Love Letters

(Part Two)


A/N: Hear the cries of 'Oh my God! She isn't dead!' I know, I know, it'sbeen a while...I've had this written for along timenow but kind of forgot about uploading it. I've been crazy busy recently. Anyway – enjoy!

Formatting here is the same as the first chapter.

Tai –

Hey mate, sorry I missed you. Being a total dunce today and completely forgot you have training tonight. I've known you for about 500 years and I still can't seem to remember the days you have football! Anyway - I just stopped by to say thanks for helping me out with the computer thing last night (completely saved my arse in class today btw) and was probably going to buy you chocolate or alcohol or something similar but since you're not here, I obviously can't. Hard luck. But I wanted you to know that the thought was there! I've left this note in Kari's capable hands and now I have to go and grovel to Izzy to make things up to HIM. No rest for the wicked, huh? Speak to you soon.


Hey! Got home an hour ago but Kari only just gave me ur note. Cheers for the 'thought' but I'm expectin beta nxt time! Wanna walk 2 skool 2moz?

Sure. Good training?

Eh. The usual. Lotsa mud & running.

Just what you like best.

Exactly. Wot u up 2?


Cooking wot?



I'm making pasta because it's quick and piss-easy. Better?

Yeah. Ugh. I wish I was at urs. Mum's making her leftova casserole. Gag

Don't like it? Learn 2 cook.

Knew u'd say dat

Well ask a stupid question...

Wasn't a question


There's nothin on TV

Oh no! - sarcasm

Wot else am I supposed 2 occupy myself wit besides TV?


Ur so borin

No - I'm so trying not to burn my dinner.

Can I come c u?


Cheers mate. C u in 10

Tai – we've been over this. When I say 'no' it does actually mean something different to when I say 'yes'. Stay there & eat with ur family. I don't hav food 4 u here.

I'm leavin now

I'm not answerin the door when u get here.


Y don't u ever take me seriously?

Coz u never mean it seriously

I'm bolting the door now.

Good. I love a challenge!

Ur an arse.

C u soon!

We'll see.

Hey I'm here now

I know. I'm ignoring the bell.

Aw come on! Let me in

Enjoying my dinner. Mmm.

Yama u kno ur gonna let me in sooner or l8er – y don't u make it easier 4 both of us & just let me in now

This seems pretty easy 2 me right now.

Well I'm not goin anywhere until u let me in

OK. Hav a nice night out there.

I'll sing loudly

Knock urself out.

U still there?

Yeah. When u gonna let me in?

I told u. I'm not.

Yama? It's raining...

I'd luv 2 let u in but I already said I wouldn't. Can't go back on my word now, can I?

I wouldn't tell any1 if u did

Matt? Did u get that? I wouldn't tell any1 if u did

I got it. I'm thinking about it.

OMG please? I can hear thunder.

You're my favourite person. Love u lots.

Hav u learnt ur lesson?


Well...ok. But if u put a foot out of line, ur goin back in the rain.

:-D !

Hey. You ok? You look spaced.

It's English. What do you expect?

You look more spaced than usual.

Don't feel well

Seriously? Like you're going to throw up?

No like I spent a night in the rain

You did not spend a NIGHT in the rain.

Long enough

You were out there hardly any time at all!

Your fault I'm ill. I'll probably be bed-ridden for days...

Aftter 5mins of rain? Thought you were made of sterner stuff, Tai. And if you're ill, why aren't you at home?

And miss an English lesson? Are you mad! The thought would never occur to me


I'm not really ill. Just playing the guilt trip game

Duh. I know.

No you didn't. You were so fooled

You think?

I could have got ill though

Bollocks.I wouldn't have left you out there long enough to get sick. Plus – you would have gone home as soon as you were bored or cold enough.

That's what you think. Have you done any of the work yet?

No. We should start.

Do we have to?

I don't know. Do we?

You're supposed to say yes and bully me into it. I don't ever get anything done otherwise

Oh...I don't want to. I hate this subject. You bully me into not doing it for a change.

Don't do it damn you!


That was easy

I wasn't putting up much of a fight.

I could tell

Hey so if you're not ill, what is wrong?

What do you mean?

I asked why you were looking weird and you said you were ill. But since that was just a big LIE I was wondering what actually is wrong with you.

Nothing really. Just feeling kinda weird

Weird how?

Dunno. Just tired, I guess.

I'm not surprised – you wouldn't bloody leave my house for hours last night

Could we try something? Just a suggestion: you go the rest of this lesson without being horrible to me

I'm not horrible to you

You are

When am I ever horrible?

About 2 seconds ago you were

I wasn't being serious. You know I never mean it.


Okay, seriously now – what is wrong with you? And none of that 'I'm just tired' bullshit.

I told you – nothing is wrong with me.

Like fuck. We're so having a talk when we get out of this lesson.

Can't. Practice.

Since when do you have practice Friday lunch?

Since always. Not my fault you never remember

Why are you lying to me? I know we had lunch together last Friday because that was when we planned to go to the movies at the weekend.

See? Now you can't think of anything to say, can you?

I just don't feel like talking ok?

Tai, come on. You always feel like talking.

Not today. Is that so crazy?


Have I done something to piss you off?


Well you're sure as hell pissing me off right now.

Look: There's no need to talk because THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. Just drop it already.

Fine. Dropping it.




allstar: Hey

allstar: Ok...I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now

jazzslut: I was happy to talk. You were the one who wasn't having any of it.

allstar: I know

allstar: I'm sorry

allstar: Do you see that? I'm apologising.

jazzslut: I see it.

allstar: I'm just being a bit crazy at the moment.

allstar: I don't really know what it is...

allstar: I think that's why I didn't want to talk about it

jazzslut: What, because you don't know what's wrong?

allstar: Yeah. I don't know what's up with me

allstar: Just don't feel quite myself is all. If I knew what was up you'd be the first to know about it.

jazzslut: Oh yeah?

allstar: Honestly

jazzslut: Well...maybe you are getting sick.

allstar: Maybe

jazzslut: I accept your apology.

allstar: And?

jazzslut: And what?

allstar: ...

jazzslut: And I'm sorry too. Okay? I shouldn't have stressed out the way I did.

allstar: So we're good?

jazzslut: We're good.

allstar: Good. Life's way too boring when you're mad at me!

jazzslut: Only because you have no other friends.

allstar: I have lots of friends! more than you anyways

jazzslut: You wish, Tai. If only you could be as popular as me.

allstar: and as arrogant?

jazzslut: You already surpass me there.

allstar: lol. Wot u up to?

jazzslut: Writing my essay.

allstar: For wot?

jazzslut: Literature.

allstar: What's it about?

jazzslut: Too complicated for you to understand.

allstar: Yeah well at least I can throw a ball :p

jazzslut: Fuck you. It's about Shakespeare

allstar: Again? Man do u ever study anything else in that class?

jazzslut: No. Except feminism. Ugh.

allstar: Maybe next term will be better

jazzslut: It better be.

jazzslut: What are you doing?

allstar: Researching ligaments

jazzsluts: Fun.

allstar: It's more fun than I've ever had in my life

allstar: did you know that the word ligament comes from the latin 'ligamentum' meaning band or tie

jazzslut: No.

allstar: U do now. Learn something new every day!

jazzslut: Did you know that Shakespeare invented over 1700 words still used in the English language today?

allstar: No. How'd he do that?

jazzslut: Lots of ways. Adding stuff and changing things.

allstar: cool

jazzslut: Yeah.

allstar: Wot are u doing this weekend?

jazzslut: Nothing much. I have band practice tomorrow lunchtime and Tomo's having a party Sunday. That's all though.

allstar: a party huh?

jazzslut: Yeah. Come if you like.

allstar: Ok

jazzslut: You can meet Koji's boyfriend.

allstar: lol. Excellent.

allstar: What time are we going?

jazzslut: About 9ish?

allstar: ok

allstar: shit no I can't

allstar: It's my Dad's birthday – we're going out for a family dinner

jazzslut: Sounds nice.

allstar: trust me it won't be. Fuckit.

jazzslut: It's his birthday, Tai

allstar: Still won't be fun

jazzslut: Just come to the party later. It'll go on for ages

allstar: ok. If I can get away I'll be there.

jazzslut: Cool.

jazzslut: Anyway, now that we're sorted again I best get back to the essay. Will awaits!

allstar: Will?

jazzslut: Shakespeare.

allstar: ah…

jazzslut: You're such a lost cause.

allstar: am not

jazzslut: Go back to your ligaments. And try not to hurt yourself thinking too hard.

allstar: Hope your computer blows up in your face

jazzslut: Aw. Loving and leaving ya.

'jazzslut' has signed out

A/N: Short, I know, and I'm sorry. Consider youselves lucky I even remembered to post it at all! It hopefully won't be too long before I can get another part out, but I wouldn't like to make any promises. Also, as a side note: Why the hell do I have to use Times New Roman now? I HATE Times New Roman. Grr.