It had been about a year and a half since the demon balthazar had been vanquished. The Halliwell sisters had gone through a lot since this event took place. A baby had been born. He was said to be a strong force of magic. Another child was on the way .A bond had been broken between husband and wife when Leo had been sent off to become an elder. But the lives of the Halliwells had moved on. Paige was working at a new temp job. Piper still owned the club, P3. Phoebe had been working for the newspaper and was steadily dating her boss, Jason Dean.

"Ok, Ok, Ok, we're here, now what's your big news Phoebe??" asked Paige.
Phoebe had called Piper and Paige into the living room on account of some big important news that she just HAD to tell them RIGHT NOW.
"Ok, I think you guys are going to be really shocked by what I'm about to tell you," announced Phoebe.
"Oh Phoebe!! Let me guess! Please, please, please?!?!" begged Paige.
"Ok......but I highly doubt that you're gonna get this, but you can give it a shot."
"Ok..................did you break up with Jason? Did you get promoted? Did you get fired? Did you spend every single penny you own on a horse?"
"Ohhhh please Paige! I'll give you a teeny tiny clue. This special surprise has to do with money....a lot of money."
"Oh my god! You hired me and Piper our own private stripper?!?!" Paige screeched.
"Not a chance. Ok I'm just gonna tell you because I can't keep it in any longer. I bought you and Piper plane tickets to go to Florida!!!"
Piper had been silent through the whole guessing game and these were the first words she had said the whole time.
"Oh Phoebe! You didn't have to do this," said a very shocked Piper.
"But Piper, I really wanted too. I mean you guys have done soo much for me and I figured that after you have that handful of a child you won't have time for vacation," Phoebe said as she winked at Chris.
"I need MAJOR details Phoebe!" announced Paige.
"Ok, next week you'll fly to Florida where you'll spend three days in a five star hotel. Then you'll take this marvelous cruise where you'll stay in a first class room for four days three nights!" Phoebe said smiling.
"But Phoebe....." interrupted Piper, "What about Wyatt??"
"Piper...he'll stay with me!"
"Are you sure?? I mean he can really be a handful sometimes and..."
Phoebe cut her off, "Yes I can handle him. Look if there is any problem I can call Chris or you guys or even Jason. If you guys have a problem you can call me or Chris and if I have an emergency then I can call Paige and have her orb you here as quickly as I can start shouting random profanity," Phoebe announced.

Two weeks passed and it was now Monday. Piper and Paige would be leaving on Tuesday morning.
Piper was sitting in the living room reading the latest edition of better homes and gardens when she heard voices coming from the front porch.
"PAIGE!!!!" she yelled, "PHOEBES HOME!!!"
Phoebe opened the front door with a huge grin on her face. Just then Piper thought back to when Cole made her as happy as Jason did. She also thought back to when Jason had found out that Phoebe and her sisters were witches. How he had told her he couldn't handle this right now and how he needed space. Phoebe had been hurt more than when she found out that Cole was the demon who had been sent to kill the sisters.
Phoebe walked into the house and right away Piper ran to her and embraced her. Phoebe was very confused. She tried to pull away but Piper wouldn't let go. Finally she was able to pry herself from Pipers death grip. She noticed that Piper had tears in her eyes"
"Piper.. what's wrong??" Phoebe asked in a gentle tone.
"I was just remembering some hard times," Piper confessed, "Like when Jason found out the truth about us, and when you found out that..........well when you found out that HE was the demon who had been trying to kill us. I should have been a better older sister and protected you. I just.....I just cant let that go, that I let him hurt you like that. He tried to kill us....kill you."
"Piper....... I do not blame you for any of that. If there's anyone to blame, its myself. I should have thought and trusted my instincts but I didn't, I was too selfish and I put everyone in danger."
"We all do stupid things when it comes to love," Piper said as she smiled and looked down at her six month pregnant belly.
"I'm gonna go order pizza or something Ok? You go relax in the tub and I'll come get you when dinners ready ok??" asked Phoebe

"So Paige, how was work??" asked Phoebe as the girls ate their dinner.
"Well.... it was ok to be honest with you. I mean nothing terribly awful happened other than falling down the stairs in front of EVERYBODY!! It was so humiliating!!" Paige whined
Phoebe and Piper couldn't help but laugh. Paige could really be a klutz sometimes.
"Ok, well I'm gonna go hit the sack. Phoebe, will you put Wyatt in bed??" asked Piper
"Sure. You go get some rest. You and Paige are gonna have an early morning tomorrow. So sleep tight!"
"I better go to bed too," announced Paige as she put the dishes in the sink.
"Good idea. I'll wake you guys in the morning so that we can get to the airport in good timing."
Phoebe eventually gave Wyatt a bath and put him to bed. She decided maybe she should go to bed because she had to drive Piper and Paige to the airport in the morning.

Paige had been sleeping soundly. Most likely having dreams of her and Richard. She thought she heard someone calling her name but she thought she was imagining it. That was, until someone started shaking her.
"Paige!! Paige!!!!" Phoebe screamed, "Get your ASS out of bed right NOW!! Paige Oh my god we are soo late. Get up NOW!!" shrieked Phoebe
"What?? Why?? What time is it??" asked Paige
"Paige! We have like forty five minutes to get ready, you still have to finish packing, and we have to go to the airport." Phoebe explained
"What about Piper??" Paige asked
"She's in the shower. Now hurry up!"
Half an hour later, both Piper and Paige walked downstairs to find Phoebe waiting with their stuff. She was impatiently tapping her foot. Piper couldn't help but laugh. She was acting like a mother who's kids were going to be late on the first day of school.
Phoebe kissed her sisters goodbye and drove home. She put Wyatt in his playpen and went to go make some mac n cheese for him. As she walked into the kitchen she had an eerie feeling that she wasn't alone.
After she fed and changed Wyatt, she went to work on her column. The phone started to ring but Phoebe was zoned. She had been working on the computer for about an hour and wasn't ready to get up and answer the phone. Finally after about the fifth ring she answered thinking that it might be her sisters. Wrong!! It was Jason.
"Jason......hi," Phoebe said uncomfortably.
"Phoebe, hey. Look, I was just wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat later on tonight," Jason said.
"I can't leave Wyatt with a babysitter tonight. And I really don't want to bring him with us. But maybe you could come over here??" Phoebe asked with a sly smile.
"Sure. I'll be there around six.....I love you," and with that Jason hung up.
Jason stayed at the house until around 11 and then he decided he should get home because he had to be at work around five. After Jason left, phoebe tucked Wyatt in bed and went to take a bath. After the bath she went to the kitchen to clean up. While she was cleaning she had the same eerie feeling that somebody was watching her. She hurried up to bed. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.