disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.

Chapter 1 Rainy night in Ningekai

The cold rain pounded the ground, rooftops, and street, causing a whimsical song that assaulted my senses. The large maple leaves of the tree in which I sat filtered most of the rain away from my small frame, leaving my black uniform in a slightly dampened state. It was fairly uncomfortable, but I had been wet before. Besides all my attention was focused ahead of me through this second story window on this nice suburban home. This was my favorite window; the window that belonged to Kurama. With my chi masked I could watch him unnoticed.

I could see him inside his room. He was sitting at a large oak desk with his back turned to me. He already had a set of dark blue pajamas on, and his hair hung loosely across his back. Kurama shifted in his chair and tucked a few loose strands of red hair behind his ear. Now I could see that he was reading a book. A medium sized paper back with a vermilion cover. I never got why he liked books so much. He loved reading them, especially ones on botany.

A clap of thunder sounded in the sky above me, along with a gust of wind. The cold air penetrated my wet cloths causing me to shiver. I reached out with my hands and opened the window in front of me. Kurama always left it unlocked when it rained. He was so kind to me, even when I showed very little of how much I cared about him. I gracefully swung my legs over the cold metal frame and landed with a soft thump on his carpeted floor.

I knew that he was aware of my presence even if he made no show of it. I crossed the room and sat down on his bed. My fingers carelessly traced the stitched patterns on his green comforter hoping he would speak soon. A peaceful silence hung through the air. I was used to silence since I rarely chose to be in anyone's company. It was one of those times that it's so quiet that you can hear someone's breathing, the tick of a clock, and the tuning of a page in a book like it's right by your ear. Then the few seconds in-between breaths where it's so quiet that only a ringing fills the air. A small high-pitched noise that you can only hear when there are no other noises to be had. I wonder if it's always there, and we just don't notice it.

A thud interrupted my thoughts bringing me back to reality. The kitsune set his book on his desk and shifted some of his homework on top of it so I couldn't read the title. Like I cared about ningen literature anyway. He swiveled his desk chair around and faced me with a broad smile.

"Hello Hiei how are you doing?" He asked.

"Hn. fine I guess." His kind soft voice always made anything I said sound horribly uncivilized. His always came out in the same gentle tone. He never seemed angry or sad. I wondered how he could so at ease all the time.

"Well it is rather late, and I do have school tomorrow so would you mind if I turned in early?"

Kurama rose from his chair and gathered some spare pillows and blankets form his closet. I felt slightly disappointed that we wouldn't have any time to talk. Not that I talked much, I mostly just listened to his voice. It was comforting somehow.

He arranged the extra beddings into a make shift bed on the floor. And then retrieved a set of dry cloths from his dresser.

"Here you can change into these until yours dry. Oh, and you can take the bed. I'll gladly accept the floor."

"This is your home Baka." I commented as I began to change right in front of him. I don't exactly have the same moral codes as everyone else, and the kitsune seemed unperturbed by it.

"I am perfectly aware of that, but you are a guest." He answered with small hint of amusement in his voice.

"You think it's so funny?" I yelled at him gruffly, realizing the humorous way his cloths swam around me.

"Good night Hiei," Kurama said before tuning off the lights.

I had little choice but to slide into his bed, but it was a very snug place to sleep. He always made me take the bed, and although I claimed that ningens relied on to much on comfort, and that all these pillows, and blankets were TOO soft, I rather enjoyed the kitsunes bed. Every time I shifted the blankets around me they would release the soft sent of roses into the air, and now I found myself purposefully drinking in the sent. It smelled so lovely, and I buried my face into his pillow to get more. I would never be one to give a compliment, but I had never met someone as lovely smelling as my fox. My fox. If only.

It sent an odd chill up my spine every time I saw Kurama sleeping. The moon's light, and the darkness's shadows playing across his face gave him an ethereal glow, that made him appear to be some kind of angel, or the wisest of men. He always had a content smile on his countenance like he was off in some kind of dream land utopia. He was so beautiful when he slept.

Sighing at how warm his bed was I unintentionally drifted asleep my eyes still riveted on Kurama's sleeping body.

Ahh...I love Hiei! He is super cool! Any way this is the first chapter of my story Zoloft. You'll understand why I named it that later. There is about seven more chapters that are coming. I have most of the story written already.