Author's Note: This is the second poem in my 3-part series of poems
written by Tifa for Cloud. Please note that the events in this poem
actually happened to me in ninth grade, well, with the exception of the
ending of course!

I met you in the dark
I had no clue who you were
Where you came from
What you had done
I only knew you from what I heard

I had never seen you
Never heard you
Never felt you
All I knew was what you wrote

I said I loved you
That I did
You had no feelings for me
Not even a friend

And as you life turned up and down so did mine
We grew apart, you at I
You met someone, I stayed alone
You were worried, I tried to comfort you

You never loved me
Never believed in me
Never thought I helped you
Wouldn't get close to me

You'd whine and complain, and I'd just listen
I heard it for hours a day
And she didn't

I put up with it
She got upset
When she would comfort you, you would be happy
When I would comfort you, you would say "back off"

I said I loved you
That I did
You had no feelings for me
Not even a friend

You were depressed when you were with her
You thought she didn't love you
I said she did
You didn't believe me

I put only pain into my life
Suffered for months
Comforted for weeks
Worried for days
Cried for hours
Just so you could be happy for a minute

I would have given my life for your eternal happiness
And you would take it
You didn't want to believe that I might be the one for you
All you wanted was her, and she was beginning to not want you

You never loved me
Never believed in me
Never thought I helped you
Wouldn't get close to me

I listened to you for months
I fell in love with you
You took my feelings
And threw them in the trash

But you were kind
Kind in the heart
A good person
Just confused

I comforted
You thought I was the only one who cared
But you could not love me

I left you when you needed me most
So that I might talk to someone else
How stupid of me
I didn't come back for too long

I received it like a bullet
And cried it like a river
A suicide note
From you

I left you
Thinking you would be there
But you weren't
And I wanted to die

Then you returned to me
You lived
As I prayed
My prayer stopped you from your horrible deed

The one who cares most truly was me
And I was the one for you
But you still could not see it
You were still blind

Then she left you
Left you crying in an empty cell of misery
Left you to kill yourself
You could never live without her

They years had come between us
And I never knew she left you
Had forgotten about you
Tried to move on from you

My life went on
I married
Was happy
Never thought of you

Never thought of the time we spent together
Never thought of the things we said to one another
Never thought of the love I had forever
Pushed that out of my mind
Tried to forget

I would sit for hours, talking to my husband
Admiring his features
And his mine
The happiness we shared

I loved him more than anyone
His light colored hair
His blue eyes, surrounded by a glint of jade
His unique sense of style

And I would say his name in my head a thousand fold
Until I could no longer pronounce it
And then I realized who he was
My husband

What we wrote was stored in my heart
I read them over and over
Remembered your description
Remembered your name

And when I looked at my husband again
He was no longer just my husband
He was you

You who had hurt me so bad
You who had never loved me, like I loved you
You who had crushed my feelings, heart and soul
You who had abused my love for you
And you were with me

I who had abandoned you
I who had loved you too much
I who had hurt you at times
I who had sacrificed so much for you
And I was with you

I shed a tear at the revelation
You held me close
And I told you what I knew
And you just smiled

"I knew all along," you said
"I didn't want to say anything," you told me
"You never forgot me?" I asked
"You remembered me all this time?" I questioned

And you told me this:
That you could never forget me
Because I cared so much for you
I loved you so much
You would never forget
All that I had done

And so I knew from that day on
That even though someone acts like they don't care
They do
Even if they say the don't
They do

When you think they don't care
They do
When you think they forgot you
They didn't

Because people never forget
What their heart truly knows
I had never forgotten
Just moved on

And when you returned to me
My heart recalled
The love I had for you
And the love you had for me, you described
A long time coming