The Best Soy Latte

Summary: Title says it all! Okay so it doesn't. This is a Charlie/Tonks. Hopefully not all fluff. Seriously, it has depth. Not deep depth, just depth. R&R!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Harry Potter universe, so sue me...or rather don't. The lyrics don't belong to me either. They belong to Green Day.

Rating: PG-13 for language and for substance abuse sometime in the future and probably for some sexuality also in the future, not sure though. Also for 'thematic elements' (wow I feel all official). Does anyone look at ratings when they pick stories? Just wondering.

A/n: Well, if you've gotten this far then you should know that this is set at the very beginning of Voldemort's second power fix, but most of it takes place in 'flashback'/memory mode during Charlie and Tonks's school days. Let's see, all the math is relative to what makes sense to me so if you think there's something seriously wrong with just holler. At the beginning of each chapter I'm gonna have a song, mostly because it's fun for me and I like music. The songs will usually have something to do with the chapter, use your imagination. I don't think I have any Mary Sues but then again I'm not entirely sure what a Mary Sue is. I've considered doing a C/T almost since the ship occurred to me when I read book 5. At that point I had no idea that anyone had written them before. Oh and if anyone can tell me how to do italics, I will love you forever, until I know, thoughts will be in sets of ''. Anyhow here it is. Enjoy!

"Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)"

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.

Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time.

Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial.

For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

They both stood there for a few moments. "Sirius," she said finally, staring up at her cousin.

"Nymphie. Or is it Tonks now?"

"Tonks mostly."

More silence.

"It's been a long time little sister," he said finally. She grinned suddenly, the old pet name breaking the tension.

"Fourteen years, right?" she asked.

"Yup, you were - what? Seven?"

"Eight," she corrected.

"And now?"


It was the first meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. With the return of You-Know-Who and the Ministry denying that the dark lord had come back to power, Albus Dumbledore had decided to reinstate the order, a group dedicated to fighting You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters. Dumbledore had decided to start it off with a get together so everyone could get acquainted. Or reacquainted.

Nymphadora Tonks and Sirius Black had known each other since her birth. He had been the fourth person to hold her, first a nurse, then her mother, her father, and then Sirius. He had been given a month of detentions for sneaking out of Hogwarts for the occasion. When she was eight he was sent to Azkaban. She had spent fourteen years hearing stories about how evil he was, agreeing with people's comments outwardly, but never quite believing them. Then she had found out. She had been right to not believe them. And that brought them to the present.

"We should talk," said Sirius. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

She nodded and let him lead her to a seat.

"How's your mother?" he asked.

"Okay I guess. I haven't seen her in a while. She's not like she used to be, Sirius. After you got was like she didn't know how to function anymore. You were her hope you know. I guess she figured if you could be so good...even with that family..." she was babbling. "Now she thinks everyone's bad, 'specially me. Anyhow, it doesn't matter. I don't see her much now that I've finished my training.'

"I heard you passed Auror tests last year."

"Yeah," she said proudly, "I'm the youngest Auror in the Ministry. No one's gotten into the Academy since I did."


"So, what about you?"

"I was in jail for twelve years and I've been on the run for two. Not much to tell."

There was an awkward sort of silence.

"I was talking to Bill Weasley before you came," said Sirius suddenly and a bit randomly. "He said he knew you at Hogwarts."

"Yeah. Bill was in my house. Different year though. His brother...his brother was in my year though." She had a funny look on her face.

"Were you friends with...whatever his name was...the brother?" Sirius knew there was something up. He knew he might be being nosy but he was curious.

"Charlie, his name's Charlie, and, yeah, we were pretty good friends."

"More than friends?"

"You're prying cousin." Tonks growled, obviously embarrassed.

"C'mon," teased Sirius, "you can tell your favorite relative."

"But I'm not going to."

"Why not?"

"Because it's none of your bloody damned business, that's why."

"Okay, so more than friends, but you broke up. It was a crappy break-up and you haven't spoken to him since."

"I never said that."

"Maybe not directly. I know all about breakups. I was quite the ladies' man in my day."

Tonks raised an eyebrow, "You were, were you?"

"Yup. So am I right, about you and Charlie?"

"Yes," said Tonks irritably, "but that's not the whole story."

"Care to tell me 'the whole story'?"


"Plllleeeeaaaassssse," he begged, pouting.

Tonks laughed in spite of herself. "Alright, but you have to listen like a good boy. No interrupting," she said in a mock patronizing voice.

"Of course I will Auntie Dora," said Sirius.

"And get comfortable, it's a long story." He nodded. "I met Charlie in our first year--"

"How?" asked her one-man audience.

"Merlin's beard Sirius! That was only the first sentence! I told you not to interrupt."


"Anyway, knew each other from class and stuff, but we didn't really meet until October. We both had detention with—"

"Detention? In October of your first year? Even James and I didn't have a detention until November. I remember what for too. On Halloween we—"

"Dammit, Sirius let me finish!"


"We both had detention with Filch..."

'In detention already,' thought Dora as she walked down the corridor to the kitchens. She grinned suddenly; 'Oh isn't Filch the brilliant one. Having me wash dishes for punishment. Mum says that house-elves work in the kitchens. As if they would let me do work that they could do.' Filch was waiting in the room off the Great Hall. He didn't say a word to her as he tickled the pear in the proper portrait. The portrait moved aside.

"I'll be back for you at 1 o'clock and I better not hear that the two of you've been lettin' the elves do all the work," said Filch as he left her.

Dora smirked, 'No you won't be hearing about it'. Then she frowned, 'What did he mean "the two of you,"' she wondered.

Shrugging she walked into the kitchens. They were huge. In the middle, the five tables that corresponded with the house tables and the high table in the Great Hall were covered in dirty dishes that were being cleared away by dozens of elves. Around the rest of the room were stoves, cupboards, and millions of... "WHOA!" Dora, in her awe of the immensity of the space, had tripped over a house-elf and was sent flying into the Hufflepuff table. She lay dazed for a moment listening to anxious house-elves squeaking. Then, a hand appeared in front of her face. A hand with no visible body. 'Merlin's beard, I'm seeing things. I must have a concussion.' She thought, panicking. 'Or maybe I'm going insane.'

"You okay?" came a voice.

"Huh?" was the incredibly intelligent response. 'I'm hearing things too...'

Someone (human, not elven) sat down next to her. Wait, there was a person attached the voice and the hand. She wasn't mad. She sat up, smacked her head on the table, clapped a hand to her head, and looked around, determined to straighten out her extremely confused brain. A bunch of house- elves were crowded around her looking distressed. A boy sat beside her looking slightly amused. She recognized him. His name was Charlie Weasley and he was one of her fellow Gryffindor first years. She couldn't really get a good look at him, lights were still flashing in her eyes, but she did make-out nearly fluorescently bright red hair, loads of freckles, and hazel eyes.

Charlie, seeing that she was all right, stood and (once again) offered his hand to help her up. This time, Dora took it and scrambled to her feet. She felt monumentally stupid.

"That was graceful," remarked Charlie matter-of-factly. Dora stared at him. That was not exactly what she had expected him to say. Then, she grinned. Expected or not the casual comment gave her a good first impression of him.

"Wasn't it," she said sarcastically. "Walking has always been a strong point with me."

Charlie grinned, "You're Nymphadora Tonks." It wasn't really a question. "You're the one who dumped potting soil on Professor Sprout on the first day of Herbology."

"It's Dora," she said firmly. "And you are Charlie Weasley, the only first year able to land a broom properly, according to Madam Hooch."

"Pleasure to meet you Dora." Charlie held out his hand.

Dora shook it. "So what'd ya do to land yourself in detention," she asked, guessing that was why he was there.

"Snuck down to see Hagrid after hours. He's taking care of some porlocks for Professor Kettleburn and I wanted to get a look at them."

"Animal lover, huh?"

"You could say that. What'd you do?"

"Cursed a Slytherin," replied Dora. She seemed defiantly triumphant.

"Why?" asked Charlie.

"He's my second cousin."

"You cursed him cause he's your cousin."

"No, I cursed him cause he's a slimy little git. He was calling me a Mudblood and saying really nasty stuff about my parents."

"But if he's your cousin... I mean he's related to you so wouldn't he be insulting his own family."

"Not the way he looks at it," snarled Dora. Charlie looked at her inquisitively. "My mother's family is all purebloods. They disowned her when she married my father who's muggle-born," she explained shortly.

He nodded; obviously she didn't want to talk about it, at least not to a near stranger.

"So, you plan on playing Quidditch next year?" he asked.

"I thought I'd try out..."

"So that was how we met. We chatted for the rest of our detention. Never washed a single dish. The elves promised not to tell though."

"So that was it," said Sirius. "You went to detention, fell down, talked to the guy, and were suddenly madly in love. Merlin, Tonks you were only eleven!" He seemed delighted rather than disturbed by the thought.

"Don't be thick," said Tonks. "We were just friends then. When we got back to the common room—"

"You started snogging."

"No, my friend Millie and Charlie's friend Rusty were waiting up for us. They had been talking some and we all just sort of became friends."

"But I thought you went out with the guy!" said Sirius indignantly.

"Yeah but that wasn't for a while."

"So, get on with it."


A/n: Well there it is. Hope you liked it. I'll update soon. Please review. I appreciate any review but constructive criticism would be best. (Oh and just so you know, at no time, under any circumstances will Millie and Rusty's relationship be anything but platonic)

Thanks to everyone who reviews and to my snazzy beta Windowseat Wonderer!

Until next time!