A/N: I give you the epilogue! NOW, I'm done.

Read and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Yu-Gi-Oh!


They had shared a passionate kiss after they spoke those words. It would have gone farther than a kiss, though, had Tea not just remembered something very important. She placed both her hands on his chest, motioning him to stop.

"What's wrong?" Bakura asked worried that perhaps she was hurt; after all, she did pierce a large sword through her chest. Maybe now it was hurting her?

"Nothing is wrong," she told him, "it's just that…there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"About?" he asked a hint of impatience in his voice. He really wanted to get back to kissing.

"About that doctor's appointment I had," she answered as she grinned.

"Doctor's appointment? Anzu, that was a long time ago. I can see that you're healthy," he told her, but then considered, "unless you have a disease?" He didn't hide the worry in his voice.

"No, no, nothing of the sort!" she assured.

"Then why bring it up?"

She gave him a toothy grin before she told him very sweetly, "I'm pregnant, Baku-chan!"

Everything went dead silent.

Tea couldn't tell if Bakura was happy, his face showed absolutely no emotion. It was completely blank.

It was taking time for the words she had just spoken to process in his mind. 'Had she just said she was…' at last, the meaning to her words registered.

"You're what!" he yelled louder than she had ever heard him, but he wasn't upset, she knew, just surprised. She couldn't help but giggle.

Yasuo came rushing into the room upon hearing his father's loud scream, worried that something had happened. As soon as he reached the room, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his dear mother laughing merrily, most likely, at his father's expense.

"Mother…" he whispered, feeling that speaking too loudly would cause her to vanish.

Tea turned around when she heard her son and gave him the biggest smile she had and then said to him, "Good morning, Yasuo. I hope you're noisy father didn't wake you."

The young boy merely stood there, a smile forming on his face. He began to shake from silent laughter before he ran and shouted, "Mom!" He hugged her tight, tears of joy flowing down his cheeks.

She returned the hug and gave a small smile. How she was glad to be back!

Bakura, now out of his shock, looked on happily. He was going to have another child. Another child to love and adore. He couldn't be happier.

As mother and child hugged, the rest of the group came in as well to investigate the loud yell, and they, too, stopped when they saw Tea. She merely looked up at them and, well, smiled.

After their shock had passed, Tea told them everything that had happened, up to the point where she had told Bakura the news of her pregnancy, and they couldn't help but repeat the same thing as Bakura and just as loudly too.

It seemed everything was going to be alright from now on.


Tea lay on the grass, gazing at the clouds in the sky. She could hear her children playing not to far from her. They were playing tag, she believed, with everyone, everyone meaning every one of her friends. She would join soon, but she needed a moment to herself. It was the anniversary of the day she destroyed Light and Dark, and she couldn't help but think a lot on this day.

She looked over to the group playing, and saw that Joey had made her daughter cry and Bakura, Seto, Marik, and Malik were ganging up on him. She smiled as she saw Yasuo trying to cheer his sister up; he truly adored her and always tried to make her happy.

Her name was Aruka, and was a sweet, shy five year old who had been nothing more than another blessing in Tea's life. 'One that could not have existed…' Tea shook her head, removing the thought from her mind. She thought like that a lot on this day.

"Anzu?" she looked up to see Bakura staring down at her, apparently they manage to calm Aruka and resumed the game, "Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is," she told him.

"You're lying," he stated.

"You know me too well."

"Of course, I'm your husband," he teased, as he took as seat beside her, "Now, are you thinking about that day?"

Tea knew what he was talking about, and couldn't believe how well he really knew her. She just nodded her head lightly and said, "Yeah, can't really help it."

"You should just forget about it," he advised.

"I can't seem to. I just can't stop thinking of what I saw. The real universe that we were meant to live in. The 'what ifs' and 'what could have been'," she sadly said.

"Anzu," Bakura took hold of her hand, "all that doesn't matter. What matters is that we are here. You and I, we are here together, living this life. Not the one you saw. That doesn't exist to us, not here, not ever."

"Bakura…" she whispered as she looked at the ground.

"Look," Bakura gently took hold of her chin and titled her head to look at Yasuo and Aruka, "Look at them. We created them, Anzu, they are real, they exist in this world because they were meant to. Forget about the 'what ifs', they don't exist; this was what was meant to happen. Don't forget that."

Tea looked at her kids and smiled. Yes, Bakura was right, everything was at it should be in this world.

"You're right," she said as she stood up, "It's time I forgot what I saw, and live the life I was meant to, this life, with you by my side, and my children…now until the very end."

"Right," he said, standing up as well and giving her a quick kiss.

"Daddy, come play with us!" Aruka's small voice was heard.

"You, too, mom!" Yasuo cried out.

"Coming, coming," Bakura told them. He looked at Tea and wondered if she was coming along as well.

"I'll be right there," she assured. He nodded and took off to join the others.

Tea kept her gaze on his retreating form before gazing back at the clouds. She smiled as she felt the warmth of the sun.

'I'll remember what you said Bakura. This was meant to be, for had it not been, I would never have found my way back to you,' she thought.

Looking away from the passing clouds, she began to walk toward her friends and family to join in on the fun and forget any worry she ever had.

And she lived out her life like that, with Bakura always by her side, until the very end. But even when they're gone, they knew that their love would live on.

After all, their love was eternally forever.

o0oThe Endo0o

A/N: Bleh, at last, no more of this story. It is finally completed. Yay, I'm so happy. Now it's time to concentrate on other stories and if your wondering if I'll write another Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic, weeelll, that's a maybe, but if I do, it will probably be a Seto/Anzu one… Yeah, well, we'll see how that goes….

Before I go, I would just like to say "THANK YOU" to all of those who have read, or read and reviewed this trilogy. If it weren't for you I don't think I would have finished it. So thanks again!

Hope to write and see you again,
