A/N: XDD I got the Dumbledore/Buckbeak idea from a reviewer. o.o yuh.

Hogwarts gets High

One day, Harry and Draco were sitting on a giant flower together, having a sip of tea.

"Draco, dearie, mind fetching me my cardigan? I am feeling very cold." Harry yelled.

"Oh, yes, it does seem a bit cold out, doesn't it? But I will get Mr. Snuzzles to keep you warm." Draco snapped his fingers, and his imaginary friend came over and hugged Harry.

"Well I never! Mr. Snuzzles is very nice indeed!"

"He is, isn't he?"

Then, Ron came over. "Yo, mah homeeez! Sup in da ghetto? Ahve been havin' a wonduhful time, back there! Y'all should come see it sometime, yo!"

"What is happening, dear child?"

"Yo, da winged horse-lion-eagle man, he is BANGIN!"

"Who's he banging, dearie?

Just then Hermione came over.


So...they went to the lobby. What IS a lobby anyway? They didn't know. So they went to the library.

One of the books bit Harry's head off.

"HAHAHA! HARRYS DEAD!" Hermione started cracking up.

But then they saw Buckbeak. He looked saaad.

"What's wrong, Beaky?" Draco asked, stroking him affectionately.

"I miss Dumbledore. Where is he?"

"What do you want with Dumbledore, dearie?"


So Draco took Buckbeak to Dumbledore.'s office. But suddenly they disappeared into a meadow with lots of flowers.

"OOH, PRETTY FLOWERS!" Draco picked them and put them in his hair.

"Hello, Dumbledore." Buckbeak said, as Dumbledore was suddenly there.

"Hello, Buckbeak. I have something I have to tell you..."


"You are my suunshine, my only sunshine. You make me HAPPPIIIEE..." Dumbledore started to sing off key, but then he turned into a purple marshmallow.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Buckbeak screamed, and fell to his knees. "DUMBLEDORE, I LOVED YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! kisses the marshmallow I WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF THIS MARSHMALLOW, AND NEVER FORGET YOU, MY LOVE!" But then, when no one was looking, he ate the marshmallow.

Hermione poked him on the shoulder. "I have something I have to tell you."


"...I'm Dumbledore." she pulled off a costume.

"DUMBLEDORE, MY DARLING!" he started making out with him.

"If she's Dumbledore, who's Hermione?" Draco asked suddenly.

"I am." Ron pulled off a costume."


Buckbeak paused for a second to throw up the marshmallow.

"I am." the marshmallow said.

"Then who's the marshmallow? Oh. That's right. I am." Draco pulled off a costume. "Wait. Then who's Draco?"

Buckbeak pulled off a costume. "I am." then he pulled off another. "I was lying. I'm not really. Harry is."

"Then who's Harry?"

"No one. A book killed him."


"I love you, Dumbledore." Buckbeak sighed.

"I love you too, Beaky-poo."

XDD That has to be the randomest thing I've ever written. Review, darling.