, it was like someone placed an impeccably soft pillow made of the purest silk against his stomach. He couldn't explain why he felt like he couldn't breathe whenever he saw the black haired boy.

It was a peculiar and sensational feeling.

He had never realised how closely he watched the Potter-boy until he found that he knew exactly what colour socks the Gryffindor was going to wear that certain day of the week.

At this point in time, the Slytherin knew that this whole 'Potter-staring-scenario' and the 'soft feeling in his stomach' had nothing to do with his enjoyment of observing people.

He had a crush, and not just any crush, but a crush on his archenemy.

It was a mildly disturbing fact and Draco was quite perplexed at the mere wackiness of the idea, but all the while he felt the need to at least let Potter know of his 'thoughts', after all, he was a Malfoy and all Malfoy's are bound by an oath of honesty when it comes to matters such as these.

Draco spent most of the day going over and over exactly what he was going to say to the green eyed Gryffindor and even practised in front of his full length mirror.

It was that day that the grey eyed boy noticed the Potter-boy staring at him, not just any stare but that stare. A stare that sent butterflies running through the blond haired Slytherin's stomach.

Draco had no idea what to make of it and he didn't even need to have the time to think when he felt a person pull him by the elbow behind a large tapestry.

He knew who it was immediately since he had remembered the sound of his object of affection's breath long before hand, and as he spun around he found that he was right in his speculation.

"Potter…" said the Slytherin in a surprisingly soft voice, his pair of stormy grey eyes stared into the brilliant green ones before him.

"Malfoy.." was the reply.

There was silence and then…

"I think I like you" both voices cut through the silence at the same time and two faces were tinged pink.

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I wouldv'e really loved to make this a long fiction buh didn't have the time or strength to do so

Review and tell me what you think

I wrote it really fast without much thought to the English buh I hope that doesn't effect it too much