Hey people!! I just got back from my vacation, a week long holiday in surfers paradise, queensland Australia! Im nice and relaxed, so anyway down to business:

Mikazuki Senshi: hehehe, glad you like the dranzer plushie!

Shakon: w00t w00t!! another michel basher! You rule shakon! And thankies for the rating aswell :)

Ozuma's Mine: did I not say you can request plushies? If I say something, I mean it, k? heres your flash leopard plushie! :)

Kohari: heres an archangel plushie! I haven't read "The Past Shall Haunt You" (creepy title [shivers]) but ill read it anyway so that I understand a bit about archangel. And to Kaimonetstaska, I put up with her because shes cool and she puts up nice reviews for me, k?

AnimeCrazedGal: two questions? No problem! 1) Trygator is emily's freaky alligator bitbeast 2) tryhorn is steve's freaky bull bitbeast. That clear things up?

Forfirith: hmm.. hey kai? "if its not sugar its plushies" eh? Maybe ill give her sugar AND plushies, we'll see how you like that [winks] oh wait.. Forfirith, you've sent in another 2 reviews so ill just answer them here. Smiles cure depression? Then benear needs some serious smiling to happen! Its ok, I can bash michel anytime :) rei or kai plushie? How about both? And a bag of sugar aswell. Now, off you go and annoy the hell outta kai for me, k? ;)

Nessi: sure thing, heres a wolborg plushie :)

Sapphire sword: w00t another michel basher! We should make a club and think up new ways to get that stupid ego-maniac American.. no offence to the americans out there, im not dissin your country or anything, I just hate michel, k? and heres a flash leopard plushie, just like you asked for sapphire :) and im looking for any type of song, it dosent matter, ill choose one out of the options that would go with the radio joke

Ozumas Mine: [sighs] tetra, didn't I tell you to bugger off? And im answerin Ozumas mine's reviews, not your annoying little comments. And anyway, pink does clash with green. I have proof of it: one Halloween my best friend sam (I call her red nut mostly cause shes got red hair) dressed up in a fluro pink pair of shorts, fluro green shirt and shoes and a fluro pink headband. Believe me, IT CLASHES.

Kori: your bishies ian? That's.. well.. I dunno, I don't like ian that much, but I guess hes ok... your gonna show my fic to all your friends? Wow im gonna be famous! [dramatically pretends to faint]

Well, that's all my reviews.. for now.. people, please please please please please suggest some songs! I need help on this badly.. anyway, people who suggest a song will get my mystery gift [winks] and you have to suggest if you want to find out what it is! Im evil.. mwahaha... aw damn, donkeys kickin me off now.. something about "I want to talk to my friend reiiji" WHATEVER, I would say, but id get my ass kicked, so seeya people!