In honor of Black Knight who reminded me that I have been going a little crazy starting new stories. I don't typically like to have this many started without and end, but sometimes, you just get a new idea. So, in addition to this one, expect other updates soon on ones you may have thought I'd forgotten.

Let me know what you think!

Lizzie stared at her as she heard the faint wail of sirens that had yet to ebb from the distance. "You need to stay here. Stay towards the front of the yard, if anyone drives by use what's left of that shirt to flag them down. It will be easier on you if you don't have to walk. You may have sprained something worse than we think." She felt an aching at leaving her hurt friend where she was. She took a deep breath and leaned down and hugged her tightly. "It's so we can make sure that you're okay."

Miranda bit her bottom lip, but nodded. Lizzie looked around, checking for a place that would be far from any debris and also any danger that might present itself that Miranda would be unable to run away from. Finally, she spotted the area by the fence. Her dad had always complained about it because it was a ditch that often collect water when it rained. Though the house was no longer standing, the simple fence was. Forcing the lost home from her mind, Lizzie helped Miranda towards the ditch.

"If anything happens, just duck down and you should be safe."

Miranda cocked her head to the side as she stared at her friend. "You don't think it's over do you?"

"Regardless of what I think, a ditch should be the safest place for you, as long as a water main doesn't bust," Lizzie joked. A pained smiled crossed Miranda's face as she settled back in the small dip.

"If it does, I'll just float, look for me down river."

Lizzie impulsively hugged her friend one more time before she turned and started down the street.

The impact of how much had changed was starting to hit. Hardly any of the houses were standing, let alone recognizable. Lizzie felt sharp tears of loss sting her eyes. Sniffling, she tried to be thankful that everyone was okay. But as her watery eyes skimmed the horizon, she saw the destruction of everything she had once knew, and solitary tears slipped down her face as she turned the corner.

Her mind drifted to her parents and Matt. She'd done so well in avoiding thoughts of them, but now there was nothing to distract her attention. Suddenly, the tears started to fall faster. They had to be all right. It just wasn't an option for anything else.

She stared ahead of her and was surprised to realize that she'd walked faster than normal, and her feet had carried her towards downtown, she had only four more block, and she would be in the normally crowded part of town.

A she neared the corner, her attention was caught by a figure sitting on the edge of the corner.

"Ethan?" she called, wiping her teary eyes with the back of her hand. She came closer and realized that it was him. "Ethan, are you all right?"