A Typical Night:

"Have you finished your homework?" Hermione questioned Ron.

"No," Ron answered carelessly.

"Have you at least started?"


"Ron!" Hermione was now getting annoyed.

"What?" He now looked up from the chess bored, Harry and he were playing.

"You better get started. If you don't hurry up to do it then I won't help you." She smirked.

"Hermione it's the second day of holidays. I have two weeks. And you shouldn't threat, especially when you're not going to go through with it."


"You will always help Harry and me with our homework. No matter what you think. Why aren't you getting on his case, anyway?"

"Because he'll get it done, without me telling him to. Unlike someone else I know."

"I will too!"

"No you won't!"

"Do you really think I need you to tell me what to do? I DON'T! Come on Hermione give me a break. It's the Christmas holidays. Can't you stop nagging me?" Ron asked even though he knew she would never stop.

"That's what you think I do? Nag? Well I'm glad. Someone needs to keep you in line."

"You think you keep me in line?" Ron laughed.


"Who else do you keep in line? ...You're precious Vicky? Or is he too perfect for you to say anything bad about?"


"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Ron was now standing up shouting at Hermione. She was shouting back.



"STOP IT!" Harry and Ginny yelled cutting Ron off. The four of them were the only ones left in the house; everyone else went home for the holidays. Harry was sitting at the table with the chess board. Ginny was on a chair by the fire with a book.

"Sorry Harry, Ginny. I'm going to my room. She glared at Ron.

"Great!" Ron said to her sarcastically. Hermione thought he was being sincere. She started cry though no one saw her back was already to them as she climbed the stairs. Ron just gazed at her.

"Yeah I think I'll go to bed to" Ron added upset with him self. He went up the stairs to the boys' dormitory, leaving Harry and Ginny alone.

Sorry its so short. Next should be up soon. Please send reveiws. I love to know what everyone
thinks (no matter what you think about it)